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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 390

As it turned out, the person he had crashed into was a woman; her face was covered in cuts which made her look absolutely terrifying. Meanwhile, Tony couldn’t be more familiar with the woman lying on the ground—Gemma.

She looked miserable from head to toe; there were open wounds on her arms and legs, and fresh blood was seeping out of her wounds through her clothes. Not only that, the corner of her lips were also oozing with blood.

She seemed to be in agonizing pain. Even though she was borderline unconscious, she was groaning softly while her brows were locked together in a tight line.

Tony immediately called the ambulance on the spot before he dialed Leo’s number next; he then informed Leo of his current location and updated him on the situation. Then, he told Leo to bring some people over to take care of the matter.

“T-Tony…” Gemma, who had passed out earlier, seemed to be regaining her consciousness. Due to the immense pain that she was in, she turned her head with great difficulty to the man standing next to her, grimacing as she did so. “You’re… so heartless…”

Tony stared coldly at the woman before him. “Stop talking if you don’t want to die; you don’t want to waste your energy.”

“Aren’t I… as good as dead… right now?” Gemma recalled the things she found out about her family—the man in front of her had pushed the Waltons down a bottomless pit of hell! She wanted nothing more than to kill him right then and there!

“Tony… y-you’ll regret it!” Just then, a splatter of blood escaped her mouth as she coughed, and she squirmed in pain. “Since you’ve hit me with your car; I w-want to… sue you!”

“I’m afraid I can’t agree to that, Miss Walton.” Sarcasm filled his heart as he stared at the woman whose life was hanging by a thread. Gemma had probably been overprotected or pampered all her life, so she always had a skewed perception of the world around her. Even so, did she really think that the police were stupid?

“I’ve installed a dashcam in my car, so there’s evidence that you ran over and collided with my vehicle on your own initiative. I understand that you’re eager to save your family, Miss Walton, but I won’t wrongly accuse someone of knocking me over and intimidate them into bailing out your family like what you’re doing now. Now that everyone knows the Walton Family is suspected of being involved in money laundering and many other crimes, aren’t you going too far by doing so, Miss Walton? Have you thought of the families that were brought to ruins and destroyed by the Walton Family?”

At that moment, Tony deliberately turned around slightly to make sure that the dashcam was recording every second of their conversation.

Gemma’s chest rose and fell furiously at the sound of Tony’s words. “My grandfather… my father… a-and my elder brother… they’ve never done any of those things!”

“It’s the police’s job to find out whether they’ve done it or not.” Tony simply stared at her with a hostile look in his eyes; this made it seem like Gemma was nothing more than garbage.

Meanwhile, Gemma was overcome with pain at the moment; she felt like death could gobble her up at any time.

At this point, she didn’t have a choice but to mould the public’s opinion and convince them to be on her side—it was all in effort to paint Tony as the villain and drag him down in the process. However, she had failed to anticipate the possibility of him possessing the dashcam footage!

She struggled to pick herself off the ground, but her arms and legs were limp like jelly. It was as if she was slowly losing her senses, including her perception of pain.

“Save me…” This wasn’t the first time that Gemma had been in an accident; she clearly knew what it meant when she was losing control of her arms and legs. After all, she had just suffered a serious injury on her arm; if she were to thoroughly lose her arm from another heavy blow this time… At that moment, regret flashed across her mind—if she had rushed out from the bush just a fraction earlier, Tony would have had enough time to stop his car. That way, even if he crashed into her, she wouldn’t have suffered an injury as serious as this. However, she hesitated for a short moment—when she finally made up her mind, his car was already in front of her. If she had rushed out just a millisecond later, she would’ve flown quite a distance from the momentum.

“Save me… I-It hurts…” At that moment, Gemma’s eyes were clouded with fear. If she couldn’t frame Tony and had to suffer a huge repercussion in return, it wouldn’t be worth it at all. However, when she noticed the cold and merciless look in Tony’s glare, she couldn’t be more sorry for her actions. She wanted nothing more than to turn back time—how she wished that she had gone overseas with her mother! Instead, she was stuck in such a devastating state…

She could only watch as fresh blood flowed steadily from the wounds on her arms and legs. Right now, fear was eating her up rapidly—it filled her brain with panic.

“I’ve already called for an ambulance,” Tony replied coldly before he turned around and walked toward his car.


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