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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 405

Chapter 405 

Patrick’s face darkened. kyler!” 

He was not afraid that Gloria would come back, but he had not explained it to Violet yet

Also, when Gloria was overseas, she could arrange for others to target Violet, like the mosquito repellent vaporizer incident

Now that Gloria was by Violet’s side, it was no different from keeping a poisonous snake by her side

The more Patrick thought about it, the more uneasy he felt

He said in a low voice, What’s her attitude towards Violet?” 

Nelson looked serious. When I went over, she was talking to Miss Webb with a smile on her face!” 

To be honest, it would be fine if she deliberately targeted Violet on the surface. However, it was more terrifying if Gloria spoke to others with a smile on her face, as no one had any idea what evil schemes were hidden in Gloria’s heart

Patrick looked stern. What schedule do I have for lunch?” 

Nelson said, We’ve already agreed to discuss a collaboration with Mr. Finley West from Hatch Corp a long time ago. Because the time has changed twice previously, we can’t reject it this time!” 

Patrick’s eyes darkened. What about tonight? There shouldn’t be anything else, right? Book a restaurant. I’ll have a good talk with you Violet.” 

Nelson looked troubled. He pursed his lips and said, The higherups welcome. Gloria back. They’re holding a return party for Gloria tonight. Many higherups. will be there. Moreover, the whole design department should be there. According to Miss Webb’s personality, she will definitely go to the party tonight!” 

Patrick took a deep breath and said with a dark expression, Then I’ll explain to her. personally when we get home tonight!” 

Nelson nodded. Since Gloria has returned to the country, it’s better to let Miss Webb know about what happened before as soon as possible. Try your best to let her be on guard against Gloria to avoid getting injured!” 

Patrick nodded and waved his hand. I know. You don’t have to remind me.” 

Mon, 18 Mar 

Chapter 405 


Due to the return of Glória, the design department became very lively today. Many people were discussing how powerful and outstanding Gloria was

Violet was not very nosy about this

However, she knew very well that Gloria had abilities

Violet hadn’t come to the company for a few days. The submission date for the next quarter’s jewelry series was about to end

Violet sped up the time to make final adjustments to the design draft

She had been busy all day. After work, she followed the design department and went straight to Gloria’s welcome party

The welcome party was held at a fancy restaurant. The company booked the entire floor and welcomed Gloria back. Many people from the company went

The party was a buffet mode

After Violet went over, she and Sophia took some snacks to fill their stomachs

Gloria held a glass of wine and shuttled through the crowd, welcoming everyone to come and play

Violet lowered her head and ate a piece of cake. Just as she was enjoying it, Sophia suddenly nudged her arm. Violet, Mr. Hersey is here!” 

Violet looked up and saw Patrick and a few higherups enter

Gloria greeted him with a smile, but Patrick did not even look at her

Gloria did not seem to be embarrassed. She smiled and talked to a few higherups

Patrick glanced around the hall and saw Violet eating cake in the corner like a little hamste 

He could not help but smile as he walked towards Violet

When Violet saw Patrick, hér checks puffed up as she ate

Seeing Patrick walk over and stand in front of her, Sophia immediately tactfully slipped away

Violet puffed up her cheeks and said, Why are you here?” 

Patrick smiled and pointed at her round cheeks with his index finger. Why are 


MON, 18 

Chapter 405 

you like a little hamster? Your cheeks are bulging from eating!” 


Violet swallowed the food in her mouth and said angrily, I’m not like a hamster. I didn’t eat much at lunch. I’m hungry now!” 

Patrick looked at her gently. Why didn’t you have a good lunch? Did you forget that your wound hasn’t healed yet?” 

Violet smiled embarrassedly, I remember. It’s just that I was busy with the manuscript today, so I casually ate some. I didn’t expect to digest it so quickly!” 

Patrick pinched her ear lovingly. No matter how busy you are with work, you have to take care of your body!” 

Violet nodded. At this moment, she saw Gloria looking at them

She hurriedly said, Today is Ms. Tyler’s welcome party. Don’t sit here with me all the time. Everyone will think too much and think that you don’t welcome her. I’ll just eat here. Go do your work!” 

Patrick looked at her helplessly and shook his head. Alright, I’ll go for a walk. Eat well. Also, let’s go back early later. We don’t have to wait until the party is over before leaving, understand?” 

Violet nodded repeatedly. Yes, just call me when you leave!” 

Patrick smiled and shook his head. He turned around and walked towards Nelson

He and Nelson took some items. As he took the items, he said to Nelson, Send someone to keep an eye on Gloria. I’ve sent Gewissen and Giselle to protect Violet, but I’m still a little worried. If Gloria does anything abnormal, report to me immediately!” 

Nelson nodded. Yes, Mr. Hersey!” 

Not long after Patrick left, Gloria walked over with a glass of red wine and sat beside Violet

She smiled and asked, Ms./Webb, why aren’t you chatting and drinking with your colleagues?” 

Violet smiled and waved her hand. I can’t drink. I’ll just eat something. Go do your thing. Don’t worry about me!” 

Gloria curled her lips. It’s fine. We’re all from the same company. They can feel free to do anything. By the way, Ms. Webb, I heard that you and Mr. Hersey are 

Mon, 18 Mar 

Chapter 4051 


Violet did not expect Glogia to suddenly ask such a personal question


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