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Not Your Mate Anymore novel Chapter 19


I was angry. I wanted blood.

The idea of letting this man live was far from my mind. I couldn't. I wouldn't.

He killed my mother and I can't let that slide. I was here to end him. I was here to finish what my nana couldn't. He let so many wolves die. Innocent wolves who did not deserve to see such a fate from him.


His one son and his rogue pack raped women in front of their pups. Reginald raped and then killed Natalie Woods. My luna. A woman that was nothing but kind to me.

His own son. It's pretty obvious he got his gruesome ways from his father. Men like that did not deserve to live. They deserved to spend eternity in whatever hell the moon goddess had in place for them.

"Sabrina, please stop this. It doesn't have to be this way." Nana says to me.

I turn my head and growl at her. My nana. She is the reason we are all in this predicament to begin with. This man here was her spawn and she knew what he was capable off but ignored it. She could've saved mama but she didn't, instead she was begging him.

"You could've saved her. She did not deserve this. She is dead because of you." Josey says to her. Every word she said broke me because it was true.

I walk up to my grandmother, stopping right in her face. Our noses almost touching.

"You could've saved her. Removed her from his grasp and take her somewhere safe. He's the one that had a problem with you, he should've killed you." I say to her.

I hated the fact that I hate my nana right now. Goddess I'd just met the woman. Yes, granted, we spent 10 years in training but it's not like I saw her every day. In fact, I hardly saw her.

"I hate you for this. I don't know if I'll ever forgive you but for my grandfather's sake, I'll keep you alive." I say to her. I walk away from her only to notice that Reginald senior was winning the fight against his kids as the twin sisters were lying on the ground.

Do they ever win anything? They've spent the entire time today on the ground.

Josey jumps in on the fight and punches new uncle. He staggers back, clearly not expecting that. Before he can straighten himself, Josey comes at him with a spinning kick. Reginald falls to the ground where Josey straddles him and starts punching him. It's punch after punch as tears start falling down her face. My nana screams at her to stop but Josey pays her no mind.

Taylor and Reggie junior shift into their wolves and start biting at new uncles limbs. Taylor bites at his arm and new uncle roars in pain and utter annoyance. He pushes Josey off him and releases his insane power. His little kids cower away.

I release my power, all of it. Taylor and Reginald regain their posture and stand ready to attack their father. Josey gets up from where she was and gets ready to fight back.

"Wait!!!" Nana says and we all turn to look towards her.

"This is my fault. If you want to end anyone Reginald, end me. You must know I had to let you go to be with the moon. I never meant to abandon you but our work never stops." Nana says.

"So Reginald here is doing all of this because he has abandonment issues?" Josey and I ask in unison.

This guy.

Does he know we didn't grow up with our mother too?! 

I turn to look at Reginald senior and I growl.

"You mean to tell me that you killed so many people because my grandmother left you when you were younger? Did you even consider that it was the same for us? I grew up without my mother but you don't see me killing people off for the heck of it!" Josey says to him.


I growl in agreement.

"You killed my mother because you were abandoned? My mother was abandoned too!! We were abandoned too!" I say to him in exasperation.

This is too draining but it was time to pull out the big guns. I was done playing nice.

I turn to my nana and have roots come out and keep her in place.

"You stay where you are. Trust me when I say, you stay out of my way unless you want to share the same fate." I say to nana.

Josey stands in front of her to keep her from stopping me from what I'm about to do. I turn my attention back to Reginald, my new uncle.

"One, I had my heartbroken. My mate, who was supposed to be my whole world broke my heart because of your shrewd plans. Plans so selfish that you ruined my life!" I say to him as I have a gust of wind throw him up in the air and bring him down hard.

"As if that wasn't enough to ruin a teenagers dream...." I say to him as I throw him up again and bring him down hard, this time having a root spear him through his stomach. He coughs out blood.

He tries to get up but I throw him up again.

"Two, your son and his rogues  rape and kill pack members! Innocents that did not deserve what you put them through!!!"  I say as I throw him down again. This time, roots come out from the ground and pierce through each of his legs. He howls in pain but that won't make me go any easy on him.

I throw him up again and he shifts through the lift but stays up because I will it. He wants to heal and we heal quicker in our wolf form. I was not going to let that happen. Once he's almost healed, he shifts back, which was probably a terrible idea.

I throw him down and have roots go through his stomach again. I do it three times, everytime waiting until he was a little healed to put him through that pain again.

I throw him down one last time and approach him. I put my hand through his stomach wound before it heals. I use my power to stop him from healing, slowly pulling apart his molecules, ready to blow him up into nothing. He started screaming in pain, nana was screaming at me to stop but I couldn't.

Besides the fact that the moon goddess wanted me to end him, he had killed my mother when I'd just gotten her back. He was the brains behind so many fallen wolves and his one death, wouldn't bring them back but it would end the evil that resides in him.

Am I a killer? 

I couldn't be. I killed Vera out of anger. Athena did it? No I could've taken control of that situation before it got to that but I didn't. I'm the human here.

