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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 31

Sean had moved his arm away while he coldly glanced at Elsie. She found his icy stare eerie and intimidating to the point where her hands froze halfway while she reached out.

“Director Chase…”

“Miss Foster—” Sean stared calmly at the elevator further ahead from them. At that moment, the elevator doors had just closed and a complex emotion flashed through his eyes. However, it happened in the blink of an eye; it was so quick that even Elsie did not notice it. He swiftly returned to his cold and distant self. “Remember what I told you.”

When Myra left the Chase Group, she was unsteady on her feet. The faster she walked, the more in a rush she became. It almost felt that a predator was chasing her from behind, causing her to break into a wild run ahead in the end.

She had already crossed two streets when she felt a shooting pain from her heels. Finally, she sat on one of the benches on the roadside as she started to sob.

The weather at the end of summer had brought along a heatwave, but Myra’s heart was as cold as ice.

Passers-by kept throwing her odd looks. They most probably assume that my boyfriend has dumped me. Well, they are close enough.

Something seemed to have struck her because Myra suddenly took out her phone. She then selected the number, which Logan had saved into her contact list a couple of days ago for work-related matters.

The phone rang for a long time. Just when she assumed that nobody would answer her call, the line connected. Tony’s deep and steady voice greeted her over the phone, “Who is this?”

“Didn’t you mention that my design draft is good? What did you mean earlier today when you said that my design is crude?!” Myra’s voice was hoarse. Due to her anger toward Tony, she had dropped her courtesy for him.

Tony was initially perusing some files and his eyes widened slightly when he saw that it was Myra on the line. He did not immediately answer the call, but he stopped looking at his documents. He deliberately toyed with his cell phone and lazily picked up the phone when he felt that it was long enough to exhaust her patience.

His expression changed slightly when he heard that and he laughed mirthlessly. “I assumed the meaning was literal. Miss Stark, I am sure you understand that.”

“The meaning is literal…” Myra felt like laughing and crying at the same time. “Director Hart, you seem to be entertaining yourself because your meaning changes from time to time. I have clearly edited the design draft as per your request, Director Hart. However, you have completely overlooked my hard work today. Are you having fun by making a fool of me?”

“What do you mean by that?” Tony frowned slightly because he noticed that she sounded emotional.

“What do I mean by that? The meaning is literal.” She used his phrase in her retort. “Director Hart, you are an influential person. Why would you be calculative with insignificant people like us? The Chase Group will throw me under the bus if we were to lose the project. Isn’t that what you want, Director Hart?”

Myra recalled the scene where Sean demanded her to apologize to Elsie. The moment she remembered Elsie looking pleased with herself, a wave of anger and sorrow surged in her chest. A bus drove past at that moment, and Myra closed her eyes. She could not even be bothered by what Tony was saying; instead, she hung up on the phone call immediately. She refused to answer her phone, no matter who was calling.

I know that I should not have lost my temper at Tony. I made an impossible promise to Sean and Elsie by claiming that I’d secure the project. However, how do I do that? Based on what Tony said, even if Elsie had exaggerated some points, she must have spoken the truth. What else can I do if Tony is trying to make a fool out of me?

On the other end of the line, Tony scowled deeply after Myra hung up on him. If I heard correctly, Myra is… crying.


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