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One Night With My Alpha Professor novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31


I pushed the plate back with a satisfied sigh, my belly full of rich steak and the tang of gin and tonic. My gaze swept over to Edwin, who had finished eating as well and was now draining the last dregs of his whiskey

A blush instantly crept across my face. I quickly grabbed my bag, rifling around for some cash

Here,” I said, handing him the wad of bills. For tonight.” 

Edwin eyed the cash, then eyed me, and pursed his lips. It’s fine. I’m not taking your money.” 


“I said I’m not taking your money, Audrey.” 

My face turned an even deeper shade of crimson as I slipped the money back into my bag. Oh. WellThank you,I managed, standing. Now that a little time had passed, I realized that I had commandeered what was clearly meant to be a solitary night for the stern professor. I should head out.” 

Right. It’s getting late.” 

Before I could protest, Edwin was tossing a pile of his own cash onto the bar, standing, and grabbing his jacket

WaitI’m just walking home,” I said. You don’t have to-” 

Nonsense. I’m not letting a young lady walk home in the dark by herself.” 

Despite my urge to protest, Edwin’s voice brooked no argument; and besides, he was already headed for the door. Blushing, I had to break into a jog just to catch up with his long strides

By the time we stepped out into the chilly night air, it was nearly ten o’clock. The gin and tonic I had had gave me a bit of protection against the chill, although I still couldn’t help but clutch my jacket a bit tighter around my shoulders as we walked

We walked in silence for some time, passing by rows of closed stores and cafes. I always liked the downtown area near campus; there was always so much to do. Plenty of shopping options, places to grab good coffee, cheap restaurants, a movie theater, a few parks.

And I especially liked it at nightwhen the cobblestone streets were quiet and the streetlamps cast a gentle amber hue over everything

As we walked, our footsteps echoed on the sidewalk. My heels clicked alongside Edwin, causing him to cast a glance down at my feet

Don’t you get tired wearing heels all of the time?he asked

I shrugged and glanced down at my boots; they had a chunky heel and a slight platform, and I wore them constantly to give myself a bit of height. I was quite short, and given my status as a human, I needed to take every effort to make sure I was taken seriously. Being a bit taller helped

“I don’t mind,” I said

Edwin hummed to himself and looked away. We walked in silence for a few moments longer before my footsteps slowed; there, up ahead, was an antique shop that I liked to frequent. In the window was an extravagant vintage dress that I often ogled whenever I walked past, and tonight was no different

Without entirely meaning to, my feet slowed to a standstill in front of the shop window. I peered up at the tealength dress on the mannequin, taking in its delicate lace and silky fabric

Edwin, not noticing that I had stopped right away, wheeled around a few paces ahead and shot me a curious look


7:40 PM

Chapter 31

What’s that?” he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets

I shrugged and adjusted my bag on my shoulder. Nothing. I just always stop to admire this dress.”

Edwin cleared his throat and materialized at my side, his tall form practically dwarfing me in the window’s reflection. He leaned closer to get a better look and hummed to himself again. Hm. It’s an exquisite piece.”

I know, right?I replied. It was made by a French designer way back in the nineties. I love it.” 

Edwin scoffed. Way back in the nineties?he echoed incredulously. Was it really all that long ago to you?” 

I shot him a curious glance. Well, I meanI wasn’t born yet.” 

For a moment, shock drew across Edwin’s featuresquickly followed by an undeniable splash of redness across his cheeks. He quickly looked away, clearing his throat. Do you want the dress?”

His question made my own cheeks flush red, and I quickly turned on my heel and began making my way down the sidewalk again. It’s too expensive,I said, and besides, I don’t have anywhere to wear something that fancy.” 

Edwin said nothing. Although, when I glanced over my shoulder at him, I could see that he seemed to be deep in thought

Neither of us spoke for the rest of the walk. Soon, the brick facades and stripped roofs of campus came into view. The dorms were still lively, orange and yellow lights spilling out of the windows and onto the pavement

Edwin stopped a little ways away from the dorm, lingering in the shadows

I should leave you here,he said, peering warily up at the building

I opened my mouth to ask why, but then shut it again when I realized his implication; it was late, and we were both returning at the same time. People might get the wrong idea if they saw a student and his professor together like this

Right,” I said, adjusting my bag on my shoulder againa nervous tick at this point. WellGoodnight.” 

Goodnight, Audrey?” 

With that, I turned on my heel and strode away, worrying my lower lip between my teeth. I was certain that Edwin watched me the whole wayI didn’t look back, but I could feel his eyes on me

Once I returned to my room and pushed the door open, I was immediately met with the grinning faces of Avis and Tina. They were both waiting on my bed with a takeout pizza between them and dual looks of mischief on their faces.

What are you two doing in my room?I teased, hanging my bag on the hook and kicking my boots off

Perhaps a better question is: what were you doing with Professor Brooks just now?” 

Instantly, I felt my face burn so hot I thought it might melt right off. I quickly turned around and pretended to busy myself with something on my vanity. I’m not sure what you’re referring to.” 

Tina scoffed. Come on, Audrey. You don’t have to hide it from us.” 

Yeah,” Avis said, her mouth full of pizza. You can be honest. We won’t tell” 


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