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Not Your Mate Anymore novel Chapter 5

It was the day of the annual alliance ball hosted by Green Forrest Pack. All packs that stand United with Green Forrest will be in attendance, including Blue Moon Pack and now that Percy was alpha, he was attending.

I woke up and remembered I slept with Max while Josey and Cj took over my bed. I looked at the pillow fort and chuckled at my childish behavior.

Obviously Max would never take advantage of me, but I guess I just needed that extra precaution.

Max was up already as he wasn't in bed and as alpha he had to prepare for tonight's festivities. He also has to do the welcoming of high ranking officials as they arrive before the ball to settle in to their rooms.

When we were younger Max and I would run in our wolf forms to my lakeside manor where my grandfather resides to play there as uncle

Deacon was all sorts of mood swings during the preparation of the annual ball. Twelve alphas attend this ball so it can get nerve wrecking. Just like this piss of a hangover I seem to have.

Werewolf hangovers aren't crazy. One just feels a little sluggish and any kind of bright light would need sunglasses throughout the day. I look to the bedside table on my side and see that Max left me some painkillers, three bottles of water and his RayBan shades. He also left the windows open but his blinds were still closed. A very thoughtful man... it's really a shame Elise didn't give him a chance. She could've been really happy with him.

Had she gotten to know Max, she would've met me and we could've been great friends. Max never asked me for financial assistance and I would've helped him. I often wonder how he was able to get the pack out of trouble at such a young age but he's had years of training to be alpha. I guess reading financial statements was one of them. He knows how far my trust fund goes and he knows I'd never say no of he was in trouble. Also, now that I'm not going to be the Luna of Blue Moon, now that I'm part of Green Forrest Pack, I would be more than willing to get my pack out of trouble.

When I found out Percy was my mate, I started planning on how i was going to change the pack. Renovate the houses even the omega houses.

I remember visiting Ralyn at her place and noticed how small it was. She just had a one room house with a small bathroom that had a small shower fit for one and a toilet. I thought of building modern flats like in the human territory for omegas that were close to the main pack house so they didn't have to wake up early to walk to work. I also wanted to upgrade our reinforcements. Our weaponry. Buy some businesses in human territory to make money for the pack so kids won't have to work until they are much older.

I guess it's all a dream now. I left Blue Moon but maybe I could ask Max if I can make some changes here. I hope he agrees. Josey, Cj and I need to register for school too. Max did mention how they had way too many teenagers and classes were full which meant that we would have to attend school on human territory. I will have to call my grandfather to ask about that. Maybe we can attend the school my mother attended. Would be like getting to know her again.

I decide to wake up and shower. Before I could do that, I change his sheets because they smell like a brewery and make his bed. I pick up all the bottles and throw them out.. once I was satisfied with the look of the place, the maids can come in and clean without having to deal with the alcohol stench. I opened up the blinds and balcony doors so the room can get more fresh air. I go into his bathroom and hop in the shower. Once I'm dry I head into his closet. Since Max and I are pretend love birds, I used his shower so I could make use of his shampoo and shower gel so I could smell like him. I get out to dry myself and I walk into his closet to get a shirt to wear that strongly smells like him. Then I make my way out of his room to my room to get some pants and sneakers before heading down for breakfast. Josey and Cj were already awake arguing over something. I never intervene because when I do they make me pick a side. Although I did notice my room was still a mess. They better clean that up. I couldn't say it to them without breaking up their little sibling fight, where they'll drag me in the middle and force me to pick a side.

Never ends well for me.

I rush into my closet and decide on some boots instead. Quickly pull my hair into a tight bun and add on some hoop earrings. A little make up here and there so I don't look how I feel. Miserable and hungover. My good girl perfume and I'm good to go. I'll keep hold of Max's sunglasses. Still need ‘em.

I walk out of my closet to find maids in my room cleaning. I didn't like this...

See in my family, Male or female, you clean after yourself. You need to make your own bed. Nobody makes the bed for you and that's my dad.

He drilled that into us and now I was going to do the same. The maids were almost done so I couldn't have my siblings come clean now but I was going to give them a piece of my mind when I see them.

I apologize profusely to the maids who tell me it's ok but I tell them it's really not. This goes on for about 2minutes and I give up because I wasn't going to win with them. I walk out of my room to notice maids were also cleaning Josey's room so I'm guessing everybody is down in the dining hall. I walk down the stairs and into the hall to notice Josey sitting by her mates on Alpha Deacon's table. I walk over there to give my uncle a kiss on the cheek. I give the twins a deadly glare and I smile at Josey who's sitting in between the two. I mind link her reprimanding her about the state of my room and how maids had to clean up after them. She bulged her eyes out and mouth 'I'm sorry’ to me and I just rolled my eyes. Across from the lovely trio is Elise which makes me wonder how my sister is keeping it together. She turns to me and I mentally groan because I had no intention of ever speaking to her.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Elise, Max's mate.” She says to me holding her hand out to shake.

