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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 406

Chapter 406 

Violet did not expect Gleia to return because of her feelings, and she was a little. complicated

As Gloria spoke, she looked at Violet with a bitter smile and continued, Look, I’m already back now. I still lost to him in the end. There’s no choice. When it comes to relationships, the one who loves deeply will always be the loser!” 

Violet could not bear to see her so sad. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that about your boyfriend just now. That’s true. When it comes to relationships, it’s best to let the people involved deal with it. I hope you can get what you want as soon as possible and be with your boyfriend!” 

A strange light flashed in Gloria’s eyes. Is that really what you think?” 

Violet nodded sincerely. That’s right. I wish you happiness. After all, you’ve already given up on developing overseas. It’s obvious that you really love him!” 

Gloria looked at Violet meaningfully and smiled. Then thank you for your blessings. I will definitely be with him. After all, a substitute will always be a substitute!” 

Although Violet wished Gloria that all lovers would eventually get married, hearing her last sentence that the substitute would always be a substitute made her feel a little uncomfortable. That kind of high and mighty and slightly sarcastic meaning made Violet feel a bit uneasy

At this moment, Gloria saw something and suddenly stood up. I’m going out for a walk. Eat slowly, Ms. Webb!” 

With that, Gloria left in a hurry with a glass of wine

Violet didn’t mind and continued eating

On the other side, Gloria saw Patrick leaving the corridor and hurriedly followed him

As soon as she walked out of the door, she saw Patrick standing by the window at the end of the corridor, looking at something

Gloria tidied up her skirt and walked over unhurriedly

Patrick heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw that it was Gloria. He looked at her coldly and planned to leave



10:47 Mon, 18 Mar 

Chapter 406 

However, just as he was about to pass by Gloria, Gloria grabbed his arm. Patrick…. Are you really so heartless? I’ve already returned, and you are not willing to look at me?” 

Patrick was expressionless. Lago!” 

Gloria frowned. Patrick, I’m going to work at Foreverie Jewelry in the future. I’ll see Violet often and I’ll see you often. Do you plan to treat me like this forever?Patrick looked at her coldly. I said, let go. Don’t make me repeat myself!” 

Gloria panicked. Patrick, we’ve known each other for years. You can’t treat me like this!” 

Patrick’s handsome face instantly darkened and he shook off Gloria’s hand

Gloria’s eyes immediately turned red. Patrick, if you leave now, believe it or not, I’ll go in and tell them in front of everyone that I’m your exgirlfriend. Violet still doesn’t know about our previous relationship, right? I want to completely embarrass Violet. Do you believe it or not?” 

Patrick’s expression immediately darkened. Gloria, what exactly do you want?Gloria’s eyes were red as she looked at Patrick pitifully. Patrick, I just wanted to talk to you. I just came back today and you don’t even look at me. Are you still angry about what happened in the past? I was insensible previously. I shouldn’t have stood you up when we registered our marriage and made you so angry. I really know my mistake. Please forgive me, okay?” 

Patrick looked at Gloria with a sinister expression. Gloria, do you know what I’m most glad about in the past six months?” 

Gloria looked at him blankly

Patrick said in a low voice, That is, you didn’t appear at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau as promised. You stood me up and let me marry Violet. This is the most fortunate thing for me. Even if Violet didn’t appear, I don’t think I would register my marriage with you at that time because I don’t like you at all. I don’t even have the intention to touch you. How can I become a real husband and wife with you?” 

Patrick’s face was cold as he continued, Gloria, I’ve already let you off once. I can treat mosquito repellent vaporizer’s matter as compensation for you and won’t pursue your responsibility anymore. However, you have to know when to stop. You’d better behave yourself. Don’t provoke me again, and don’t target Violet


Chapter 406 

Otherwise, I’ll make you regret being born in this world!” 

With that, Patrick strode away

Gloria tightened her grip on wine glass. Patrick, you can’t do this” 

Patrick ignored her completely

So what if Gloria returned? As long as she dared to harm Violet, she could not blame him for being merciless

Patrick returned to the party hall and saw Sophia talking to Violet. Violet listened absentmindedly as if she was thinking about something

Patrick walked over and pulled Violet’s arm. He said to Sophia, “We’ll go back first. Have fun!” 

Sophia was flattered and quickly nodded

Violet looked up at Patrick with a cold expression. Are we going back now?Patrick nodded. Yes, let’s go home now. I have something to tell you!” 

Violet looked at Patrick with a complicated gaze. Coincidentally, I also have something to ask you!” 

Patrick vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Violet’s attitude, but he did not ask further

The two of them went downstairs without a word

After getting into the car, Patrick started the engine. By the way, Baby, what did you say you wanted to ask me?” 

Violet pursed her lips. Didn’t you say that you had something to tell me? Tell me first!” 

Patrick’s eyes flashed. I want to tell you when I get home!” 

Violet closed her eyes and leaned against the passenger seat. Then we’ll talk about it when we get home!” 

Violet did not seem to intend to speak anymore

Patrick did not force her

The two of them drove straight back to Hersey Court. Without a word, they got 


Chapter 406 

out of the car and entered the villa

Violet walked over and sat on the sofa in the living room. He hugged Viola, who was sleeping, without a smile on his face


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