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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 403

Myra had been treating Cameron with disregard even since the beginning of the conversation. Even though she was curious to know who Matthias really was, she didn’t want to meet him in private.

With that, Cameron left without achieving his goal. What am I supposed to say to Matthias? It’s embarrassing to fail my promise. The more Cameron thought about it, the more frustrated he felt.

That evening, Tony personally drove to Stark Group to pick Myra up from work. Myra, who was helpless and frustrated, immediately felt better when she saw Tony.

“It looks like you are even busier than I am,” Tony said seriously. Myra ignores her health when she gets immersed in work. I should give her a spanking on the butt for that.

Myra glanced at the clock and was taken aback. “I didn’t realize that it’s already this late.” No wonder Tony came to pick me up.

“Aren’t you going to pack up and go home?” The person who cared about Myra’s health the most was Tony.

“I’m coming!” Myra replied and stretched lazily. Her back was aching from sitting on her office chair for long hours.

After they got in the car, Myra told Tony what happened that day. After thinking about it for a moment, Tony said to Myra, “Perhaps Matthias really knows you.”

Earlier that day, Tony read through Matthias’ files again and found out Matthias had visited Bradfort City in the past.

Back when Tony first saw this, he didn’t pay much attention to it. After all, Matthias was really young when he visited Bradfort City. However, after hearing Myra’s words, he started to wonder if Matthias and Myra had met each other when they were young.

But Matthias’ face stood out and wasn’t easily forgettable. Logically, Matthias’ special facial features would leave a deep impression.

Tony glanced sideways at Myra as he tried to figure out why Myra didn’t remember Matthias. Is it possible that Matthias looked completely different when he was young?

“There is something familiar about him, but I can’t recall where I’ve met him before. If I’ve seen Matthias before, I would definitely remember him,” Myra said with puzzlement.

“Try to recall whether you’ve seen him when you were about 14 years old.” After doing some calculations, Tony calculated that Myra was around 14 years old when Matthias came to Bradfort City.

Myra shook her head. Those were distant memories that were hard to recall.

“Are you saying that I might’ve met Matthias when I was around 14 years old?” Myra asked.

“It’s possible. Matthias’ files show that he was in Bradfort City a couple of years before he turned eighteen, and he stayed here for a while. It is possible that you met him during that time,” Tony replied truthfully.

Hearing that, Myra smiled and said, “Okay.” She didn’t want to think about Matthias anymore.

“Since I can’t remember him, that means that even if we know each other, we weren’t close.”

If I’m right and we were just normal friends, there is nothing for me to worry about.

“You’re right,” Tony said in agreement.

“Let’s not talk about Matthias. We have been talking about him so much lately that I’m getting annoyed by the sound of his name,” Myra said, obviously upset. It’s not good for us to constantly talk about him.

“I agree. No matter who he is, he can’t boss the Hart family around in Bradfort City,” Tony said confidently.

So what if Matthias is powerful in Tasnia City? Bradfort City is the Hart family’s territory.

“Even a powerful man can’t overpower the leader of a territory,” Myra said with a smile.

“Who are you calling a leader of a territory?” Tony raised an eyebrow at Myra. Myra’s emotions have been unpredictable lately. She acts a little differently. Sometimes, she is more lively than how she used to be, and sometimes, she’s quieter than she used to be. It’s impossible to predict a pregnant woman’s emotions! However, no matter how much her emotions change, I’ll do my best to make her happy.

After they decided to stop talking about Matthias, the two of them happily talked about their day until they arrived home. They were a model couple that rarely fought and the love between them could easily be spotted from their every action and expression.

“After we finish dealing with Stark Group’s problems, I’ll take you to Hawaii. I’m worried that you’ll feel bored from staying in Bradfort City for so long.” Tony had been thinking about this for some time now. He wanted to travel with Myra. Pregnant women should go out and see the world. There aren’t any good sceneries in Bradfort City, and there are many travel destinations that we have never been to before. I should take a break too.

“Okay. I love Hawaii,” Myra replied without any hesitation. I have been really stressed lately. It’s time for me to relax.

Upon hearing that, Tony smiled brightly. He knew that Myra liked Hawaii because he had done research beforehand.

Looking at Tony’s smile, Myra started to wonder if he had found out all about her likes and dislikes. What a scary and adorable man. I’m probably going to spend the rest of my life with him.

Myra looked at Tony lovingly and felt blessed.

I am really fortunate to find a man who treasures and cherishes me in my most beautiful years. With him by my side, I have a lot to look forward to. I’m starting to look forward to the things that I didn’t bother to think about in the past. As long as I’m with Tony, I feel like I can dream about anything because no matter how hard the challenges will be, we will get through them together.


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