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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 401

Just as Tony had predicted, halfway through the banquet, Matthias suddenly grabbed a microphone and the lively hall instantly fell so silent that only Matthias’s voice could be heard.

“Thank you everyone for taking the time to attend my dinner banquet. I have been in Bradfort City for some time now, and I would like to thank you all for your care. I love this city and I am planning to move the Locke Group from Tasnia City to Bradfort City. I hope that we can continue to be great friends. I have lots to learn from all of you in the business world,” Matthias said tactfully in a humble tone. However, the cheeky smile on his face was an eyesore.

After hearing Matthias’s speech, the crowd clapped loudly. Tony joined in, but he looked at Matthias with his eyebrows raised. Turns out that Matthias is planning to move the Locke Group to Bradfort City. That’s big news.

On the way home, Myra and Tony sat in the backseat. Tony had drunk alcohol and couldn’t drive, so they called the Hart family’s driver to pick them up.

“Tony, do you think that Matthias’ sudden decision has something to do with…” Myra asked worriedly.

Tony directly interrupted her. “No matter what his goal is, I will have a way to deal with him.”

Matthias’ provocation that night was obvious, so Tony could tell that he didn’t have good intentions. However, it wasn’t anything serious. Every year, the Hart family would encounter countless competitors, but Tony had never been scared of anyone. Instead, he treated it as a challenge. After all, challenges and opportunities had always been symbiotic.

“I don’t like the way Matthias looks at me, and I have a feeling that I have seen that gaze before,” Myra muttered anxiously.

“You’ve met him before?” Tony turned to Myra doubtfully. It’s impossible that Myra and Matthias have met each other in the past.

“I have a strange feeling that I know him from somewhere. His aura makes me feel uneasy.” Myra tried her best to recall, but she couldn’t remember anything. In her eyes, Matthias was someone dangerous.

“You’ve probably mistaken him for someone else. It’s clear that he is a dishonest trader, so it’s normal if you think he seems familiar.” Tony didn’t take Myra’s words too seriously because he had also met someone else who had a sinister aura like Matthias.

“No, I feel like I met him when I was young!” Myra said after giving it some thought.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she shook her head and disagreed with herself. “But that doesn’t make sense. No child would have such a foreboding aura. Where have I seen him before?”

Looking at Myra’s troubled expression, Tony wrapped one arm around her shoulder intimately and said, “You’re pregnant, so you shouldn’t waste too much of your energy. If you can’t remember it, don’t force yourself to recall.”

Naturally, Tony didn’t want his wife to think about other men. He couldn’t help but clench his fists the moment he thought about Matthias’ enthusiasm toward Myra at the banquet.

Tony wanted to have Myra all to himself, so he wouldn’t tolerate anyone else coveting her. The more he thought about it, the more tightly he wrapped his arms around Myra. No matter what, Myra belongs to me and no one can take her away from me.

“Tony, I’m hungry.” Pregnant women got hungry easily. Besides that, a pregnant woman’s appetite was unstable. There were times they had a good appetite, and there were times that they didn’t feel like eating anything at all.

Myra didn’t eat much at the banquet, but all of the sudden, her appetite was back and she was craving all kinds of food.

“Let’s go home and see if there’s anything in the kitchen.” Tony naturally wouldn’t let Myra eat food from restaurants. After all, the foods sold by restaurants were not as clean as home-cooked food.

“I want to eat lamb skewers,” Myra said coquettishly. At that moment, she was craving something heavy.

“You are being a bad influence to the baby,” Tony pinched her nose and said. “Pregnant women are not allowed to eat lamb skewers,” he said righteously. It’s hard to predict a pregnant woman’s temper.

“I know that I’m not allowed to eat lamb skewers, but can’t I at least dream about it?” Myra mumbled in dissatisfaction. I’m starving!

“You can’t even think about it. It’s bad for the baby,” Tony replied with a smile, obviously teasing Myra.

“Tsk! Babies are not so easily influenced!” Myra turned her back against Tony and didn’t believe a thing he said.

“Hahaha…” Tony roared with laughter. Myra is so adorable.

“How can you laugh so heartily when the baby and I are starving?” Myra rolled her eyes at him. What is he thinking about? He has a strange sense of humor.

It was a bumpy ride home because they were in a rush to head home, but at the same time, Tony warned the driver to drive safely. He loved Myra dearly and wanted to give her everything she wanted.

As soon as they stepped into the living room, Tony asked Myra to sit on the couch while he headed to the kitchen. As he did, Myra tugged on his sleeve and said softly, “It’s late, so there is nothing left in the kitchen. You don’t need to go.”

“I can ask the chef to wake up and cook something up for you.” Tony naturally wouldn’t let Myra and his child starve.

“Don’t. It’s not nice to wake the chef up in the middle of the night.” Myra hurriedly stopped him. Being a chef is tiring so we shouldn’t disturb his sleep.

Tony glanced at Myra, then at her belly. “But we can’t starve the baby.”


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