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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 122

"All right." Troy nods and smiles.

The hall is filled with people waiting for the movie to begin. Troy casually scans the hall, and suddenly he is attracted by a thin figure in the corner.

The drooping head, dark hair slightly covers half a face. That familiar figure is so like a certain person.

Troy's heart suddenly throbs. Unable to contain the excitement of his heart, he runs quickly toward the slender figure.

"Troy, what are you doing?" Abby sees Troy suddenly running over there, and she runs along with him.

As he suns closer and closer to the corner, his heart jumps more and more urgent, finally he stops in a few steps away from her.

He is right. The girl sitting at the corner is Nina.

A thousand words pour into his heart, but he could not say a word. Troy wants to speak, but he feels his throat is blocked up.

Abby follows up, and in a glance she recognizes Nina, who is still buried in the mobile phone. Envy creeps up on her like a poisonous snake, and her charming face is slightly distorted.

Troy stands quietly in front of Nina and dares not to speak. He is afraid that when he opens his mouth, Nina will disappear and he will have to wait a few more years to meet her again.

Seems to feel the eye sights of Troy, Nina suddenly raises her head.

Her eye sights run into Troy.

Senior Troy…

In Nina's eyes, there is full of shock, and . . . light embarrassment.

"Nina! Where have you been? I called your sister and she said you were killed in a car accident." Troy still feels as if he is dreaming and could not believe that he could meet Nina again.

"Oh? I did not have a car accident. I…I went to live in America for few months." Nina's eyes scans pass Abby beside Troy, says lightly.

Troy's gentle face is with a bit of eagerness, "Nina, how are you in America?"

"What is the matter with you, Troy? You care too much, don't you?" Abby's voice sounds shrill. The words were said to Troy, but her angry eyes were fixed on Nina.

Not wanting to get involved in the dispute between Troy and Abby, Nina stands up and smiles at Troy, "My friend is coming, excuse me."

She also nods politely to Abby and is about to go inside.

"Nina Morrison, I warn you! Stay away from my fiance! Stop being such a bitch!" says Abby.

"Abby, you are way out of line! Do you know what you are talking about? Apologize to Nina!" Troy, who has always been gentle, says in a cold and shrill voice.

Troy never said such heavy words to Abby. She is losing face, but in her heart she hates Nina more! With her mouth clenched and her eyes fixed on Troy, she says, "Troy, do you want me to apologize to this woman?"

"Yes. Nina is my friend. You can not talk to her like that!" Troy's face looks terrible.

Abby is tremble with anger, and tears have come out from her eyes, "Troy, I give birth to a child for you and have been with you all the days. Which part of me is not as this woman? You, you are yelling at me for this woman!"

Troy sighs. When it comes to his son, his heart softens a bit. His eyes no longer look at Abby, but turn to Nina and he says, "Nina, Abby is wrong. I apologize for her rude."

I apologize for her rude.

Nina's heart is hurt by Troy's words.

He apologized for her? On which position? Abby is his son's mother, his own people, his family, so he has a position to apologize for her. Right?

She is a stranger to Troy. She has no chance to go in his life anymore.

Holding back the sadness in her heart, Nina smiles slightly at Troy and says, "It's all right. Do not mind."

Nina turns around and walks toward the door. She is afraid that her tears would come out one second later. All of her strong disguises will collapse and her vulnerability will be completely exposed to the sun.

Nina suddenly loses the mood to see a movie. She calls Sunny, "Sunny, where have you been? I suddenly don't want to see the movie. I am going back. See for yourself."

"I just got to the cinema. Where are you?" As soon as the she speaks, Sunny sees Nina in the crowd.

"Nina, why don't you want to see a movie?"

"I'm ok. I am not in a good mood." Nina says with a slight frown.

"Then let's go to have a big meal! There is a nice new Japanese restaurant in the city center. Let me buy you a dinner. To celebrate resigned today."

"All right." Looking at cheerful look of good friend, Nina does not have the heart to refuse.

The new Japanese restaurant looks really good. The outside decoration is very elegant, and there are two stone fish tanks in the doorway, in which has water lily and goldfish, which have a lot of atmosphere.

Seeing Nina and Sunny come in, the usher at the door is sorry to say, "Ladies, there is no vacant seat now, would you please wait inside the private room?"


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