~~~A fool who lose tomorrow reaching back for yesterday. I won't turn my head in sorrow if you should go away. I'll stand here and remember just how good it's been. And I know I'll never love this way again.
I know I'll never love this way again so I keep holding on before the good is gone~~~
-Regine Velasquez-
"Where are we going, mom?" I asked my mom for the third time, but once again I didn't get an answer.
She kept pulling me into the living room and what surprised me was that she didn't stop there until we reached the garage where Dad and Dale seemed to be waiting for us.
"Wait! What is this? Where are we going?" I asked confused when Dad opened the door for us while Dale took the driver's seat. "Mom, what is this?" I'm on the verge of tears, but still, none of them has opened their mouths to give an answer.
I breathed loudly and noticed that Dale was kept on checking me on the rearview mirror. I asked him a silent question through my eyes but he just gave me a slight smile.
I really wanted to cry, to protest and tell them to at least talk to me as they started ignoring me since yesterday when mom found out the truth. And when she woke me up this morning, she just told me to change because we're going to visit her and dad's friend. But seeing how serious they are right now inside the car, I can feel that something wrong is going to happen.
I closed my eyes and leaned against my seat. Nobody speaks even uttering a single word and I admit, the silence inside the car is more deafening than the loud music at the bar during that night.
And before I dozed off, someone opened the radio and I sighed... I was wrong. It's not the radio, but a disc that plays old country music. I forgot that this is my dad's car and of course, expect to hear all the old songs of his age.
After almost 20 minutes of travel to I don't know where, we finally came to stop. But I couldn't help furrowing my eyebrows as soon as I got out of the car. We are in front of an exclusive restaurant in which I thought of meeting my parents' friend. And again, I wanted to ask mom but I held back since I knew she and dad were ignoring me. I just swallowed my question and followed them as they entered the restaurant.
Little did I know that this day would be the beginning of my lifelong consequences... the consequences of what I've done. My life would change and will start to experience a hell of a roller coaster upon my journey.
And that change began the moment we entered the exclusive reservation room where my jaws dropped to the floor as my eyes widened in surprise. Luke's family, including their lawyer Mr. Raymond Clark and our family lawyer Mr. Stephen Chang, were all seated on the long rectangular wooden table.
My heart began to beat faster. Why did I suddenly felt nervous upon seeing Luke's parents?
"W-What is this?" I asked in no particular. My eyes were moving around in search of a certain someone since I noticed that he isn't there.
But before anyone from the group could open their mouths, my question was followed by another question from behind me.
"What is going on here?"
I turned around slowly just to find the person my eyes had been searching for, Luke. He's standing in all his glory with the same reaction as me.
"Can anyone tell me what's going on here? Mom, is this the lunch meeting you mentioned earlier when you called me?"
I held my breath when he glanced at my direction. His eyes immediately showed disgust especially when he scanned my dress. This suddenly made me conscious of what I'm wearing. I simply checked my outfit but instantly uttered a silent curse as I realized that I'm only wearing a spaghetti strap sundress which ended two inches above my knee. My cleavage flaunts from my low sweet neckline and my legs were almost in full display.
I tried to pull down the hem of my dress but it didn't lessen the disgust in his face, it added instead. He sneered and he followed it by shaking his head.
"Alright, since we're already completed, maybe you two can join us now so we can start this family meeting while having our lunch."
I was about to throw a question, but Luke beat me.
"Family meeting? What are you talking about, dad?" He said looking at the old Williams while I remained motionless a meter away from him.
I took another glance at the table and then at him and it was only then that I realized that only the two of us were left alone standing while our family already took their seats.
"We will start discussing it once you two also take a seat." My Dad said seriously.
I took the vacant chair next to Dale and he took the one which was exactly in front of me.
My mind was still in turmoil as they began with the discussion. Honestly, I don't know and I don't care what the result of this boring and lifeless meeting will be... well, not until one of them uttered the word 'marriage'.
We all turned to the man across my seat when he dropped his spoon loudly, which caught everyone's attention.
"I won't marry her!" Luke hardly said looking straight at me.
But because I wasn't listening to them as they talked, I looked like a 10-year-old kid who had no idea what was going on around me.
"You have no choice, son, it's the best way to protect our business." Mr. James Williams, Luke's father threw him a hard glare.
"And it's also the best way to save our family's reputation." Lilian, his mother sounded worried, maybe for his son's reaction.
But my family has remained silent.
"Wait! I don't understand how marrying Samantha would save our family's reputation. Are we indebted to them?"
"Luke---" but Lilian was interrupted when my father finally spoke.
"Yes, but it's only you who are indebted to us, especially to my daughter."
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