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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 194

Hearing the waiter's words, Nina makes a quick decision, "Thank you, please call the police for me."

The waitress is stunned for a moment. She glances at Lucien in embarrassment. It's obvious that they are lovers. Is it too exaggerated to call the police when lovers quarrel with each other?

There are already other guests in the shop talking about Lucien and Nina.

Lucien lets go of Nina, takes out a gold card from his wallet and throws it to the waitress, "I'll give you 3000$. Clear the area for me! Drive away all the guests in the shop!"

The waitress quickly asks the shop manager, who quickly persuades the crowd away.

Now, there are only Lucien and Nina in such a big Starbucks.

Even the shop assistants are very conscious to sit and chat under the awning outside the shop.

Nina is dumbstruck. After five years abroad, she can not keep up with the domestic situation. Compared with five years ago, the rich are more aggrogant!

"Lucien, what can you do but use money to solve problem?" Nina looks at the empty shop and her tone is full of disdain.

Lucien stands in front of her and looks down at her. She can hardly breathe because of the expression in his eyes that he will never let her go.

"Nina, sit down and let's have a good talk." Licien suppresses his feeling of restlessness and frustration, trying to make Nina calm down.

Nina sits down, "Lucien, I just have one word to say, please leave my life. Don't try to control me again."

She is so straightforward that she doesn't believe he can't understand.

Lucien's eyes flashes a hurt look, but he soon conceals it and lights a cigarette. He spits out a light smoke ring, "Nina, do you really hate me?"

Nina nods without hesitation, "Yes."

Lucien can not help but press the cigarette fiercely on the table, and he stares at Nina with anger, "Oh yes? Since you hate me, why do you still shout so excited under me every time we make love? Since you hate me, why do you call my name when you dream at night? Since you hate me, why do you look at the 18th floor from the window of J&Y Group? Don't tell me that you don't know the 18th floor of Gray Group is my office?"

Nina is speechless. Did she call his name when she was dreaming at night? She did look at Lucien's office on the 18th floor from the window, but how did he know that?

"Don't talk rot! I didn't do that!" Nina retorts guiltily with a slightly red face.

"You didn't?" Lucien twists her chin with one hand and smiles sarcastically, "I forgot to tell you that I installed a telescope by the window of the 18th floor, which can see your work station."


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