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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 202

After a few days in such a muddle, Nina doesn't even pay so much attention to apply for a job. She submits several curriculum vitaes and takes part in the interviews of several companies, but she is not very satisfied.

Fortunately, when she left J&Y Group, she got a large bonus, which is enough to cover her expenses for some time.

Nina thinks it's ironic. If it wasn't for Lucien, would J&Y Group still give her so much severance pay?

She doesn't want to have a relationship with Lucien, and she doesn't want to be attached to him, but she has always been influenced by him.

Now, the influence is really weak. But, she is not used to it...

Curling up in the sofa and watching TV until midnight, Nina doesn't even know it is dark. Nina is barefoot and about to turn on the light when she suddenly hears the sound of rustling outside the door.

Nina is curious and nervous.

Is it that... he comes to see her?

Her body is stiff at the door. She doesn't know if she should rush happily to open the door or ignore it, turn around and go back to sleep.

In a moment of hesitation, a thin and long silver needle is put under the crack of the door. The needle is very long and almost pokes the toe of Nina.

Discerning the needle by the light of the TV, Nina is so shocked that she can hardly breathe.

Not Lucien! The man outside is not Lucien!

What does this silver needle mean? Who's out there? What do they want to do? Nina feels overwhelmingly bloodcurdling and scared, and she instinctively wants to rush back to get the mobile phone to call the police.

Nina is about to turn around when a thin and fragrant white fog comes out of the needle and rises in the air.

Nina desperately presses down her shrill scream, takes a step back, tightly covers her mouth and nose and stares at the rising white fog.

Her eyes begins to get astringent and her throat begins to swell. Until this point, Nina suddenly realizes that this is the legendary overpowering drug!

These people must want to bewilder her first, and then burgle or rape her...

Escape! Escape quickly! Nina covers her mouth and nose, desperately keeps awake, runs to the bedroom, slams the door, locks the door tightly and opens the window to the maximum to let the night wind in.

With a trembling hand, Nina picks up the mobile phone on the head of the bed. She wants to call the police, but her fingers make a ghostly call to Lucien.

"Hello?" At the other end of the phone, his voice is deep and ambiguous, with a little hoarse of hangover.

Nina only has time to say "Come to my house...", then her hands tremble severely so that she can not hold the phone any longer. Her cell phone rolls down on the bed. She can hear the gloomy voice of Lucien, "Isn't our relationship over? Nina, can't you bear the loneliness at last?..."

At the last moment before the coma, Nina has a ironically forced smile on her face.

She is so stupid that she thinks Lucien will come to save her...

Thanks for his heartlessness and humiliation. That's good. She can finally let go of the knot in her mind.

When Nina wakes up, she finds herself in a hospital bed.

With light blue ceiling, white curtains, clean room and expensive medical equipment by the bed, this is the top VIP intensive care unit in Cagliari.


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