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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 363

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 363

“What exactly happened all these years?” Finnick responded with a question.

Without hearing his answer, Evelyn withdrew her gaze in disappointment. “Actually, I wasn’t quite sure about the details. I had a little accident that time…”

She narrated the incident.

It turned out that a cleaner who was responsible for cleaning the area next to the warehouse was present on the day the warehouse caught fire. When he saw some flames from afar, he ran over to check it out.

Right after confirming that there was a fire, his first thought was to call for help to extinguish the fire.

However, he noticed a silhouette inside the warehouse.

Since the fire was not burning fiercely, the cleaner decided to take a closer look, in case someone was trapped inside. He was concerned about saving any life trapped in there.

Low and behold, there were a young guy and a girl, lying on the ground unconscious. Their limbs were all tied up.

Without a second thought, he immediately untied the ropes and then dragged the woman out of the warehouse.

After ensuring that the girl was safe, he rushed back to save the young man.

Before he could enter the warehouse for the second time, the fire became so massive and was burning the door down. It collapsed right before his eyes.

He was scared out of his wits and stepped back to avoid the blaze. As the large fire was threatening him, he fought his own conscience and ended up not risking his life to save the young man. Instead, he rushed the girl to the hospital.


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