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Not Your Mate Anymore novel Chapter 33


We had decided to go on a safari trip so we could be one with nature. Shift at night in to our wolves and run around trying to turn a game drive in to a game run. 

To see a lion up close but to not try and scare the elephants. I wanted no problems with those giants. 

We arrived at the airport. I had asked my grandfather to have the jet ready for us so we didn't have to travel commercial. I wanted Xander to myself from the time we take off, to the time we get back. 


I got out of my car to see my nana. I had not seen this woman since my mother's burial. I asked her to stay away from me but here we are. I growled in annoyance. 

"Hello Sabrina. I think it is time we talked." She said to me and I rolled my eyes, closed my door and walked past her. I did not want drama, not today. I took out my phone to call my grandfather and ask him why he told this woman I'd be here. 

"He doesn't know that I'm here." She tells me and I stop walking. The weather takes a dark turn. The crystal clear blue skies go grey in a matter of seconds. 

I realized my nana was not here to try and fix things. 

"You killed Reginald." She says to me and I nod. 

Her wolf growls, not liking my quick answer. Xander walks up to stand by my side. 

'I can handle her. You get on the plane.' I say to X. He reluctantly walks away, taking the last of our luggage to follow the cabin crew. 

Everyone had boarded the flight but me. I could see the two pilots in the cockpit. 

"What would you have done?" I ask her. She walks up to me and we stand eye to eye, our noses almost touching. 

"I wouldn't have killed someone's son." She tells me. 

"That son killed my mother while you watched and he brought an army that killed my warriors." I say, getting annoyed with my nana defending her lunatic of a son. 

"So an eye for an eye?" She asked me. 

"What are you getting at?" I ask, folding my arms for that added effect. 

"You killed my son." She says and I scoff . 

"The son that you abandoned? The very same son that wanted to use me as a breeding machine?" I ask her. 

Was this woman insane? 

"This was my chance to make things right. To finally get the chance to be with my son." Nana says. 

"He killed my mother before I had that chance to be with her." I say, 

"Now, your son was a mental case. There was no saving him." I say, walking away from her. 

A black Range Rover swerves up next to  us and my grandfather comes running out. 

He looks at my grandmother, 

"Don't do this. Sabrina has been through enough as it is. She's your granddaughter for goodness sake!" He says and I turn to look at her. 

She smiled at me. 

"I know I can't kill you, so I'll settle for taking your mate from you. He is an easier kill and you will hurt like I am hurting for Reginald." She says before the plane exploded from the cockpit, the fire moving fast as it engulfs the plane. 

Panic sets in as I look for Xander inside the plane. He's punching the window, trying to fight his way out before the fire gets to him. 

I have a gust of wind throw my nana out of my way and Athena takes control immediately. 


All of a sudden, the air changes. Athena's power comes out in waves. 

I felt different, new.


I centered my energy and raised my hands to call on to the fire. Turning it into an inferno ball, lifting it up from the ground and in to my body. It engulfed me, my whole body covered in fire, sparks flowing through my entire body. 

Xander runs out the smokey plane, looking at me. In awe? Surprise?.

Nobody knew I could control fire like this and even I had no idea. 

I focused on my center, where my entire energy was stored and I had the fire slowly get absorbed inside. I turned to my nana, thunder rumbling through the clouds to perfectly put to sound my anger. 

I started walking towards her. My walk, filled with so much power. I could feel and hear the thud whenever my feet hit the ground. As if a giant was walking. 

My nana tried to disappear but Athena anticipated her escape and lightning struck her down. She yelped in pain and a loud, deadly growl came out of me, directed at my nana. 

She quickly stood up. I got to her, wrapping my neck around her and I used the fire I absorbed to sleep through my hand and burn her skin before throwing her at grandfather's SUV. 

Xander came running at me. For a second, I forgot about nana. Xander had a cut above his right eye. I placed my hand over his wound to heal him, as my nana stood up. 

"If I can't kill him, then you leave me no choice. A son for a son then." She says before disappearing. 

She was going for Adrastos. 

"Fuck!" I say before changing in to my wolf and running my way to the pack house. My grandfather and Xander quickly getting in to Xander's car rental to chase after me.

I pushed myself to run faster. 

'Dorothy get Max! Adrastos is in danger!!" I say through the link.



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