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Nothing Matters, except YOU & Me novel Chapter 598

The crisp sound made from Heather’s steps on the permafrost echoed. As she looked into the distance, she couldn’t see much on the other side of the river. Since Matthias didn’t continue on the conversation, they simply just let it slide.

Rumors had it that he was good at fighting. She was eager to see his prowess in martial arts but she forgot one thing—she was a girl. There was no chance he would ever fight her; even if he did, he wouldn’t be using his full strength.

On the other side, Bradfort City was in chaos. It was so much more peaceful where he and Heather were. The commotion was mainly caused by the constant attacks from Locke Group toward Hart Group that hadn’t ceased, even with Matthias away.

Ever since Locke Group started provoking Hart Group, the two companies could not be in the same city anymore. To make things worse, Tony hadn’t gone easy on the Locke Group.

To be frank, Matthias was still more or less affected by the ongoing tension back in Bradfort as Nikolai would sometimes send some work-related documents to him. After all, a big company like Locke Group needed a leader, especially now when Hart Group was trying so hard to kick them out of the city. Nonetheless, Matthias didn’t regret provoking Tony as the competition between them was inevitable. In fact, Matthias was glad to have a rival!

“People say that those who have witnessed the aurora will be blissful,” Heather said with a smile as she recalled the saying. Since young, she hadn’t had the luxury to enjoy a blissful life. Because of that, she wanted more. She wanted a life so full that everyone would be jealous of her.

As if she hadn’t been tainted by society, her eyes sparkled brightly. Because of that, Matthias tried his best to suppress his urge to pull her into an embrace. “I’ll try my best to give you the blissful life you long for,” he promised.

Heather took a glance at Matthias as she tried to form a response but to no avail. Many have told her similar things, but would he stay true to his words? Not to mention, feelings weren’t forever. They might persist for a year, or two… Perhaps even three or five. And then? Such feelings would slowly fade one day. What mattered most was to cherish the little things in our daily life.

“I always had a thought when I was younger,” she blurted suddenly as she recalled the past.

He kept quiet and listened attentively to what she was about to say, fearing that he might miss a word. She continued, “I want to own a castle and be a princess for my whole life.”

Upon hearing that, he thought that it was cute that she had such thoughts. Hence, a chuckle escaped his lips. Right that instant, Heather glared at him. “Don’t laugh at me.”

It seemed like she had misunderstood, so he quickly explained, “I wasn’t laughing at you. I just think that you are very cute.”

Not only did his explanation not earn him forgiveness from her, the frown on her forehead deepened after she heard what he said. “I don’t like being called cute,” she said from the bottom of her heart. She didn’t like that adjective to the extent that she hated it.

“What I meant was, you were cute when you were young,” he hastily explained. It seemed that anything he said now could be wrong.

“I just told you that I don’t like the word ‘cute’.” Heather gave him a cold gaze, she couldn’t understand why he kept mentioning the word ‘cute’. That was how different the nature of men was from women; even the way they cared as well as their line of thoughts were different.

“Okay,” he said helplessly. Needless to say, Heather was a stubborn person; she just had to get her point across even in trivial things such as this.

Taking a step closer to him, she stared brazenly into his eyes and saw a trace of helplessness. It seemed that he had compromised rather forcefully. However, his eyes changed in a split second. With a gaze, she saw a tender look in his eyes along with a tinge of anxiousness.

“Haven’t you always fought back whenever you don’t agree with me? Why did you surrender this time?” She teased him.

He seemed a little displeased after hearing her mentioning the word ‘surrender’ as it made him sound like he was subservient. Seeing how unhappy he was, she realized she was indeed a little too harsh and rude with him.

“Why won’t you just let me off?” After the fleeting trace of unhappiness, he went back to his normal self again.

“Do you feel bored and aggrieved when you’re with me?” she asked all of a sudden. With her bad temper, it must not be easy for him to stay with her for so long.

“Nevermind, don’t answer that. I don’t want to hear neither the lie nor the truth,” she capriciously added. To be honest, he was dying to roll his eyes at her at that moment.

“You’re so hard to understand.” It was true that he could never predict what stunt she would pull the next second. She wasn’t like the mainstream majority of people; her actions were always unexpected.

Heather didn’t continue the conversation and simply started walking forward without saying a word. Hence, he followed suit. Having gotten used to such antics of hers, he didn’t comment any further.


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