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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 476

It was a busy day, where some people were happy while some were sad. Myra and Tony were a perfect match, and those who were skeptical about this couple finally stopped commenting on them.

Tony was worried that Myra would be exhausted, so he sent her back to the lounge to get some rest. After all, it was inadvisable for pregnant women to stand for too long. Myra was indeed exhausted too, so she listened to Tony’s advice. Originally, Tony wanted to ask Heather to keep Myra accompanied, but Myra stopped him from doing so.

“Look at them. They seem to be getting along pretty well, so let’s not disturb them,” Myra said while pointing at Heather and Lucas, who were standing not too far away from them. Tony didn’t want to spoil his brother’s good time either, so he restrained from calling Heather along.

When Heather realized Myra and Tony had disappeared, the couple were already having a sweet time in the lounge. Noticing Heather was gazing around, Lucas asked casually, “Are you looking for someone?” Lucas was not used to getting along with ladies, and neither was he skilful in courting them.

“The bride and the groom have gone missing,” Heather said in resignation. In fact, she didn’t dislike Lucas. She even found him pretty cute with his clumsiness.

“They…” Lucas paused halfway through his sentence. “They might have gone to take a rest.” Lucas was nervous about being stared at by Heather, and he thought this was the result of sparks flying.

“I guess so.” Heather tried to put on a gentle expression as she attempted to get along naturally with Lucas.

However, she couldn’t find a topic to continue the conversation with Lucas, unlike when she was with Matthias; she could be herself and say whatever that was on her mind.

She could even be more real when she was with Matthias compared to Myra. After all, Matthias was aware of her dark sides. This was probably the reason why Heather had feelings toward Matthias which was inexplicable.

“You must be hungry. I’ll go get you some food.” Lucas was quite thoughtful. It was just that he wasn’t enlightened yet at this moment and didn’t know how to please women.

Heather was about to reject him, but Lucas had already left to take the food, seeing which Heather thought it was inappropriate to stop him. She was indeed hungry, but she didn’t feel all that hungry anymore after starving for some time. Moreover, that glance from Matthias had made her flustered and lost her appetite.

Soon, Lucas came back with some food and drinks. Heather didn’t want to turn down his kindness and she had to eat anyway, so she dug in while Lucas continued staring at her, to a point where he himself had forgotten to dig in.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Heather lifted her head. She felt uneasy being stared at by Lucas and had lost her appetite even more.

Feeling shy, Lucas quickly lowered his head and tucked in. Heather had an inexplicable feeling as she looked at Lucas. She somehow felt that Lucas was like an innocent boy.

Heather had seen too many flirty guys, so she was actually quite interested in naive guys. However, she was still in a complicated relationship with Matthias, so she couldn’t get involved with Lucas.

“Sorry, I’m not good at talking to ladies.” Lucas felt useless because he couldn’t help but to be nervous and tongue-tied when he spoke to Heather.

Heather smiled amiably. “You don’t have to be so nervous. You’re making me nervous too. Just ease up.” Heather could feel Lucas’s tension, and she didn’t know how to carry on with the conversation seeing him as such.

Nonetheless, Heather was surprised at how honest Lucas was. The more she talked with Lucas, the more she perceived him as a special man.

Deep down, Heather was thinking they might be able to start off as friends first because she was keen to befriend someone like him. She no longer held onto her belief that one shouldn’t be friends with their potential date. Anyway, Heather didn’t deem Lucas as her potential date yet at this point of time.

“I’m not nervous,” Lucas said instinctively, but he regretted it immediately because the atmosphere became even more awkward the moment he said that.

This guy’s EQ is indeed… Even Heather had no idea how she should respond to him. Lucas wore an apologetic expression and said, “I mean… the wedding went well today, and we’ve completed our tasks successfully.” Lucas started saying what he could think of as he panicked. Even he himself felt an immense awkwardness.

“It’s worth celebrating.” Following that, Heather lifted the wine glass on her right and winked at Lucas to lighten up the awkward atmosphere.

Lucas quickly lifted his wine glass too. He didn’t expect that Heather wouldn’t mind his awkwardness, and she even took the initiative to ease the tension. As such, he adored Heather even more.

“Yeah. It’s worth celebrating. Cheers.” Lucas clinked glasses with Heather and smiled brightly.

Heather found the contrast rather cute. Myra had once brought up Lucas to her, and he indeed had a mature appearance. When she saw how clumsy the mature man was in front of her, as if he was dating a woman for the first time, Heather couldn’t find it in herself to fault him.

Heather intended to be more patient with him. Even though Lucas was extremely untalented in carrying a conversation, Heather didn’t mind putting in more effort so that the conversation could be continued.

Both Lucas and Heather bottomed up and smiled at each other after putting down their glasses. Heather didn’t mind being friends with someone like Lucas, thinking they might be able to become close drinking pals, but at the same time, she was worried that Lucas would be attracted to her.

Fortunately, Lucas was sensible and did not express his feelings during the conversation. Hence, Heather decided to stop worrying and start off with Lucas as friends first.

Lucas knew he shouldn’t carry on like this, so he decided to talk about finance-related topics as Tony had given him a hint before this.

Lucas gradually directed the conversation toward some wider aspect, specifically regarding the business circles in Bradfort City, which made Heather loosen her tongue at once.


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