~~~Well, here we are again. I guess it must be fate. We've tried it on our own, but deep inside we've known we'd be back to set things straight. After all the stops and starts, we keep coming back to these two hearts. Two angels who've been rescued from the fall. After all that we've been through, it all comes down to me and you. I guess it's meant to be, forever you and me, after all~~~
-Cher and Peter Cetera-
I immediately turned the swivel chair in the door's direction when I heard Dana's voice.
"Yes?" I asked as soon as she came into my sight.
She has her phone in her hand and covering it with her other hand... which got me confused.
"What is that?" I asked again and she gave me a mischievous smile before opening her mouth.
"Luke is asking if they can have an outdoor business meeting here this afternoon? " She replied barely a whisper that made my frown deeper.
I stared at her, blinking my eyes for a few seconds not knowing what my reaction would be... if I was going to laugh at her, laugh at her question or kick her ass out of the mini-office.
"Why are you asking me, I mean, why do you have to ask me?"
"Because you are a co-owner of this shop." She shrugged.
"What?" I can't believe what she had just said. "My goodness, Dana! You're also a co-owner so why do you still have to ask me? Besides, what if they want to have a business meeting here or whatever meeting is that---just say yes! Tell them it's okay---"
"Ohh... if that is so, then tell him it's okay with you." She interrupted me and in an instant, the phone she was holding was already in my hand.
"What am I going to do with this?" My eyes were round like saucers as I started whispering and she giggled at me.
"Uhm... talk to him and tell him you will get ready for their meeting." She whispered back with a wink.
"But why do I need to be the one talking to him? Why not you?"
"And why not?" she raised an eyebrow, crossing her hands over her chest. "As you can see, I'm very busy assisting our customers outside while you're only doing reports here, so yeah, it would be better if you're the one to talk to him." She smirked.
My face twitched in a bit of annoyance, confusion, and a feeling I couldn't explain suddenly crept into my stomach.
"What makes it different if you talk to him instead of me? It will just take a few minutes." I insisted again.
"Oh, you're right!" Her eyes lit up as she laughed. "What makes it different if you talk to him instead of me when it will just take a few of 'your' minutes?" She just repeated my question emphasizing the word your'. "Besides, you are his ex-wife so you know him better than I do." She winked.
"Huh---?" But she has already opened the door and rushed out leaving it with a slight bang before I could even form a word. "Haist! You bitch!"
I just formed my hand into a hardball before taking a deep breath and promised myself to get revenge on her after the call.
"Hello, Dana, are you still there?"
"Hi, Luke, it's me." I tried to make my voice sound confident, but deep inside my ribcage, my heart started pounding faster than usual.
"Oh---hi, Sam," I heard the sound of surprise in his voice.
Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes tightly and started telling him the opposite of what happened.
"Yeah, hi, uhm... Dana wants to apologize because she's busy at the counter and couldn't talk to you, so she hurriedly handed me the phone." I bit my lower lip, waiting for his reaction.
"Ohh... it's fine, she doesn't need to apologize."
My eyebrow suddenly knew its way up as I suddenly heard the excitement in his voice.
"Anyway, she said you were asking if you can hold a business meeting at the coffee shop?"
"Yes, if it's okay with you."
"Of course! Actually, you don't really have to ask, you can have a meeting here any time you want but..." I paused as an idea came to my mind.
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