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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 475

Tony sped all the way to the well-decorated church that seemed matrimonious. It had been completely arranged to Myra’s liking. He was willing to do anything for her, and he’d always provide her with the best.

Guests started to flock to the church as Tony welcomed the guests at the entrance. Meanwhile, Myra was waiting for the wedding to begin in a quieter area.

Heather was keeping Myra company. At this moment, Myra seemed anxious as she held onto Heather’s hand tightly.

“Take a deep breath. I’ve never seen you so anxious before.” Heather tried to calm Myra down.

“Heather, there are a lot of things that I don’t know how to convey.” As Myra and Heather locked eyes, Heather bent down to match Myra’s eye-level. They looked like a pair of sisters.

“You can take your time.” Heather’s smile was so influential.

Myra quieted down for a moment as she went into deep thought, but she still couldn’t find the right words. She ended up looking at Heather nervously, making Heather wonder if she would be the same when she got married one day.

Time seemed to be passing extra slow today, but Myra wished that the wedding would start as soon as possible. At this moment, she was only accompanied by Heather despite the large number of guests. The Hart family had always been low-key with everything, but it was an exception this time.

In fact, Tony wanted desperately to tell the whole world that he was marrying Myra. When he saw Sean, his face fell slightly but he recovered quickly.

Sean’s appearance was a surprise as he came uninvited. Tony scoffed seeing how Sean seemed a little down.

At this moment, Lucas whispered in Tony’s ear, “Will he make a scene?” Apparently, Lucas didn’t have a good impression of Sean.

“Ask Elliot to keep an eye on him.” Tony entrusted Elliot with this mission.

When Sean walked past Tony, he told him in a sincere tone, “Congratulations on your wedding.” Nonetheless, it sounded like sarcasm to Tony.

Therefore, Tony scrutinized Sean as he recalled how Sean wouldn’t let go of Myra some time ago, but now he was giving the couple his blessings.

“Thank you, Director Chase. Myra and I will be happy together,” Tony replied as he observed the change in Sean’s expression.

Having let go of a good woman like Myra, he could only suffer the consequences of his actions. Clenching his fists, he tried his best to keep his emotions under control.

Seeing how she was happy now, it was only right that he gave her his blessings. However, his emotions were wavering as he reminisced the moments they had shared.

With a pale face, he forced himself to walk along. Though he seemed a little pitiful, it was his own wrongdoings which led him here.

Not far away was Matthias, who was among the crowd, entering the church hall to attend Myra’s wedding. It felt like a dream to him, but it was also a farewell to his past. After this, his past feelings would be buried along with his memories of Myra, who didn’t remember a thing.

That was how he was consoling himself, telling himself that the past was in the past. As much advice people might have been given, they were not guaranteed a good life thereafter. Even though he had made up his mind, it still ached deep inside his heart.

Taking a deep gaze at the groom—Tony—Matthias thought to himself, That should have been me. We should be trading spots.

Meanwhile, a meaningful smile made its way to Tony’s lips. He was the one who invited Matthias as a token of respect to his fellow business competitor.

Moreover, there had been quite some action from Matthias’ side, so Tony was curious as to what he was up to. After all, Tony wasn’t afraid of challenges as he thought of them as chances for himself and the company to improve.

It had been a while since Hart Group had competitors, so Tony was actually glad that Matthias was here to keep him on his toes.

Matthias offered a courteous smile as he said, “Congratulations.” It took a lot of effort for him to say that single word as the bride of this man standing before him was the person that he had yet to let go of.

As the wedding bells rang, the guests watched Myra walk down the aisle holding onto Old Master Hart’s arm. A long stretch of red carpet was covering the aisle, and Tony was standing right at the end. At this moment, Myra and Tony locked eyes as if there was nobody else in the world.

As for Old Master Hart, he smiled from ear to ear. Today, he had the image of a kind and friendly old man, and Estelle thought that she had never seen this side of him.

“Look at your old man grinning from ear to ear,” Estelle told Shawn, who was beside her.

Turning to look at her, Shawn replied, “Old Master Hart will be even happier if you marry me.”

At once, she stuck out her tongue. Obviously, she wasn’t going to get coaxed into a marriage with him just like that. Hence, she simply ignored him, acting like the conversation never took place.

Nonetheless, he didn’t let her off the hook so easily. If she still wouldn’t say yes to him, he was really going to force her into marriage.

“Tony got married before me,” Shawn said in a peculiar manner, wishing he could marry Estelle as soon as possible.

However, she let her gaze wander and acted like she didn’t hear what he was talking about, but he still persisted.


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