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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 116

In the clothing store, Nina is accompanying Sunny to choose clothes.

“Nina, do you think it’s good for me to wear this?” Sunny picks up a black skirt and play it on her body to Nina.

Nina shakes his head. Sunny’s skin is smooth and healthy wheat color, wearing black skirt is wasted. Nina goes to pick up a white onepiece from the hanger and hands it to Sunny, “Sunny, try this one.”

Sunny hesitates a little, “My skin is not white enough, will I look black wearing this?”

Nina laughs and shakes her head, “You have the skin of honey color, wearing white just look good!”

Sunny enters the dressing room doubtfully. Nina looks at the clothes on the shelf casually.

Suddenly a familiar voice sounded in the next room which is separated by a row of shelves.

“Troy, I’m so angry! I can’t wear these beautiful clothes now! It’s your entire fault to make me be pregnant and become an old and ugly woman after giving birth.” It is the coquettish voice of Abby Lewis!

Troy, the familiar name makes Nina tremble.

Looking from the gap of clothes on the shelf, it is Troy Roger shopping with Abby Lewis.

Abby is getting fat, and her white and mellow face is full of the breath of rich young mistress of a rich family, accompanied by Troy, who is handsome and elegant as before and his face is still with a habitual gentleman smile, but there is some melancholy between his eyebrows.

Nina quickly hides herself in the middle of the clothes on the shelf. But her heart is beating uncontrollably!

Troy Roger, her senior, is next to! Next to her, only a shelf between them!

But the distance of this shelf is so far. It’s too far away for her to reach him in this life.

The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death. But I stand in front of you and you don’t know I love you. This sentence, suddenly floats on Nina’s heart. It is an old sentence, but now it makes Nina feel sad.

Senior Troy, he must have a good life, right? He got married with Abby, gave birth to a lovely baby, and has lived a happy life.

That’s fine. Senior Troy’s life should have been like this.

Abby is not good enough, but so what? She loves Troy, and that is enough.

Nina’s fingers tightly grasp the clothes on the shelf, just like grasping her aching heart.

“Abby, you don’t like these. Let’s go and have a look at the clothes over there!” Troy smiles gently and leads Abby to the other side.

Nina breathes a sigh of relief. She should be glad that Troy and Abby didn’t come here.

She is not ready to meet Troy. If she could, she hoped that she would never meet him again in her life. Let him keep the best impression of her in his heart.

Looking at Troy and Abby sadly, Nina doesn’t know her eyelashes are wet.

“Hey! What are you looking at, Nina?” Sunny’s voice interrupts Nina’s thoughts.

Nina quickly covers up to wipe the tears in her eyes, and squeezes out a smile, “Sunny, you have changed your clothes?”

Sunny is a little careless, and doesn’t pay much attention to Nina’s unusual appearance. Wearing a white skirt, she turns a circle in front of Nina and asks, “How about that, Nina? Is it pretty? Can I kill the tech men tomorrow night?”

Tomorrow night’s fraternity is with the technology company in the opposite building. It is said that there are many technology men who is high-income, high education, and super handsome.

The white dress is very simple, but it sets off Sunny’s beautiful figure and honey skin. Plus her brilliant smile, white teeth, she is typical Sunshine beauty.

Nina sincerely praises, “Sunny, you are so beautiful! I firmly believe that those tech men will be fascinated by you!”

Sunny teases her hair and says, “Well, I’m going to show my strength tomorrow night. I’m going to hook up one for one and try to get married this year!”

Looking at Sunny’s brilliant smile, Nina is envious. Really, she envies Sunny. Although Sunny doesn’t have a boyfriend, her life is clean and innocent. She just goes to work, loves and has children in the future. All things can be put in the sun. Unlike her, the other side of her life is destined to be in the dark, no qualification to meet the light.

The fraternity is really of high quality. Most of them are handsome men and beautiful women. Even for men and women who are not so outstanding in facial features, their body temperament is first-class.

Looking at it, everyone is good to see. Nina exclaims that she is right to come here today. She is not interested in blind date. She just wants to accompany Sunny and help her check the men she likes. But she didn’t expect to see so many beautiful men and women today.

It seems that all the single, handsome men and beautiful women in the city have come here….

Sunny is very excited and says happily to Nina, “I think my marriage is hopeful!”

The fraternity makes a number matching game. Nina draws 7, so the match with her is No. 17. Sunny draws 23, and the number 33 matches her.


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