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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 4

I could not sleep.

I kept tossing and turning, checking my phone for new updates on my social demise but nothing.

Hoping and wishing for someone to at least take my side on things but nothing, not one person thought it would be a nice thing to do, no. I was being crucified for something I did not do.

Jaxon should be the one getting all the blame. Azuri and I are just the victims here! She fell for the school bad boy and I'm just the girl in his sights. He's playing all of us but sure, blame the new girl.

It was only 5am and my alarm won't ring for another 2hours but I decide to make my bed and shower, I can try keep myself busy by straightening my unruly hair after my shower since it's got to be in a ponytail and I never got to wash it since the yogurt incident.

My phone pings as I'm getting dressed and I quickly open the app to see if there's any changes.

In chatpax is Jaxon's response to all of this.

'Stop this. We all know I'm the one to blame here, so stop bullying Hailey because I wanted to be around her. Azuri is not my girlfriend and never was, nothing was wrecked. Azuri knows it but chooses to deny it, for reasons I don't know. I don't want to hear anyone call her a wrecker today, zero gossip about her and no bullying on Azuri's behalf. Let the new girl settle in before villainizing her.' Jaxon said on text.

I had to read it over and over again. He said he'd fix this and here it is, not sure if it will fix anything but if anyone was confused about their relationship, they can have clarity now. Jaxon, probably the school's hottest boy just confessed he was single.

The short giddy girl barges in to my room again.

"Oh my god! Boundaries!" I shout out loud and she just rolls her eyes at me.

Sitting on my bed, she whips out her phone and starts reading Jaxon's message on the app.

I stay quiet, pretending not to care as I fix my hair.

"So now you're going from wrecker to his new fresh meat because people think that's why he's so into you. He has been with other girls while doing whatever he and Azuri were doing and now, you." She says, this time, I was rolling my eyes.

"First of all, could you stop walking in to my room like you own it? And secondly, have manners. Introduce yourself before making yourself comfortable on a stranger's bed!" I say, pulling her off of my bed and using my hand to fix the crease on the duvet cover where she was just sitting.

"Oh my bad! I forgot about that, I'm sorry. My name is Rebecca and I stay like four doors down from you. The other girls are either too scared to talk to you in fear of social suicide because queen Azuri will annihilate anyone that befriends you or they are envious of Jaxon's clear interest in you but not me. I couldn't care about either, I'm in to girls anyway." Rebecca tells me.

Wow what a mouthful.

"I don't care for friends, I just hope this text will have people off my back. That's all I want, to attend school, graduate and go to college not to play social hierarchy on a pyramid scale based on relationships and stepping on toes. It's better if people stay away, I'm a loner anyway." I say before applying mascara. I finish applying and get to packing the books I'll need for today.

"Whoa, you're the emo kind?" Rebecca asks and I scoff.

"I have too much to deal with, not sure if I fit in to any box because I just said I'm not interested in playing the social status game but sure, if my lack of interest in making friends makes me an emo, by all means, put me in a box. Now, can you get out?" I ask and Rebecca chuckles.

"I like you! Anyway, you might not want my opinion but I'll give it to you anyway. If anything, this message from Jaxon made things worse, people might not bully you or call you names out loud, but they will still despise you because of who is in your corner. You're the new girl who has Jaxon Gellar defending her, making you instantly popular and at the top. Something everyone here could not achieve in a day, so sharpen your knives naive little Hailey. Don't say I did not warn you..." She says before walking out.

I huff out loud as I throw myself on my perfectly made queen size bed.


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