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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 26

Jaxon's POV

"Mom, it's been two weeks since she disappeared. I'm losing it." I say, throwing my whole body weight on the couch in my mother's office.

I've been a wreck.

I hid it well but I'm a wreck. I need to see Hailey, smell her but even the dorm room she slept in was cleaned so well that all I can smell is heavy cleaning products. Probably to cover up her scent, as if she was never there but she was. I know it.

"I'm sorry son. There's nothing I can do right now. If she was one of us, one of our own, I'd have a search party looking everywhere for her. All we can do now is let the police do their job." My mom tells me.

"There must be something I can do." I say.

"You can take your friends and go sniffing around. Hopefully some part of her calls out to you, but don't hold out hope." She says.

I sit up, trying to understand my mother's words.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"I mean, this is wolf territory. If she is out there on her own, I doubt she's even alive right now." I hear her say.

"I would feel it. I would've felt it." I say

"Honey, you need to mark her to be connected to her and you didn't get there." She says.

"I was just trying to get her to trust me! What was I supposed to do? Just introduce myself and then bite her neck?" I ask out of frustration and guilt.

If I had marked her, nobody here would've touched her. She would have had my scent all over her and that would've kept her safe, at least from the wolves in pack.

I have zero control over the lone wolves that live outside our territory. They have been exiled for whatever reason and forced to live on their own, finding ways to survive. They generally wouldn't get in to much trouble for killing a human but Hailey isn't just some human.

She's my mate.

"I know that. I know you didn't want to scare her away but there's just some things that are beyond our control." She tries to calm me down but my wolf won't calm down.

"That's it. I'm taking my friends and we are searching the pack lands and border until we find something." I say as I get to my feet.

"That won't be necessary son." My father says, walking in followed by Theodore, Hailey's biological father.

I sit back down.

"Theodore here has your missing student and he has a few things to say to us." My dad tells my mom and I stay to hear him out.

I look over to Theodore, he looked calm and collected which would mean Hailey is alive and well.

"Hailey is not human." Theo starts to say.

I knew that already.

"She shifted in to a werewolf two weeks ago. I have taken the two weeks to train her and teach her our ways so she can be better equipped for this world. I would take her back to my pack but she insists on finishing her final year of school here so I'm asking you to allow her to finish her studies and we will be gone after that. I promise not to start any troubles." Theo tells us.

She shifted! This is great news right?

I smile, relief flowing through my veins at the thought of my mate in wolf form. She was indeed safe.

She was alive.


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