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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 21

Read online Never Late, Never Away free Chapter 21

Vivian forced herself to stay calm as she asked, “You’re going to the bathroom too, Mr. Hark?”

“Of course not…” Mr. Hark slurred, scooting over to her. Vivian recoiled at the alcoholic stench that his body emitted. “I’m here for you…”

Vivian almost puked at the sound of that.

You’re here for me?

You could almost be my father at this age!

“That’s really funny, Mr. Hark,” Vivian said, giving him a strained smile. She put a hand against the wall and tried to walk towards the ladies’ bathroom, only for him to grab her by the arm.

“Hey, Ms. William… Don’t you like me?” Mr. Hark drawled.

Of course not!

Vivian resisted the urge to snap at him for the sake of her job. “Mr. Hark, you’re drunk.”

“Haha! It doesn’t matter! I can still have my way with you!” Mr. Hark sneered, moving over to pin Vivian against the wall with his large belly. “I’ll show you just how good I am in bed!”

Vivian glared at him and started to struggle against him. “Hey! Watch your words, Mr. Hark!”

Her struggling irritated Mr. Hark, and his smirk turned into a scowl. “Stop resisting, Vivian William! The Chief Editor practically handed you over to me!”

It was as though an explosion had gone off in Vivian’s head, and she could only stare at Mr. Hark in shock and disbelief. “What do you mean?”

“Stop pretending you don’t know!” Mr. Hark growled, pressing his face against hers. “The Chief Editor agreed to all of this, so you’re just a gift from the magazine company. You’re mine now!”

Vivian’s mind went blank, and her arms relaxed out of grief, drooping to her sides.

Fabian probably despises me for what happened two years ago, but why would he do something as despicable as this?

Am I just a prostitute to him?

Suddenly, Vivian looked up to see a familiar figure at the other end of the corridor.

It’s Fabian!

Fabian had come after her as he was concerned for her safety.

He had been suspicious of Mr. Hark since he caught the latter eyeing Vivian throughout their meal, and his anxiety only mounted when Mr. Hark followed Vivian out just shortly after she left to go to the bathroom.

The scene before him caught him off guard.

Mr. Hark was practically squashing Vivian’s tiny frame against the wall, yet Vivian stayed still, as though she had given Mr. Hark permission to treat her as such.


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