"No. I have not had the pleasure. I finally get to put a face to the name. How far along are you?" I say back to her. I did not acknowledge her hand or her statement on being Max's mate because she rejected him and he accepted it. They broke the bond. There was a time and place to acknowledge it. I don't like being petty unless I'm forced to be.


"I'm almost due. I didn't get your name... is it Sabina?" She asks smirking. Of course Bella would fill her in, they are sisters after all.


This is that time. It was forced upon me. Roll out the petty carpet, I'm about to drag sis on it.


"It's Sabrina but I see you and your sister tend to make similar mistakes." I say this eyeing her belly. She frowns. I said I can be petty. Call me pettyna pett. I swim in my ocean of pettiness.


Round 2 for the heck of it!


“I don't know how this works so you'll have to help me out here" I say as I take a seat next to her.


"You are carrying the twins pup" I point at Clayton and Chase. "Yet they have not initiated you as their Luna and you sit here feeding yourself..." I say with pretend bored tone. She looks down, ashamed?


Round 3 for Josey.


"_.but you are not their mate. They are Josey's mates’ pointing at my sister who is sitting between the two lookalikes.


Round 4 for my own enjoyment.


"They are to be my new brothers in law so does that automatically make me an aunt or ...?" I trail off.. looking at the boys and then back at Elise. Pretending to be confused.


"There's also you being Max's mate. Although that doesn't count anymore because you rejected him and he accepted it. Which would explain why you're seated here and not there, next to Max. You can call him alpha now... he’s no longer your equal.” I say smiling at her.


"Well, let me make my way to the Luna seat. Thank you for warming up my chair last night.” I say standing up but as I was about to walk away, Elise throws a comment.


“We are all the same really. I hear you have a mate. You only want Max because he has more power and is richer than the mate you left back home." She says to me. I turn around and make my way back to her. I sit down and grab both her hands gently.


"No sweetie, I don't need Max's money when I have my own. I am a billionaire heiress if you need to know but you are right about one thing, Max is more powerful. He is feared in this pack and around the country. I won't lie, that is a very attractive trait on a man, besides his good looks and killer bod." I say winking at my uncle. I turn to face Elise again with a serious face.


“My mate is just like you, he chose power over the mate bond and ended up with the rogue alphas spawn." I throw in there.


"He will be here shortly. I'm sure you'll both exchange some notes on your failed plans. It's a pity really, you both could've been very powerful with your own mates but greed got the best of you. Now my uncle's wish for his son to mate with me can come to fruition with you out of the picture" I say. I stand up and pat her back as I make my way to Max.


He is looking at me in awe. Did he forget about our chat yesterday? Why was he so shocked? I mean I did drag sis to filth but this was the plan. To stick together.


I won't lie, if I could pick my own mate it would be Max knowing what I know now. With all that I've come to find out about Percy and now Elise. Max is all beastly and feared but he's really just a giant teddy bear.


I walk to him and give him a kiss on the cheek while I ruffle his hair. I sit down and greet everyone around me. Nicole can't stop grinning, Damon too but Tristan has his jaw on the floor. Guess he wasn't expecting this. Bella is fuming next to him, I could tell because she's all red and a vein is sticking out on her forehead. I ignored her and started a conversation with Nicole. She kept asking me to help her during training and I agreed. She was a bad ass and I would be lying if I said I didn't want to see her in action.


We all ate in silence until Max got a mind link as we all did, telling him of a pack that was arriving on the land. He looks at me giving me those sad eyes and I knew it could only be Blue Moon.


"Kimberley, Blue Moon is here. I need to go welcome them and have Albert show them to their rooms before they come down for breakfast.” Max tells me... I'm too nervous to say anything.


I knew they were coming but I didn't think it'd be so soon. My entire family relinquished our places in that pack so they weren't part of us anymore. My father and Remi were now living in human territory for the remainder of their lives but they would be here for the ball in uncle Deacon's honor. Cj would not be beta anymore but we were ok just being normal pack members.


We still have the wealth and were regarded as family to the alpha. I guess that helps our social standing and with me being Max's girl puts us at the top.


“Go with him Sabrina. Find the strength and stand by him. It is time to play your role too." Uncle Deacon said. It made sense, to him I was his son's chosen mate. The girl who sat on the Luna's seat. It would only make sense that I perform this task with him as any Luna would do. I nod my head to him to show him I understood what he meant.


