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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 597

In the below freezing temperature at night, Heather was sleeping in a separate bed as Matthias in a standard room they had booked. Matthias didn’t dare to act rashly this time around and maintained a distance from her. She had given him a slight warning during the day, so he knew how far to go.

Because Iceland had an abundance of geothermal energy, the temperature inside the hotel was ideal, and Heather soon fell asleep. On the other hand, Matthias was still unable to fall asleep. Looking at Heather, who was a short distance away, he let out a satisfied smile.

The way she looked while she was asleep looked extremely harmless. She had lost the aggression she normally had, and her sleeping posture was also more carefree.

Occasionally, she would knit her brows together. He didn’t know what she was dreaming about, but it didn’t seem like a pleasant dream. At the thought of driving in the car with her during the day, and how they even fought over a map, he realized that he liked this feeling that they were not that different from a couple now.

He didn’t know how long this would go on for, but he knew that once they returned to the country, they wouldn’t be flirting with each other like this anymore. They had work to attend to back home and couldn’t do as they pleased like they did in Iceland.

He noticed that, despite having a heavy weight on her mind, she was still all smiles. She was smiling a lot more than when she did in Bradfort City, as if being in Bradfort City stripped away the most basic part of being human.

Perhaps because Matthias’s gaze was too piercing, Heather suddenly opened her eyes in the middle of her sleep, and the two ended up looking at each other. She blinked at him while he smiled awkwardly back at her. Since she had suddenly woken up from her sleep, this scene felt a little horrific.

“Morning.” She was befuddled from being in such a deep sleep that she thought it was already morning.

Matthias chuckled. She’s too adorable! Earlier, he had been worried about clearing the awkwardness, but her abrupt remark got rid of it in an instant.

“It’s 2.00AM,” he replied softly. A frown appeared on her forehead as she took a look at the time on her phone.

It’s still so early. Closing her eyes again, she decided to go back to sleep. She was in such a daze that she thought it was already 8.00AM or 9.00AM.

He wanted to talk to her a bit more, but she was sound asleep again. I guess she truly tired herself out during the day.

She still looked alert in the Jeep, but as soon as they arrived at the hotel, she became listless. No matter how good her physical condition was, she wouldn’t be able to withstand this sort of torment.

As time went on, he wasn’t able to stay up any longer either. Yawning, he thought, I should probably go to sleep now. While he was asleep, Heather suddenly opened her eyes and looked in his direction. When she woke up earlier, she had actually lost her desire for sleep.

Now, he was asleep, but she was awake. It wasn’t easy trying to fall back to sleep quietly. She remembered that she went to bed at 9.00PM and had slept for five hours before waking up. It was an awkward time, and it was also still nighttime.

When she looked at the time again, it was only 2.30AM. Gripping the phone in her hand, she considered ways to fall back asleep.

She didn’t have any entertainment apps on her phone, so it wouldn’t be possible for her to play some games even if she wanted to or listen to music.

Since she knew what she needed, she only had business apps and work apps on her phone. At this hour, however, all these apps were useless to her. She didn’t want to read the news either.

Being in this foreign country, she wanted to be at her most relaxed state. Putting her phone aside, she knew that Myra wouldn’t message her anymore, so the Messenger app had also become meaningless and dull.

She had set a special alert tone for Leon so that in the future, she would see his messages as soon as possible. This honor used to be given to Myra.

I wonder how things are going with Leon back home. I should message him. Opening her Messenger, however, she didn’t see any messages from him. It seems like he hasn’t found anything yet.

She wasn’t in the mood to message him anymore. Even though she wanted to get out of bed, she was worried that it would wake Matthias up, so she continued to stay in bed.

Time was ticking by. She could feel the time slowly pass by, and soon, it was 3.30AM. Finally, she was able to feel slightly sleepy. But when she closed her eyes, the time when Myra scolded her rushed into her mind.

From start to end, she couldn’t dismiss it from her mind. She thought about it for a long time, but she still couldn’t look past it. Despite telling herself not to think about it anymore, her mind wouldn’t listen.

By the time she fell asleep, it was already 4.00AM. This time, both of them slept for a long time. It was already 10.00AM when Matthias woke up, and she was still sound asleep.

He looked at her oddly. She’s been sleeping for too long! It’s been more than 12 hours. He contemplated whether he should wake her up since it wasn’t healthy to sleep for so long.

According to scientific research, people were more susceptible to death from sleeping for too long rather than too little. It was clear that sleeping for too long was harmful to the body.

Getting out of bed, he walked over to Heather and reached out to touch her cheek. The fine and delicate touch made it hard for him to move his hand away. Before he could tell her to wake up, she was awoken by his touch.

Hence, he quickly pulled his hand back, whereupon Heather squinted her eyes like an elegant-looking cat. Seeing the guilty look on his face, she had to hold back her laughter. It looked like he already knew that his action had invaded her personal space.

“Director Locke, I didn’t know you liked doing these subtle acts,” she mocked. He was truly such a handful that it left her at a loss for what to do.


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