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Not Your Mate Anymore novel Chapter 27


We arrived at the border gates and I quickly got out, ran past the guards and shifted in to my wolf. I needed to kill something and something big. 

I ran and ran for what felt like hours. Athena was furious. I was furious. Max got away with the one thing my son truly deserved. He might not want Adrastos, he might hate us but he shouldn't change the fact that it is his. 

The moon blessed us with a son because he was supposed to take over.

Now, he was going to pick a lousy good for nothing kid to take over from him. I hope this gives his pack a look at what that man is capable off. Stripping his own son of his birthright, what would he do to a common wolf!? 


I was wrong about Max. I grew up with him yes, but I didn't spend all my time with him. He has his demons and now I've seen them. 

I spot a buck eating some greenery. I crouch down and move slowly and quietly but a rogue jumps in and tries to steal my food. Luckily the buck comes running my way and jump out and break it's neck. I let the buck fall, turning all my attention to the rogue that is in our land. 

I walk up to him and he growls, trying to scare me away. 

I shift in to my human form, naked. He takes me in and sniffs. Obviously checking if I'm still innocent and that annoys me so I release all my power, still holding eye contact. 

"Shift!" I command and he looks like he's trying to fight it but I'm stronger, definitely stronger than an alpha. 

He shifts and I see a man, probably in his 30s. Scruffy looking and definitely a rogue with that awful stench. 

"What brings you here? What makes you think you can come in here and live to see the next day?" I ask him. 

"Oh I'm not alone.." He says smiling. I could feel two more wolves behind me but I didn't care. Athena was on high alert. 

If Xander could just initiate me so I can link him or someone about this! 

"I'm aware of your friends behind me. Now answer me!" I say. 

"We heard the alpha had a new mate. We are here to sneak in and kill her. We killed the first one, we will kill the other." He says so confidently. 

I chuckle at that. 

"Not on my watch." I say before having a gust of wind throw the ones behind me to my side, then next to their one friend in front of me. 

I have roots come out and wrap around them, pulling them down to the ground.  More roots came out to wrap around their hind and fore legs, legs and arms for the human one. 

"I need you 3 to stay where you are, you can look after my kill for me, while I go get the alpha." I say and they try to move but nothing. 

I shift back in to my wolf and sprint as fast as I can to the pack house. I run to Lucas who was at the training fields and shift back. 

"Rouges! Follow me and link the alpha, he needs to see these ones." I say before shifting back and running. Lucas shifted too and ran behind me. 

When we got to the rouges, Lucas circled them, looking at my handiwork. 

He shifted,

"This you?" He asks and I nod. 

I shift  in to human form and walked around trees looking for a shirt until I find one just in time for Xander's arrival. 

He saw the roots, shifted back to human and looked at me, 

"You did this?" He asks and I nod. I slowly remove the roots on the human one only. 

"Tell them what you told me. Everything!" I said. 

"I will not!" He says as he spits in the alphas direction. 


A root comes out from the ground and pierces through his thigh. 

"Let's try that again. Now tell him!" I say. 

"I've been tortured before young lady, this won't work on me." He says chucking. 

"Let's try something else then." I say as I approach him, keeping eyes on each other. I grabbed him by the cheeks and looked in to his eyes. 

"You are going to tell Alpha Xander what you told me." I say and he nods. 

Lucas and Xander share a look. 

I move away from him and he turns slightly to face Xander since the root was still lodged in to his thigh. 

"I was ordered to come kill your new mate. We killed the one before and we will kill the new one. You will stay weak, we have to make sure of it." The rogue said. 

Xander growls before throwing a punch on the rogues jaw. A crack was heard and I wasn't sure if it was Xander's hand breaking or the rogues face. 

I walk up to Xander to inspect any damages. His eyes still on the rogue. He wasn't hurt. 

I gently grabbed his one side of the cheek to make him look at me. 

"Would you like me to see through his mind what happened that day? Who gave the order?" I ask. I know Xander dealt with the death of his mate but this whole thing just opened up that sealed wound and it was bleeding. 

He nodded.

I moved away from him and to our fallen unconcious friend. 

I crouched down to the passed out rogue and grabbed hold of his hand.


What happened the night of Xander's mate's death was crazy. 

Firstly, the rogues came in with no trouble, which would suggest they had an inside man or two. 

Someone got Xander's mate to believe Xander wanted to meet him in the woods but Xander was nowhere near the woods, in fact, he was busy in a meeting with his father and  the alpha from the neighbouring pack. The rogues didn't waste time in killing her. The 3 rogues here, jumped her within seconds and tore her apart. I could feel tears falling down my face as I watched her scream in agony until her screams were silenced. They further on started feeding on her body but kept her face intact so Xander would know. 

Intruder sirens could be heard throughout the packlands, alerting the entire pack. Xander must've felt her die, her pain. I can't imagine the pain he must've felt. 

The alpha from the neighbouring pack drove past and stopped to nod at the rogues before driving off. The next memory I sought after was the latest. The alpha from the neighbouring pack giving the order to come and kill me. I pulled away from him and found him awake, looking at me. 

I got up and stepped back from him.

"You are truly evil. You disgusting pig!" I say but the guy remains quiet. Looking at me curiously. Trying to figure out what I was. 

I turn to look at Xander and he walks up to me, wipes away me tears and pulls me in for a hug. Behind Xander, I see about 6 warriors. 

We pulled away from each other but remained close enough. I placed my hand in his as I showed him what I saw. Seeing it all over again made me cry again. 

This was just too much. 

After showing Xander, it all happened so fast but in slow motion. 

He decapitated all the rogues by crushing their necks and pulling their heads out. One by one their heads flew to the other side and after the last one, Xander let out an earth shattering growl. Our alpha was mad. 


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