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No longer a pushover (Noelle and Cedric) novel Chapter 65


Chapter 65 

Noelle never expected to be greeted by such a scene. She remembered that in her previous life, both Frank and Lucas had shown up after she finished the college entrance exam, but their attention was duectedto Kenia 

She had always been the one that was ignored and forgotten. She never thought she would ever have the chance to be on the receiving end of such a grand display. It would be a lie to say that the sight did not touch her 

Cedric’s tall figure was leaning lazily against the car door. 

He looked up at her as she approached, revealing his refined and handsome face, which no longer carried his usual lazy look but was instead replaced with a serious expression. 

Noelle bit down on her lips and walked toward him. 

He looked at her with a gentle pane “Congratulations! It’s finally oves.” 

Alfred waved the banner enthusiastically. “Nelly, this is the surprise that I’ve prepared for you! Do you like it?” 

Noelle blushed as she smiled. “Thank you, Alfred I just think that it’s a bit too much.” 

He then sarcastically remarked, “We had to make it over the top! Unlike folks who only brought a single bouquet and called it a day.” 

Noelle looked up and saw Frankering the street with a bouquet in his arms. 

In her pervious life, Frank had also brought a bouquet to the school, but it was for Xenia, 

Frankexcitedly crossed the road and said “Noelle, I wanted to park the car on this side, but all the parking’s filled, so I had to park further away across the street” 

He did not expect people to be sa shameless as to take up all the parking spaces and refuse to leave 

Alfred clicked his tongue and said, “You’d have come early to secure yourself a parking spot if you really cared. Trying to scramble on your feet nour that you’re late, huh? Doesn’t look sincere to me at a Isn’t that right, Cedric?” 

Cedric calmly replied, “It’s not something that someone who thinks that apologizing in beneath them would understand” 

Frank’s pron began to shift over their comments: 


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