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One More Chance novel Chapter 161

I couldn't help but laugh at Dana's cringe reaction.

"So you're disappointed because he didn't even want to touch you?" I asked, biting my lower lip.

"Yes, and he was so slow!"

"You're only dating for what, I mean, how long--- two weeks? And you already want to give your body and soul and everything to him?" Dana's eyes went wide.

"Because I love him but I don't know if he really feels the same and correction, we have been dating for three months, duh!"

"Jeez! Love cannot be measured by giving him your body or for how long you have been together!"

"Martha, you know what, to be honest, I admire him. I admire Toni for not touching you." I emphasized the word not with a smile as I suddenly remembered Luke with Toni. "That only means he truly loves you and by not touching you, he only shows how he cares for you. He respects you."

"That's right! And speaking of Toni, he's now walking back to our table with the widest grin in the world!"

We all stopped discussing Martha's complaint and looked at Toni who now has a plate of lemon slices in his hands.

"Girls, look who I bumped into on my way to the counter?"

"Who---" we haven't finished asking yet when he stepped aside and there behind him was Martin, standing and smiling. He has a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Martin!" My voice came a bit louder as I gulped and kicked Dana's feet lightly enough for her to get the message. -'Why is he here?'- I asked in my head.

"Oh, hi, Martin! You're here too!" Dana then spared me a quick glance.

"Yeah, I was waiting for someone, but I saw Toni and he asked me to come and say hello to you guys."

"Well, then, hello, Martin, since you said you're still waiting for whoever that someone is, why don't you join us for a while?"

-'Jeez!'- my inner mind's reaction when Martha invited the man to join us and worse, Toni agreed and asked him to sit down.

"Of course!"

I felt Dana's elbow on my side the moment Martin was seated in front of us.

"Whoa! Martin! The guy who your boyfriend is jealous of!" Dana whispered in my ear which made me close my eyes and sigh at the same time.

She's right. I'm glad I don't have to explain to her as she got the message on her own.

"Well, it's alright, he is still in Davao, so he won't know that Martin is here too." She continued to whisper which actually it can't be called a whisper because she was almost screaming near my ear due to the loud music.

"But you know we've already talked about it!"

"Yes, but having Martin in our group doesn't mean you're already doing something awful behind him. You are friends and you are just friends and it's not like you're cheating on him just because you're friends with Martin, duh!"

But then I chuckled when she rolled her eyes.

-'Well, she's right,'- I let out a sigh of relief.

I was about to say something but Martha stood up and suddenly took both Dana's hands and mine and dragged us onto the dance floor.

"Martha, you are already drunk, why don't you just stay in your seat?" Dana asked her worriedly, but the woman didn't listen to her.

"Come on, this is my party! A continuation of my birthday celebration yesterday, so let's dance to the wonderful music and drink after this!"

Since I haven't had alcohol for quite a while, I can now feel the slight numbness on my face and hands even though I only have four shots. But hey... I'm not drunk. I'm not yet drunk.

And yeah, since our minds and bodies had already been influenced by the fucking tequila, we slayed and rocked on the dance floor like there was no tomorrow and like it was the last. We could have actually turned the club upside down if it wasn't for Toni who came to get his girlfriend who was obviously drunk and swaying like a madman in the middle.

"Haist! You're such a killer mode, babe!"

We were all laughing as we followed the two back to our table. Martha kept complaining but Toni didn't let her back on the dance floor again.

"So, how are you and your boyfriend, Sam?"

Although I was a little surprised by the question, I turned to Martin with a smile and answered...

"We are fine," and I shrugged. "We are slowly filling the lost years with new memories."

We were left alone at the table as Dana and the others went to the restroom.

"Hmm... that's great to hear. I'm happy for you, Sam."

I felt the sincerity in his voice, so I returned it with a sincere smile.

"Thanks, Martin, how about you? I mean, how are you? The last time we met was at Dana and Caleb's wedding."

"Yeah, that was the last time we met and there were a lot of things that happened to me and in my life after that."

"What do you mean?" I asked, suddenly becoming confused.

"You see--- I'm getting married."

"Huh!" My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened in shock when he showed me his hand with an engagement ring on his ring finger. "Seriously?"


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