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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 391

Being disfigured was already a devastating blow to a lady. If she was sentenced to jail in addition to this, she would be finished for life. While Sebastian was not hard-hearted enough to let this happen due to his advanced age, he didn’t expect the woman to become even more insatiable after he gave in!

Myra comforted him and said, “Please don’t be mad, Old Master Hart. Tony said there’s evidence recorded on the dashcam, so the court will give a fair ruling later on.”

“I know that.” Sebastian patted her on the shoulder. “Are you scared? I’ll have Lisa bring you a bowl of bird’s nest essence upstairs later; you should go up and get some rest.”

“Okay.” Myra nodded before heading upstairs.

This time, it was a rather easy matter to resolve. Not only did Gemma fail to drag Tony into the mire, what Tony said later made everyone see the light all of a sudden. “I’ve installed a dashcam in my car, so there’s evidence that you ran over and collided with my vehicle on your own initiative. I understand that you’re eager to save your family, Miss Walton, but I won’t wrongly accuse someone of knocking me over and intimidate them into bailing out your family like what you’re doing now. Now that everyone knows the Walton Family is suspected of being involved in money laundering and many other crimes, aren’t you going too far by doing so, Miss Walton? Have you thought of the families that were brought to ruins and destroyed by the Walton Family?”

This speech, imbued with a sense of justice, threw Gemma into an abyss right away. Even though it was Tony who knocked Gemma over while driving, everyone already learned that Gemma deliberately threw herself in front of his car to intimidate Director Hart—the head of the Hart Group—into using his ability and means to bail her three evil and merciless relatives out of the police station. Such behavior was intolerable in the eyes of everyone and the law. Tony’s words were later confirmed when the video recorded on his dashcam was made public. Not only was Gemma’s faint hope of punishing him shattered at once, her previous deliberate attempt to run him down with her car was uncovered as well. Some even doubted if she actually had a mental illness, and it resulted in strong demands that an open psychiatric evaluation was carried out on her.

Since the police department could not bear the pressure, they sent experts to the hospital to evaluate Gemma’s mental condition. Now that the Walton Family had neither power nor financial resources, they couldn’t do anything at all. Therefore, it was discovered that Gemma didn’t have schizophrenia at all. She was soon prosecuted for multiple offenses this time.

Now that four out of five Waltons were under police investigation, Shelly—the only Walton left—came into the spotlight. It was a no-brainer that no one in this family could be innocent, but when the police went to the Walton Residence to serve an arrest warrant on her, she was already nowhere to be found; it was said that she had gone abroad. Her going abroad made the Waltons seem guilty, so the police department investigated them with much greater intensity.

When Kris saw all of this, she was afraid, gloating, and worried at the same time. She had almost lost everything now; even though she had obtained her mother’s forgiveness, they had no one to depend on for support as Cameron was also summoned under investigation. Almost all the past relationships that Rachel had nurtured between her and some shareholders came to nothing, for those people turned to Myra; they supported the notion of promoting her to the chairman of the Stark Group’s board of directors.

Kris and Rachel knew that the Stark Group was now in dire straits. Unless Myra took action, the Stark Group would be declared insolvent right away; in other words, they would get nothing in the end. Therefore, they didn’t step out and argue with Myra at this moment.

Rachel’s idea was to go back and take a share of the profits after the Stark Group’s recovery. After all, Kris was also Cameron’s daughter; it was impossible that she wouldn’t get any shares in the Stark Group at all!

Kris agreed with Rachel’s idea, for she couldn’t think of another idea apart from this. Nonetheless, she could hardly reconcile herself to her current situation whenever she thought of how Tony spoiled Myra.

With Gideon as her fiancé, she could have fought with Myra to prove who was better, but who would have predicted what happened afterward? However, she felt lucky that the incident back then caused her to break with the Walton Family. Otherwise, she would be unable to deny any involvement in the Walton Family’s money laundering this time.


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