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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 216

From dusk to midnight, Nina feels that her strength has been completely overdrawn. She is hugged by Lucien to take a bath. Nina is just lying down ready for a good sleep when Sunny calls.

"Hi, Sunny!"

"Nina, how are you holding up? Calling you so late, I'm not bothering you, am I?" Sunny's tone is apologetic.

"No, I haven't slept yet." Nina explains quickly. The big hands of the man beside her begin to move restlessly, and she hard pulls them away.

"I'm too busy today and don't have free time at all. Nina, are you ok? Lucien said that you would be mostly fine after you injected the serum protein. How are you feeling now?"

Nina's heart warms to hear the words of her good friend, "Now the ankles and calves are still a little bit sore, and nothing else is wrong. Sunny, just enjoy your newlywed time. I'm really fine. You don't have to worry about it. By the way, you are going to Turkey for your honeymoon. Is it tomorrow?"

"Yep, tomorrow. But, Nina, don't you think it's a little strange? I asked the hotel staff that there are no trees near the dressing room. How did the snake get into the dressing room? What's more, the door was locked from the outside. Is it a coincidence?"

Nina bites her lips. In fact, she has a doubt in her heart, but she is not sure. Afraid of Sunny's worries, she has to say, "There are many trees and many kinds of free-range animals in the hotel. It's also possible for snakes to get in. At that time, other bridesmaids had gotten dressed. I was alone in the dressing room, and there was no one from the wedding company. They probably thought the dressing room was empty, so they locked the door. Sunny, it should be just an accident. You don't have to think about it much. Just enjoy your honeymoon."

Finally persuading Sunny not to worry, Nina hangs up the phone. She turns her head and finds Lucien looking at her thoughtfully.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Nina pokes him in the face.

Lucien takes her hand and carries her into his arms, "Nina, there is something I have to tell you."

"What's up?"

"It's not an accident that you were bitten by the snake. I think someone wants to hurt you on purpose. It doesn't work this time. I'm afraid that the person will look for other opportunities. From today on, you must be very careful and you've been going out as little as possible lately. Just lay low for a while."

Lucien pauses, "By the way, you can't live there anymore. You have to move, or I'll be worried."

Nina also knows that this is very serious and she nods tamely, "Well."

Lucien is surprised and pinches her face, "Eh? Why are you so obedient today? You promise me without asking anything?"

Nina pulls away his hand and she is a little depressed, "I also cherish my life, ok? I'm so beautiful and life is so good. I want to live a few more years! I shudder at the thought of that person's look at me. She should not let me go... "

Lucien looks at her deeply, "Do you know who this person is?"

Nina bites her lips, "She sprayed something on my ankle in the bathroom. When the snake bit me, it happened to bite the ankle. But I'm just skeptical, I'm not entirely sure."

Lucien hugs her tightly, "Nina, I'm sorry. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in danger and would not be hurt so much. Can you move to my house after you leave hospital? Let me take care of you. Besides, you can see Nelson every day."

Nina shakes her head, "No."


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