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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 198

Until Jasmine comes back, Nina is relieved. Then she finds that her palms are full of sweat.

"Jasmine, what happened to your lips?" Jasmine's lips seem to be broken, coagulated a line of scarlet blood mark, looking like a little coquettish.

The smile of Jasmine is as warm as the spring wind, "Oh, it's ok. I accidentally knocked on the door frame just now and broke my lips."

After talking about the topic of lips, they have nothing to say again, and the atmosphere is so embarrassing that they feel uncomfortable.

Nina is no longer in the mood of doing spa. She makes an excuse casually, "Jasmine, I have something else to do. I want to go first. I'm sorry."

Jasmine also puts on her robe and stands up, "Let's go. I happen to have something to do."

They change clothes while chatting.

"Nina, where do you live? Is it far from here?" Jasmine asks the question casually.

"Not very far. It's just over 27 main St." Nina replies with a smile.

"27 main St? Is it the Bamboo Apartment?"

"Well, yes! How do you know?" Nina is a little strange. Not many people know her address. She has few friends in Cagliari.

"Last time Sunny asked me to help find the house, it was for you!" Jasmine's eyes flashes a strange light, and her eyes are fixed on Nina.

"Ah, is that? It was you who helped me. Thank you so much!" Nina sincerely says, "So today's spa is my treat to express my gratitude."

"Ha, you are so kind! You don't have to. I can swipe the card of Lucien, which is unlimited overdraft. More cards and more points. This kind of beauty care is originally for men. Of course, it should cost their money!"


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