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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 8

Hailey's POV

We arrive at my father's big old mansion which looks worn down and under kept. What were they using my money for?

There was a lot of cars parked around the house, some familiar and some not. Jaxon goes to the door to knock but I beat him to it and open it, walking in to the house I once called a home before my parents split.

We were happy once, just us three and nothing else to worry about but my father happened to get greedy and almost cost my mother her business no thanks to his lifestyle.

She left him, breaking up the perfect family I had in my head. My mother tried to explain to me why she left my father but I spent my days just showing her how angry I was at her and my dad enjoyed it. He relished in seeing her so miserable because her little girl hated her.

When I became a teenager, my father's habits showed themselves fast and I couldn't hide behind the dream of the happy family. I had to be the adult and baby my father, my own dad.

In this very house, I cooked for him and cleaned for him because he couldn't afford to hire anyone anymore. All the girlfriends he had wouldn't last three months because he couldn't keep up with the lifestyle. I would use my own allowance to pay for the cleaning company and the gardening services until my mom found out and took me away from my dad but that would only make me worse.

I'd sneak out to visit him and make sure he is taking care of himself.

That was until he met his now wife. The woman who quickly revealed the evil side of my father and used him to get a hand in to my inheritance.

Now he was dead, she had no other card to play as I'll be put in the system and my inheritance put away until I'm 18. What will she do then?

"Oh Hailey, I'm so glad you could make it." Evil stepmother says as she pulls me in for a hug.

"Hug me back stupid! People are watching." She whisper yells in my ear but I push her away from me.

"I want you to stay far away from me. I'm just here to bury my father." I say before walking away from her as people watch.

I couldn't care.

They all knew or had an idea of what my dad and this woman did to me and they didn't do anything about it.

I see my father's friend and possibly his lawyer David in the kitchen and I grab a bar stool to sit next to him.

"So, did he leave her the house?" I ask.

"Hello to you too Hailey and no. She only agreed to a prenup because he promised to take care of her no matter what. The house and everything in it, is yours." David says to me and I smile.

"Is he in debt?" I ask and he shakes his head no.

"Your grandmother paid it all off. She wouldn't come here of course because she disowned him but she asked me to ask you to visit her. There are some things she would like to talk to you about." He says before handing me a piece of paper and walking away, whiskey in hand.

I open the envelope to see bank statements of my father, which were on zero. The prenuptial agreement and a letter from my grandmother.

I decide not to read it now but after the funeral. I just have to get through all of this, with Cruella.

Speaking of Cruella....


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