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One Night With My Alpha Professor novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49
I collapsed into Edwin’s arms with a sob that shook my entire frame.
“There, there,” he murmured. Another sob quaked my body just at the sound of his voice and I pressed my tear-streaked face against his chest, inhaling the scent of his cologne. His strong arms enveloped me, one hand cradling the back of my head as he pulled me closer.
“E-Edwin… I thought…”
He didn’t respond-just gently held me, rocking me back and forth. I couldn’t decide whether to sob even harder or retreat into a ball of embarrassment at his doting.
This was a side of Edwin I had never seen before. The rough, assertive Alpha professor who controlled everything in his life with an iron fist was nowhere to be found. At that moment, he was warm, gentle… protective.
He rubbed soothing circles across my back as I cried, his lips brushing against the top of my head.
“Shh, it’s alright,” he murmured. “I’ve got you.”
I wasn’t quite sure how long we stood there like that, but eventually, my sobs quieted to soft hiccups. Edwin loosened his embrace just enough for me to tilt my head back and look up at him.
His gray eyes, normally so icy, were now filled with concern. His brow was furrowed and his lips were slightly parted.
It was only then that I realized just how close we were-so close that I could feel his breath fanning across my face, so close that I could practically sense his heart beating through his jacket.
My gaze flickered down to his lips for just a moment. They looked so soft, so inviting. Part of me wanted nothing more than to surge up onto my tiptoes and taste them. It had been so long since I had felt his lips on mine-far too long. Even now, announcement ceremony beginning, a part of me wanted nothing more than to collapse to the floor with him right here in this utility closet.
with the
Chapter 49
Edwin, however, didn’t move to kiss me. Instead, his thumb came up to brush away the tears that still stained my cheeks. “What happened?” he asked, his voice low and husky.
I opened my mouth to respond, but the words caught in my throat. Swallowing hard, I finally forced them out after a moment of hesitation. “Linda and her friends… they attacked me.
“What?” Edwin’s eyes widened, his arms tightening around me just a little bit more. “Where? When?”
“In the bathroom,” I explained, snilling. “Right before the ceremony. They took phone, smashed it…” I reached up, gingerly touching the spot on my temple where I could still feel the blood trickling down from hitting it on the tile floor. “And they locked me in this utility closet.”
A low, seemingly involuntary growl rumbled in Edwin’s throat at my words. He reached into the pocket of his trousers and pulled out a crisp white handkerchief. With a
surprising amount of tenderness, he dabbed at the cut on my head, not seeming to care that my blood was staining the fabric.
“Why would they do that?” he muttered, mostly to himself.
1 shook my head miserably. “Linda said… she said it was to get even. To keep me from making it to the next round of the fashion show.”
Edwin’s jaw clenched, his nostrils flaring. “That little b**h,” he snarled under his breath, causing my eyes to widen. Before I could say anything, he took my face in his broad hands and checked me over again. My cheeks reddened beneath his gaze, although I didn’t look away.
“Don’t you worry, Audrey. I’ll take care of this. Linda and her friends will face disciplinary action for what they’ve done.”
Relief washed over me at his gentle words, but it was quickly replaced with panic as I remembered what was happening in the auditorium. “The ceremony!” I gasped, jerking away from him. “I have to get there before it’s too late! If I miss it-”
“Go,” Edwin stated firmly, giving me a light shove toward the hallway. “Run, Audrey. Don’t let those horrible girls ruin this for you after all your hard work.”
I didn’t need to be told twice. Gasping for air, I took off down the hallway in a full sprint, the clicking of my heels echoing off of the walls. I could hear the vice dean’s
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Chapter 49
voice booming through the auditorium doors, announcing the teams as I drew closer.
“…Sarah Miller, Kelly Banks, and Emma Jamison, please come collect your badges.”
No, no, I couldn’t be too late! If I didn’t show up in time, then it wasn’t just me who was on the line-it would be my entire team who would be punished. After all of ou ard work, I couldn’t let that happen.
Somehow managing to put on an extra burst of speed, I burst through the auditorium doors with a bang. Hundreds of eyes swiveled in my direction, many widening in shock as I skidded to a halt in the doorway.
“And our final team,” the vice dean-Ms. Morrie-continued, her eyebrows raised as she watched me sta**er toward the stage. “If they would please come collect their badges… Audrey Thatcher, Tina Wilkins, Avis Crest, Gavin Young, and Betty Liu.”
Thank the Goddess.
A spattering of applause filled the room, and Ms. Morrie pursed her red-stained lips as I stumbled up onto the stage with shaky legs. “Miss Thatcher, you arrived just in time. Any later, and you would have been
ven Herrliked A ripple of soft giggles
and s
worked its way through the audience, but I barely heard it.
“Thank you,” I panted, hurrying to join my stunned-looking friends on the stage. Ms. Morrie handed each of us a badge-each one with a golden pair of sewing scissors emblazoned on the front.
“Audrey, where were you?” Tina hissed, catching my arm as we joined the other teams. “We thought-”
I quickly shook my head, my eyes darting across the auditorium-there, toward the back, I could see him. Edwin. He was standing near the doors, his hands shoved in his pockets and a slight smile tugging at his lips.
Goddess, how I wanted to run across the auditorium and kiss him right now.
“Let’s give a round of applause to all of our teams,” Ms. Morrie said, stepping back and gesturing to all ten teams who had been chosen. “You have all worked hard and yourselves worthy of moving on to the next round. Wear those badges with pride.”
1joined my friends with a grin stretched from ear to ear, although I could feel Linda’s eyes boring holes into the side of my head from where she stood on the stage amongst the teams. I met her gaze squarely for a moment, silently daring her to
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Chapter 49
else. She shifted from foot to foot and quickl
As the auditorium erupted into cheers and a felt Tina’s arm wrap around my shoulders, sa smile, Avis’s wide eyes.
“Are you alright?” Tina whispered, holding he
I lifted my fingers to my temple to feel a bit
But it did nothing to sway my smile-especia applause, I saw Edwin beaming up at me.
16:14 Sat, Sep 14 BBB.


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