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Not Your Mate Anymore novel Chapter 41


“Are you ready? This is going to hurt. This will hurt." Evan says to Josey.


"Yeah you've about told me this twenty times. If you are trying to change my mind then this is not the way to do it. Did my mates send you? Or do you work for Sabrina?" Josey asks and I chuckle.


"It's Serene Highness." Evan says with a straight face. Josey and I burst in laughter.


Evan joins in eventually.


"You do know I grew up around your Serene highness right? It's Sabrina to me." Josey says and Evan nods as he injects the venom in to Josey.


I close my eyes, hugging myself as I hear Josey scream Fuck.


"I did say it was going to hurt. Enjoy your stay here." Evan says as he and I run out. The one guard locks the steel door.


"Will this hold her?" I ask Evan, not trusting this door.


"It was able to hold your father when he was a nuisance at a younger age. A lycan from the first family." Evan tells me.


“Okay I'll budge. Let's hope you're right." I say not completely sold on that. Josey was my mother's child and now about to a vampire, she was capable of breaking that little steel door.


"I won't break the door Sabrina. I have class." Josey shouts out and I roll my eyes.


Josey's POV


Since I can remember, I've always been second or last. With Sabrina, it was a given. I'd always come last to her.


She is naturally stronger and I didn't understand it at first but now I do. She has a crazy strong family tree and now it doesn't have to be a competition.

I'm not insecure or doubtful, I see light when everyone else chooses to give up. I find positive outcomes out of the grimmest situations and that's what makes me Josey.


Although I won't lie, I have waited forever for this chance, to finally prove to myself that I am more than just Sabrina’s little sister. That I am more than just Clayton and Chase's mate. I am so much more than your luna. That even though I couldn't carry a child to full term this time, I'm capable of so much more.


This was my chance to show everyone that even I can rewrite history and it is female. I want to be the face of all the girl's that had to fight for recognition, the girls that were ever overlooked because there was someone prettier, stronger or better suited. Finally, it was the time for a girl that was an afterthought to shine.


The one challenge only I was best suited for. To say I felt different would be doing my body an injustice.


I feel monstrous. I feel more animal and feral. I feel strong and unstoppable, I had the type of energy that doesn't run out.


Who needs sleep? Not me.


The walls around me were barely keeping me locked up. My power, now increased. I want to run a marathon and then run it again.


"Josey, it's been 3 days. How are you feeling?” Sabrina asks me. Interrupting my self hype moment. I was complimenting myself, trying to get used to the new me.


"I'm okay. I would like to get out of here though." I say.


"I think it's time we check what you are capable of anyway. I'll get Evan to let you out." Sabrina says to me.


I stand up so fast, I almost fall over.




This is something to get used to.


Evan arrives and unlocks the door. Freedom felt different now.


I wasn't just Josey now, I was something else. A brand new animal and nobody knew what I was capable off.


Even I did not know, yet.


I walk out and make my way outside but someone pulls me back.


“Wait, walk slowly. We aren't sure if you can be in the sun.” Mother says to me and I just chuckle at her. I get out of her grip and walk out of the house.


The sun hit me hard but it was beautiful. Colors looked brighter and alive. My hearing was intensified and I could hear a bee buzzing from miles away and still be able to hear what was going on around me.


"She looks just fine to me." Sabrina says with a big smile on her face.


"I feel fine.” I say looking at my mother.


"And the thirst?" Mother asks. She was a ball of nerves as I could hear her heart beating so fast, it was about to break out of her chest.


“Okay whoa, you couldnt let me enjoy my little freedom, could you?” I ask mother and she smiles at me.

"I'm obviously hungry for blood but it's not driving me crazy. What I'd die for though is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! Goddess I miss the taste." I say and Sabrina chuckles.

“I need a shower and a change of clothes first. Sabrina, tell me you have something for me?" I ask and she nods her head yes before grabbing my hand and dragging me back in to the house.

