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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 596

After doing some shopping in the mall, they were able to feel how much better domestic malls were. The malls in Iceland had too few products, so they could only buy a few things.

Walking out of the mall, Matthias received a picture on Messenger from Nikolai. Upon seeing the picture, Matthias became enraged.

As it turned out, the stalker had followed them all the way to Iceland and uploaded a bunch of pictures of them being affectionate with each other. Once again, he and Heather were making headlines again. In an instant, Matthias replied to Nikolai, ‘Did you find out who tipped off the media?’ He told Nikolai to be more attentive, but he wasn’t sure if the latter had found anything yet.

‘I need one more day. I’m currently searching through the whole city.’ Previously, Nikolai didn’t quite understand why Matthias gave him this task, but after the headlines came out today, he finally understood. It looked like Matthias had already sensed that someone was following and taking pictures of them.

‘I’ll give you half a day.’ Matthias couldn’t wait another full day. They had to find out who was behind everything as this had gone too far now.

Looking at his phone, Nikolai reluctantly replied: ‘Okay.’ He was able to understand Matthias’ current feelings. Thus, it was better not to go against his will, or it might make him even more mad.

This operation had to be carried out in secret so that it wouldn’t create any new problems. Therefore, Nikolai had to do it all himself. It was a lot of work just having to search through everything. After receiving Matthias’ instructions, he could only work at a faster pace. It’s going to be a sleepless night tonight, he thought.

Meanwhile, it was rare for Heather to see Matthias on his phone for so long in front of her. When she leaned in closer out of curiosity, he immediately closed his Messenger app.

His behavior made her even more curious. She then complained, “What are you hiding from me?”

“It’s nothing.” He shook his head adamantly, for he certainly couldn’t admit it at this moment. However, her gaze was extremely piercing.

“Your eyes are lying to me.” She could tell that he was lying to her at a glance. He’s definitely hiding something from me.

“What on earth is it that you can’t tell me?” she asked once more. His attitude was making her extremely unsatisfied. He shouldn’t do this. I can’t believe he’s hiding a secret.

“It’s nothing.” Matthias didn’t want to tell her about it. She already had a lot of troubles at the moment, so he couldn’t let her get mad over something like this.

However, he completely forgot that this was originally her plan. Even if she found out about it, she wouldn’t get mad.

Opening the car door, she stepped out and said, “If you want to keep hiding it from me, then we could just split ways now.”

Matthias wasn’t expecting that response from her. Looking at her dumbfoundedly, he simply handed his phone over. “If you want to know, take a look for yourself.”

It was possible that this would go on in the future, and he didn’t dare to keep it hidden from her. Without taking his phone, she sat back inside the car and said to him, “Just tell me if you have anything to say. I don’t want to look at your phone.”

She was truly hard to please. After that, he told her everything Nikolai had told him earlier. By the end of it, she didn’t have much of a reaction.

“I already expected that. It was part of my plan, so why would I be mad?” She downplayed the situation. It didn’t bother her at all. So what if the entire Bradfort City knew about her ambiguous relationship with Matthias?

“What do you plan to do next?” He was, indeed, very curious about her next course of action.

“We’ll have to play by ear. What else could we do?” She no longer blamed him, but she just couldn’t understand why he would hide something like that from her. Her mentality was not that weak.

This matter was put on hold for the time being. They still didn’t know that, back home, Myra had also seen the news, and so did Tony.

Myra and Tony had mixed reactions. Tony did not want to see Heather and Matthias together, and he even wondered whether they had another motive for being together.

After all, he had someone look into Matthias before and realized that there were too many questionable points about him. Matthias was a very scheming person, so it was puzzling the way he was written in the news.

It worried Tony the most that Matthias’ final goal could be Myra. He didn’t want Matthias and Myra to ever meet.

Surprisingly, it was suddenly reported that Heather and Matthias were together now. Tony remembered the last time at the hot spring resort when they were practically at each other’s throats, and now, they were being intimate in public. He thought, The world is moving too quickly. Anything could happen.

On the other hand, Myra was surprised that Matthias didn’t resent Heather. How did he end up with her? This is too insane. In comparison, Myra didn’t really resent Heather as much anymore. She took into consideration all the things Heather had done for her over the years. It was just hard for her to accept earlier that she had been deceived.

Her thoughts were a jumbled mess now; she didn’t know how to describe her chaotic mind. While she thought of the good things about Heather, she also couldn’t forgive Heather for deceiving her.

Seeing Heather’s gentle appearance in the newspaper and how she was out with Matthias without any makeup on, Myra figured that Heather really didn’t notice someone secretly taking pictures of her.

Even though Heather always had a smile on her face, the weight she carried between her brows never disappeared. Myra didn’t know what Heather was burdened with; she even wondered if it was because of herself.


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