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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 17

Read online Never Late, Never Away free Chapter 17

Vivian cleared her throat and tried to sound as casual as she could. She did not want Finnick to find out about what happened. “Oh, I didn’t manage to have a meal with them in the end. I caught a cold so I excused myself.”

Over on the other end, Finnick did not reply immediately. He felt something was off but was contemplating if he should pursue the matter. “Where are you now?” He decided to drop the matter and give her some space in the end.

“Well, I’m at Yves Mansion. Why don’t you grab something to eat first? And could you ask Molly to prepare some soup? I’ll have it when I reach home.”

Again, there was silence on the other side. Vivian looked at her phone and found out that it had switched off automatically because it ran out of battery.

Damn it! Now of all times?

How am I supposed to go back now?

She tried switching it back on but it just did not work. She stomped her foot in frustration and looked around desperately as she tried to recall the location of the nearest bus stop.

But it was not long before she felt a sharp pain in her ankle. Her high feels were giving her blisters and it hurt badly.

Vivian groaned and shook her head weakly. It was really an unlucky day for her.

The Yves Mansion’s neighborhood was huge and she found herself wandering in the same place even after walking for a few minutes.

The night was getting colder and the frosty breeze blew right through her body. A shiver went down Vivian’s spine and she pulled her cardigan tighter around her thin body as she continued walking.

Just as she was about to take a turn into another road, a glaring light shone right into her eyes.

She tilted her head aside and squinted to see if it was a cab. To her dismay, it was a private car—a black one.

Right, what was I even expecting? A cab in a posh neighborhood like this one?

Vivian frowned and took a closer look at the car as it slowed down toward her.

Wait… This car looks familiar…

It came closer and finally stopped right in front of her.

The door opened and down from the car ramp came an attractive young man in a wheelchair.

It was none other than Finnick.


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