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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 267

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 267

Ashley paused. She was worried that if she pressed on, Finnick might change his mind and not let her off.

Likewise, Finnick also ignored her question. Instead, he pulled out a photo from his pocket. The photo was a little yellowish, but one could see a girl in a princess dress. The girl seemed familiar, but she could not tell for sure as the photo was quite blurry.

Finnick asked, “Do you recognize the girl in this photo? Is this you?”

Ashley’s eyes sparkled for she instantly knew that the photo had something to do with Finnick’s decision. If I said no, would Finnick treat me differently? And if I said yes, would this lead to more terrible things?

After all, I have done many hurtful things towards Vivian… I should be careful with my answer.

She decided to not answer him and instead questioned, “So what if I say I am or not? Why does it matter?”

“Do you remember on a night ten years ago, you unintentionally saved a boy with injured legs? You walked a long way and took him to the hospital. In the end, he was saved.” Finnick paused, “That boy was me.”

“You?” Ashley had no impression and could not recall the incident. But she knew that it was her only chance to escape punishment from Finnick. This is my lucky day!

“Ashley, thank you for saving me. If it weren’t for you, I would have died that night.” Finnick said in a low voice. His tone was steady but filled with gratitude.

Yesterday, when Noah received a call, the caller claimed that they had found the buyer’s list of the limited edition princess dress of that year. Funnily enough, Ashley’s name was on the list. In addition, the location of the photo taken was nearby Miller Residence. After comparison, the girl was indeed Ashley. She was the girl Finnick had been searching for all these years.

So, it turned that the girl in the photo was his savior. no wonder he reacted in this way. Ashley finally understood the reason behind the situation and an idea came to mind.

She was silent for a moment as she did not want to talk too much about the photo and the past.


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