Max got up and held out his hand, I put my hand in his and got up too. We walked out of the dining hall hand in hand as everyone quieted down due to shock. This was to show the pack that I was his, he was claiming me as his in front of his pack. That I was his lady. His wolf had not surfaced so to them it was as if his human side had decided to make me his.


When we got to the door 3 SUVs pulled up. First to get out was Alpha Charley and Luna Natalie. They were shocked to see me here at the door to welcome them. I'm sure they thought I'd be in human territory as the last time I saw the alpha, I told him I was visiting my grandfather.


“Alpha Charley. Luna." Max says as I smile at them and nod to show my acknowledgement.


"Max. You have grown into a fine young man. I see you have chosen a mate too." Alpha Charley says to Max looking at me.


“Thank you alpha. Luna, you still look beautiful as ever Natalie." Max says smiling from ear to ear as he shakes the alphas hand and gives Natalie a hug.


“I see you took after your father. Ever charming.” Luna jokes.


“Sabrina, I'm so happy to see you. You look well and I have Max to thank for that. I was deeply saddened to learn you would not be the next luna after we had formed such a close bond. I really hope we can stay friends. I miss you dearly." Natalie says pulling me in for a hug. I wanted to cry.

Really, but I had to close my eyes and breath. The luna and I would always spend time together back at Blue Moon. After everyone found out I was Percy's mate, the luna took me under her wing to train me in Luna ways. She would teach me how to cook Percy's favorite dishes and what my role as a Luna would be. She was a friend of my mothers and before my mother died, she called Natalie to keep an eye out for her children which made sense after she told me because she kept an eye on us alright.


I pulled away from the hug and looked at her. "Oh luna I missed you too. I'm so happy you could make it. Once you're rested from your long journey, let's have some tea and biscuits. I'd love to catch up and fill you in on my front too.” I say to her..


"I'd love that Sabrina. You'll always be my little girl." Luna said kissing my cheek. Going back to stand by her mate. Max cleared his throat and looked at alpha Charley.


“Albert will show you to your rooms. Please come in. Breakfast is served in the dining hall but if you would prefer to dine in your rooms, please tell Albert." Max said moving aside to let them in.


The first car drove away and the second one pulled up. And there he was that mate of mine. My gift from the moon goddess, Percy. He was supposed to be my mate. We should be arriving together being welcomed by Max and Elise if things went accordingly.


My tall handsome mate. Goddess he still looked good. His scent taking over my senses and I'm entranced. I can try hate him all I want but he was still my mate and he looked very handsome in ripped Jean's and a Metallica shirt.


Athena scoffed at this and rolled her eyes at me. She was going to lecture me about this I'm sure.


Percy locked eyes with me for a minute. He closed his door and walked up to me, clearly in a trance like I was as his wolf eyes were out begging for Athena to show herself. Athena wouldn't budge.


Percy had forgotten to open the door for his chosen mate as he walked up to us. Max Squeezed my hand as Percy stood in front of me, pulling me out of my trance I cleared my throat looking at him. He seemed confused so I clearly had to remind him.


“Alpha, you seem to have forgotten your mate in the car." I say smiling shyly even though I wanted to jump up and down and throw a fist pump in the air at this. Childish I know but it just further proved to me that this was nothing else than a business deal. He didn't love her.


His cheeks flushed and his eyes turned darker at my voice calling him alpha. Men!


He took a moment to collect himself as he turned around to find Ralyn opening her own door mad as hell. She shot him a look that said ‘I will deal with you later’ as Percy looked at her looking unapologetic. Ralyn noticed his attitude and huffed as she walked ahead of Percy and stopped by us.


"Welcome luna... welcome to Green Forrest Pack. Have you been here before?” Max asks snaking his hand around my waist and I let him. We had to show a United front and that is what I'll do.


"No alpha Max, it is my first time here. I've never attended a ball before too but i guess there's a first time for everything. I also look forward to the rainy weather I'm told about. My alpha is in need of an heir to complete the mating ritual and I'm told this is the best place to get the moons blessing." She says looking at me before looking back at Max..


Max smiles.. We share a look as he squeezes my hand again to comfort me and then we face Percy and his chosen mate.


"Ah yes. It rains an awful lot in this part of the country but there's a reason we hold our ball this time of the year annually. See for the next few days, we experience some dry weather. It allows for our guests to hike, hunt and see our land and the greenery it comes with. I'm sorry to say this Luna but if its rain you are looking for, it's really bad timing.” Max says to her. I was confused because Max said it was raining when Elise mated with the twins. If it's supposed to be dry during this time then the moon really wanted Elise to carry that child.


No wonder Max was so upset. If it rained then that means they were truly blessed by the moon.


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