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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 211

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 211

Finnick remembered that the dinner party was held at a place not far away from Century Hotel. Seeing that the expression on Finnick’s face had changed drastically, Xavier put on a mischievous look and said, “What’s wrong, Mr. Norton? Did you remember something?”

“I… I…” Finnick’s voice had left him.

This time it was Xavier’s turn to be driven crazy by Finnick.

“Then, you had a little too much to drink, and you went to Century Hotel…” Only then did it strike Finnick. His memories of that night from two years ago came back to him like a flood.

That night, Finnick had attended a dinner party where the elites gathered. He was arguing with Benedict when he realized he wasn’t feeling himself. His body felt feverish, and he suspected that someone had spiked his drink.

Worried for his own safety, he had instructed Noah to send him to a hotel nearby. At this thought, Finnick grabbed his phone and called Noah. “Hello? Noah, do you remember that night two years ago at a dinner party when I told you that there was something wrong with my drink and then I asked you to send me to a hotel? Do you recall anything about it? What’s the name of the hotel?”

Xavier wondered what did Noah say as he watched Finnick put down his phone slowly. He asked, “What did Noah say? Was it him who sent you to Century Hotel? Was it?”

Noah nodded in disbelief.

Isn’t it too much of a coincidence?


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