Reginald's screams pull me out of my thoughts and I pull my hand out. Yes I wanted him dead. Yes he deserved it but I can't be him. I couldn't let myself to go so dark because there won't be a way back. Especially now that I was bringing a child into this world, I had to approach it all differently. So there was only one thing to do.

I roughly grabbed his face so he was looking at me and I looked into his past. In that moment, it all changed for me.

He had a rough past. With my nana leaving him with his father, she threw him in the den of hyenas. He spent most nights going to bed hungry, they beat him up for the fun of it. My nana let new uncle grow up in human territory when he was clearly a wolf. His healing abilities helped him a great deal but that didn't change the fact that he felt the pain when they hit him or threw him around when he was a child.  

He ran away when he was a teenager after shifting in his backyard when his father and stepmother where passed out drunk so they didn't hear his screams. He was traumatized because he thought he was a beast, a monster and actually believed that he deserved all the abuse he got because of what he was.


He wasn't taught to be proud of being able to shift. Who could teach him? 

My eyes got so glassy just looking through his past. For the first time since using this power, I'd wished I had not gone through someone's mind without permission. I now understood his anger towards nana. I would be angry too.

Just a few minutes ago, I blamed him for my heartbreak.

I looked back at him as we locked eyes again. He knew what I did and he looked defeated at the revelation. I decided to allow him to hold on to his anger but I erased his plans to kill even more people and create a monarch so evil.

After manipulating his memories and erasing his plans, I put the guilt there for killing innocents for his own gain. I said a silent prayer to the moon goddess to deal with him now. My job was done.

"That's it! War is over." I say as I stand on my feet and dust myself off.

I look back down at new uncle, who is looking up at me too.

"Now you know who I am and what I am capable off. Next time, I'll end you."

I say to him. I walk up to my grandmother as I loosen the roots that are holding her in place.

"Your son had a terrible upbringing and you left him to be raised by humans who abused him every chance they got. I don't blame him for hating you. Go make things right with him and if he doesn't let you, just apologize and take accountability." I say to her and she just nods.

I'll accept a nod for now. I walk away from her and to my grandfather who's been crying just holding onto his little girl's lifeless body.

This was utterly heartbreaking.

I knelt down in front of them and my grandfather laid my mother down. I kissed her forehead and then got up.

"Let's take her home grandfather." I say to him and he nods. He picks her up and makes his way back to the pack house. Probably to put her in the car and then take her back to the house and bury her there. I looked at my nana who was knelt beside a healing Reginald. I was not going to bother them there.

I walked up to new uncles two sons and knocked them out. I then linked Cj to bring warriors so the can put new uncles kids in the dungeons until we figure out what to do with them. I took Josey's hand as we walked  back to the pack house.

I was tired and emotionally drained. We just needed to freshen up and go lay my mother to rest. I hope this is not the last time we see her. I needed her, even if she didn't raise me. I need my mother.

We got to the pack house and I made my way to Max's room so I can just take a shower. I walk in to find Max standing at the door to the bathroom.

"Come here.." he says to me and I just run into his arms and break down. The tingles already soothing my already broken heart.

"He killed her and I couldn't kill him Max." I say to him. I couldn't finish him off when the moon goddess told me to. Even after killing my mother, I just couldn't but now after seeing his past, which is no excuse, I knew I could never kill him

"Shhhh it's ok baby. Let it all out." He says to me while rubbing circles on my back. A pang of guilt hit me as I remember me screaming at new uncle for ruining my life with my mate.

I had Max.

How ungrateful of me.

How am I still so hung up on that anger when I have Max?! He is heaven sent and I'm busy trying to kill people over Percy.

Yes, I still believe that stupid sacred law and that everyone deserves their happy ever after with the mate the moon chose for them. I got lucky. Many can't say they lost their mate to someone else only to end up with an even better chosen mate.


I guess it will take some time to heal from years of teachers drilling in my head about mates and how we are to obey sacred law. It will take some time to heal from how Percy broke my heart and maybe running away to end up with Max wasn't the greatest of ideas but here we are. Together with a baby on the way.

I love him, no doubt. I'm happy to have given him my innocence and that he is going to be the father of all my children.

Yes, I plan on having more kids.

"Come on, let's go take a bath and make our way to your grandfathers house." He says and leads me in to the bathroom, where I see a bubble bath ready for me to sink in to.

After he washed me clean, dried me and then dressed me in just blue skinny Jean's and his white shirt with my Gucci princetown slippers. He dresses himself in the same but chooses to wear sneakers instead.

We make our way downstairs to find Damon. He tells us the car is ready to take us to the manor. We go outside and he opens the door for me to hop in the back and he goes to the other side and gets in to sit beside me. One of his warriors was our driver.

I see people outside picking up bodies of our fallen warriors. Some crying as they recognized who they were. It was a heartbreaking scene.

Max squeezes my hand as we both look out our windows at the horrific scene. As alpha and alpha female, we are yet to address the pack and have a farewell for all our fighters that didn't make it. Just thinking of all the people we lost, makes me feel guilty for just letting such evil live.


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