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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 402

The couple made love passionately and fell asleep at 3:00 AM. Sleeping late several nights in a row was bad for their health, and Myra felt dizzy.

The next day, Myra woke up at lunchtime. Early that morning, Tony had already given orders to not wake Myra up from her sleep.

Pregnant women needed more rest. Although Myra planned to wake up early the night before, she had overslept and her whole morning was gone.

After lunch, Myra drove straight to Stark Group. It had been a long time since she last visited Stark Group, so she was curious to see what the company looked like. Besides that, with Matthias’ intervention, the internal affairs in Stark Group now were even more complicated.

At the lobby of Stark Group, Myra coincidentally bumped into Cameron. Their gazes met for a moment before they both hurriedly looked away.

Myra didn’t want to greet Cameron. The thought of his evil misdeeds made her nauseous. My father is only capable of giving me endless despair.

However, surprisingly, Cameron took the initiative to walk up to Myra. Seeing that, Myra didn’t know what to do but watch as he slowly approached her.

“Myra.” Cameron’s friendly tone made Myra frown. She didn’t want to talk to Cameron, so she glanced at the elevator that was not far away and walked toward it.

However, Cameron was in an extremely good mood that day. He followed behind Myra and waited for the elevator with her, but he kept a short distance.

“Are you ignoring me?” Cameron suddenly took a step forward, narrowing the distance between him and Myra.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” Myra said coldly. Even though he’s my father, he treats me even worse than a stranger.

“You can never change the fact that we’re blood-related,” Cameron said mockingly.

“I hope that I can be completely unrelated to you,” Myra muttered as she glanced at the numbers on the elevator display. Why is the elevator so slow?

“Hahaha! Let’s see who will win in the end.” Cameron’s good mood was completely unaffected by Myra’s cold words.

“Are you done talking?” Myra grunted as she hurriedly took a step away from Cameron. Today is off to a bad start. I can’t believe that I bumped into Cameron. Why am I so unlucky today?

“Myra, how can you speak to your father in such a rude manner?” At that moment, Cameron could no longer bear Myra’s attitude.

“You are not worthy to be a father because all you care about is profit,” Myra said in disdain. Our family was ruined because of you. Is money really more important than family?

“Myra, don’t assume you will definitely win just because you have Tony on your side,” Cameron said furiously. I spoke to her in a friendly tone, but got treated rudely in return.

“I will get Stark Group back with my own strength.” Myra glared at Cameron coldly. I will handle Stark Group’s affairs myself, and I won’t ask Tony for help unless I have to.

“You sound confident, but I wonder if you have the capability to achieve it,” Cameron said with a delightful grin as if he was sure that Myra wouldn’t be able to take control of Stark Group.

Seeing his expression, Myra suddenly felt vigilant. The fact that Cameron is acting haughty shows that he is hiding something.

After the elevator arrived, Myra stopped talking to Cameron, stepped into the elevator, and pressed the button of the level she was heading to. Cameron followed behind and stood next to her.

Cameron is acting really strange today.

In the elevator, Cameron said, “Come to my office later.”

Upon hearing that, Myra looked at Cameron suspiciously. What’s wrong with him today? He’s being really unpredictable.

“I have something important to tell you. It has something to do with Stark Group, so you must come.” Cameron completely ignored Myra’s reaction and spoke as if he was giving her a warning.

“I am not interested,” Myra replied word by word. Cameron can do whatever crazy thing he wants, but I don’t have the time to play around.

“You wouldn’t want me to sell Stark Group to someone else, would you?” Cameron asked in a threatening tone.

Myra instantly looked upset. He’s using the same trick to provoke me again.

“Whoever you sell Stark Group to has nothing to do with me,” Myra replied calmly.

Cameron was stunned by Myra’s reaction and didn’t know what to say, so he stared at her furiously. However, he didn’t receive any response from her.


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