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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 32

He continued in a calm manner, “I believe you are aware that it is extremely irresponsible for a designer not to personally attend a meeting regarding the project. The Hart Group is being lenient by merely bringing up this issue verbally.”

The figure, who was quickly marching away, suddenly came to a halt.

Myra’s back still faced Tony as she bit on her lip. That is true. A designer would not be able to express the data in the design draft without attending the meeting in person. He or she would not be able to provide opinions or advice in the editing if needed. However…

“I did not intend to miss the meeting.” She gritted her teeth while she turned to look at the man who had somehow stopped right behind her. Tony was taller than her by more than a foot, so she had to look up to gaze into his eyes. His eyes always have a sense of crisp to them, no matter when it is, just like Sean. He is an unfaithful man. Myra closed her eyes while speaking to him. “If I said that I did not attend the meeting because Miss Foster wouldn’t let me, would you believe me?” Her burning throat was hoarse and painful. However, it was nothing compared to the long wait that she had to endure.

Sean wants to punish me because he did not trust me. Well, that is understandable. With Elsie around, whatever I say will sound like an excuse for myself, no matter how hard I try to explain. Myra’s lips curled into a self-deprecating smile when she arrived at that conclusion.

Tony stared at the fair, small face in front of him. Her eyes were tightly closed due to her anxiety and defiance. She looked like she was bracing herself to receive an unsavory answer from him. He gazed at her face and he noticed that her eyelashes were quivering like a pair of butterflies that were about to take off, causing his heart to painfully clench. “I believe you,” he answered her with a quiet voice.

“D-Do you… believe me?” Myra suddenly opened her eyes, which were wide open in disbelief.

Tony nodded while maintaining a cold and distant expression.” Why shouldn’t I believe you?”

“B-Because…” Her voice was screechy. She felt tears stinging her eyes and she did not know how to answer his question.

Sean doesn’t trust me, which is why he wouldn’t believe me, no matter what I say. On the other hand, I initially assumed that Tony would behave in a similar way to Sean’s attitude… But they are not… Myra felt a surge of guilt in her heart when she recalled her rude remarks to Tony over the phone. “I am sorry, Director Hart, I was too… reckless earlier…”

In any case, it is true that I did not attend the meeting. It’s not the Hart Group’s fault even if they were to criticize me. However, my behavior earlier was like I deliberately caused trouble for no reason. She took a step forward, but she felt a shooting pain from her heels all of a sudden; she was not sure if it was most probably because she had just relaxed significantly. The color instantly drained from her face and she lost her balance.

The man standing in front of her looked slightly surprised. However, he did not hesitate to reach out to hold her in his arms. Then, he looked down at her leg. I did not notice this earlier, but I have just realized that Myra’s heels are bleeding profusely. The bright, red blood has dyed her white-colored high heels and it is especially eye-catching. She must have ran earnestly earlier and it caused blisters over her heels, thanks to the friction. Tony stared at her heels unblinkingly and his expression turned grave.

Myra pretended as though it did not bother her while pushing him away. She tried to discreetly create some distance between the two of them. After that, she waved her arm dismissively. “No worries; these are new shoes and not in my size.”

She acted as though everything was fine by taking a step forward. Only she knew how embarrassing she was earlier. I do not want to be involved when it concerns Tony Hart. However, everything seems to be going against my wish. Suddenly, she felt a force sweeping her up from the floor—the man, who was standing behind her, carried her in his arms.

Myra looked shocked and she was just about to ask Tony to put her down, but he explained before she could say anything, “Miss Stark, there’s no need to be so polite with me. I will not leave a woman in this state even if she is a stranger. Besides, we might end up as working partners in the future, Miss Stark.”

She was embarrassed since he saw what she thought. Tony has openly voiced his thoughts in a poised manner. On the contrary, I would appear shy and coy if I were to continue struggling. It would seem like I have something else in mind. Furthermore, my heels are aching, she thought and stopped struggling. “Where are we going?”

Tony stopped for a while as he seemed pleased that she was no longer struggling. “Where would you like to go?” He was smiling faintly.


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