“Okay, we're going to disappear for a little bit. We will pass by your pack to get some clothes and to see your mates." Sabrina says to me, her grip on me tightening when I try to break free.

"I can't Sabrina. They'll just try to talk me out of this crazy idea that only makes sense to me. I'm also scared that I'll intimidate them and then they will pull a Max on me. I can't go through what you went through and come out strong.” I say panic rising inside me.

"I don't see that happening and I'm saying this as the moon goddess." Sabrina tells me smiling.

"I just know they miss you and are very worried.” She says and we disappear off and land in my room.

"You can go shower and I'll pack some clothes for you." Sabrina says and I bulge my eyes out.

“I will mindlink you on what to pack as I shower. I don't trust your fashion sense post baby, no offense. I may be a vampire now but I will not be seen in black leggings and a black tank top. Respect me please.” I say before walking in to the bathroom to finally wash off days worth of funk.

I take my time washing my hair, shaving my legs and just enjoying the hot water. I walk out to dry myself before I put lotion on my body.

I leave my hair in curls and walk out to go see what Sabrina’s been up to. She set aside some of her outfit choices and the ones I had her pick out.

"Well?" I ask looking at her.

"Whoa! That was fast. Are you sure you even took a shower?" Sabrina asks me.

"Yes and I took my time to better enjoy the water.” I say and Sabrina chuckles.

"Oh my little vampire. We seem to have forgotten about your increased speed." Sabrina teases and I just roll me eyes.

“On your right are the outfits you told me to pack and on the left, well, those are the clothes I think you should wear.’ Sabrina says to me and I smile at her.

"You still have style but why do I need to dress all fancy?" I ask and she pulls me to sit down on my chair as she starts applying make up on me.

"Vampires are night creatures because they can't do much during the the day. You're the only one that can walk around in the sun. Oh and about that, we will need to fake a ritual so you little sister, are getting a tattoo.” She tells me.

"Where?" I ask. I had to know, I mean I would never allow it to be on my face.

“On your wrist. Just a little sun tattoo, nothing crazy. I'll get one with you if you want" Sabrina says and I sigh in relief.

"No tattoos on my face Sabrina.” I say taking one of the outfits she picked for me, black dress pants paired with my YSL opyum slingback heels. A black balmain blazer with a black satin spaghetti strapped top.

I put all of that on and whistle.

"Sabrina, I have not lost you to mama fashion. There's still hope for you." I say as I pull her in for a hug.

"Do we get a hug too?" Chase asks and I quickly pull away from Sab.

"Don't be silly. You get kisses too!" I say before jumping on them.


"Sabrina filled us in on everything. We had no idea you felt this way." Clayton says and I put my index finger on his lips.


"I just wanted to put my powers to use and goddess herself knows how powerful I am right now. I get to help in preventing a war that can take thousands of lives in the years to come, some legendary shit right there! Honestly, I just want to make my mark. I am a gifted werewolf and it's time I put my gifts to good use before I'm all rusty.” I say trying to put some jolly vibes back in the room.


All the doom and gloom was really unnecessary.


“We just want you to be safe. Don't get me wrong but this could be deadly for you." Chase tells me and I roll my eyes.


“I'm only going to say this once and I need you to listen to me, open up your ears and listen to understand, not to just respond back at me. I am doing this, it has already been done. I am a hybrid and I agreed to do this because I want to. You both need to understand that before I was even a vampire, I could crush you both. If anyone needs to be babied, is the two of you. Put us all four in the battlefield, Sabrina and I will walk out unscathed. We are that strong and now add some elemental power and I'm the bitch nobody can fuck with. Understand this, whether you agree with it or not, it's happening so you can choose to support me in this or get out of my face because clearly Ethia was wrong in pairing me with the two of you." I say before walking past them and out of my room.


"Come on love..” Clayton comes after me.


“We just, we don't want to lose you and none of us have ever encountered vampires.” Clayton says to me and I turn around to face him.


