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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 185

Looking at Nelson, Nina Morrison feels like that her heart is being stabbing by a knife. Although it is better not to argue in front of children, she can’t help it!

Taking a step forward and protecting Nelson in her arms, she shouts at Lucien Gray, “What's wrong with you! Isn't it so normal for such a small child to act petulantly occasionally? Why did you hit him?”

Lucien Gray only wanted to teach Nelson to be a man and not to cry like a little girl, but seeing Nelson’s injured and timid expression. Lucien Gray feels awful.

Lucien Gray squats down and looks at Nelson apologetically, “Nelson, I'm sorry, daddy...Daddy just, just want you to be strong, I didn’t mean to...”

Seeing little Nelson huddled in Nina Morrison’s arms and his big clear eyes full of panics, Lucien Gray feels worse.

He feels guilty. He reaches out to Nelson for a hug, ready to be rejected.

Nelson looks at Lucien Gray, being hesitated for two seconds, then jumps into his arms without hesitation. “Daddy, it’s all right! It’s Nelson bothering Auntie Nina that makes daddy angry. I will behave myself and don’t need companion.”

There are still tears on Nelson’s eyelashes but a big smile on his face.

Lucien Gray’s eyes turn red and he hugs Nelson tightly. His son is so simply thoughtful that makes people feel sorry.

“Let’s go, boy! Daddy will ride the roller coaster with you” Lucien Gray picks Nelson up and seats him down on his shoulders. He says to Nina Morrison, “There’s a water bar over there, you can rest and wait for us

Nina Morrison ignores him. Instead, she looks up at Nelson with a smile and says, “Honey, Auntie Nina will ride with you!”

Nelson opens his eyes wide with surprise, then shakes his head thoughtfully, “Auntie Nina, if you don’t like roller coaster, you don’t need to play with me. I am a man, and I can do it by myself.”

Nina Morrison smiles, “No, Auntie wants to ride it now.”

After the roller coaster, they take a pirate ship and walked a maze. Nelson finally enjoys himself to the full. He touches his belly and says Nina Morrison, “Auntie Nina, I'm hungry.”

Lucien Gray holds his little hand, “Let’s go, we will find a good restaurant and have a good meal!”

With Lucien Gray in one hand and Nina Morrison in the other, Nelson bounces around like a cute little monkey.

Lucien Gray tries to talk to Nina Morrison all the way, but she keeps ignoring him. All her smile and gentleness give to little Nelson alone.


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