"That is why I'm doing this. To prevent werewolves from having to encounter these nasty blood suckers. From what I can gather from my insides and the books that I have read, they are insatiable and blood crazed. There is a voice in my head telling me to get blood and that's all it's telling me. I can't imagine a life with those vile beings when there's more to life than just sucking throats. I am capable, I know I am and I will walk out of there not in a body bag but victorious. Whether you believe it or not, I do and I never doubt myself when it comes to a challenge, you should know this about me by now." I say and Clayton pulls me in for a hug.

"Okay I'm going go and give you three some privacy. I'll make you your sandwich Jose.” Sab says walking out of the room, making sure to close the door.


“Please don't take anything that we said the wrong way. We're just scared to lose you, we won't survive it." Chase says hugging me from behind.


“I'll be okay, I promise." I say as they continue to hug me. I close my eyes taking in their scents.


As much as I really wanted to do this, I am scared. I mean, what sane person wouldn't be? Right?


Sabrina walks in, with pleading eyes.


The twins pull away from me, each giving me a lingering kiss.


"Are you ready to go Josey?” She asks me, giving me a plate of my favorite sandwich before walking to my closet and carrying my bags.


I nod my head yes, walking towards her as I eat my sandwich so fast. I take one bag from her, blowing my mates a kiss before disappearing off and landing back to find mother, waiting for us at the door.


I was in their realm now as Sabrina didn't think it would be a good idea to put me around weaker beings.


"About time!" Mother says before dragging me in to the castle they call home.


"Hello Josey.” Hunter greets me, formally.


"Hi. Hi there.” I say. I am still a little awkward around Hunter. He us Sabrina’s dad but she's still awkward around him too.


“Anthony will take you to the last standing vampire community as Sabrina and I torched the other one. This one is bigger and with very old vampires who follow a certain kind of lifestyle. You will have to prove yourself continuously to move up the ranks to gain better information and possibly put a stop to the war looming above us. When I say prove yourself, you will have to do some gruesome things to appease them and to blend


in so are you ready for that?" Hunter says to me.


“Well no. Obviously not but put me on the spot and I'll improvise. Look I don't want to feed on babies or hunt humans, I mean as you can see I'm surviving just fine without blood. I will make my way. Respect won't be given to a mere follower so I'll set my own rules and they will have to deal.

Who cares about old wrinkly vampires anyway?" I say trying to calm the situation.


I also know myself, I won't do anything I don't want to do. If they ask me to feed off a baby, I won't. I honestly don't care about old wrinkly vampires.


"Just stay alive!” Hunter says before pulling me in for a hug. Anthony walks up to us as Hunter pulls away.




“Let's get going, it's almost night time and I don't want to be ambushed by thirsty demon eyed vampires. Your eyes changed color by way, like a few seconds ago." Anthony says to me.


"You're right Anthony. They are icy blue like the vampire that bit Hunter." Sabrina says and I run to the nearest mirror to check for myself.


And indeed, they have changed. I love them.


"I love them!" I say enthusiastically and Hunter's face goes grim.


"Your eyes changed because of the venom inside of you. You now belong to that certain family and Anthony needs to take you to them.

Sabrina and I killed all of them but one. He is a prince so if anyone asks what family you belong to, just say you are from the house of Wordsworth.”Hunter explains to me.


“And what would be this prince's name?" I ask and Sabrina looks down quickly. Guilt?


"Evan!" Hunter calls out as mother fusses over my lack of warm clothing.


"You called?” Evan asks.


"Do you have the name of the prince that bit me?" Hunter asks and Evan nods his head yes.


"I believe his name is Thomas. Thomas Wordsworth." Evan responds and I see Sabrina look up.


"Josey, please be careful around him if you ever see him. He promised to kill my family because I killed his. When he finds out that you and I are related, I don't know what he will do. You are stronger than him so that eases things but never trust anyone that has a heart filled with hate.” Sabrina says to me.



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