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One Night With My Alpha Professor novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63
It was nearly midnight as I lay in my bed, tears silently streaming down my face. The events of the day kept replaying in my mind like a horrible movie I couldn’t turn off, and sleep eluded me. Linda’s cruel laughter, the snip of scissors, the feeling of being exposed and humiliated in front of everyone….
I shuddered, pulling my blanket tighter around me. It was like a nightmare. It certainly would have been easier if it had actually been one.
Suddenly, a soft knock on my door made me jump. I froze, wondering if I had imagined it at first, but then another knock came-slightly louder this time.
I hesitated, unsure of whether to answer or not. What if it was Linda and her friends again? But when another knock came, I quietly climbed out of bed and padded to the door to peer through the peephole.
I was met with a familiar face on the other end.
“Miss Thatcher?” Charles, Edwin’s assistant, called out. “Are you in there?”
I chewed my lip as I debated whether to open the door or pretend I was sleeping, but I knew that if Edwin had sent his Beta to come and talk to me, that I likely couldn’t refuse whatever it was.
Just.. just a moment, I finally said, wiping my mascara-streaked face and trying to smooth down my ruffled hair. I opened the door a c**k, peering out cautiously.
Charles met my gaze, his expression somber. “I apologize for the late hour, but I need you to come with me.”
“Come with you?” I repeated, confused. “Where? Why?”
“I can’t say much here,” Charles replied, glancing down the hallway. “But it’s important. If you wouldn’t mind, please get dressed and meet me outside in five minutes”
I bit my lip, considering “Is it about… what happened today?”
Charles nodded. “In a way, yes. I promise, it’s nothing bad. You’ll understand soon.”
After a moment, I nodded, “Okay. I’ll be right there.”
I quickly pulled my hair back into a bun, threw on some jeans and a sweater and cleaned the mascara from my face, then slipped out of my room, Charles was waiting by a sleek black car when I made my way outside, and he opened the door for me as I approached.
“Where are we going?” I asked as I got in.
“You’ll see,” was all he said as he started the engine and pulled away from the curb.
We drove in silence through the quiet streets of the city. I watched as familiar buildings gave way to the downtown area, then eventually to a more secluded spot by the river. Pulling into a spot, Charles parked the car and turned to me.
“He’s waiting for you over there,” he said, nodding toward a bench beneath a streetlight.
My heart s**ed a beat as I saw Edwin sitting there, his face hall hidden in shadow. I recognized him immediately-he was all wearing the red scarf 1 had made for him. I got out of the car on shaky legs and slowly approached him.
Rapid VP
Mon, Sep
Chapter 63
Edwin looked up as I neared, “Audrey,” he said softly. “Please, sit down.”
I lowered myself onto the bench, leaving a couple of feet between us-just in case anyone else was spying on us. I couldn’t handle it if more drama was stirred up.
“What’s all this about?” I asked, gesturing around us.
He sighed heavily. “I heard about what happened today. With Linda and her friends. His jaw clenched as though the thought physically pained him. “I’m so sorry, Audrey. What they did was inexcusable.”
I swallowed hard, fighting back a fresh wave of tears at the memory. “How did you find out?”
“Charles saw the aftermath,” Edwin explained. “He told me everything. I couldn’t just… I had to see you, to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m…” I started, then stopped. “I don’t know if I’m okay right now, if I’m being perfectly honest.”
Edwin nodded and met my gaze. There was a look of gentle understanding in his eyes that made my heart twist a little in my chest. “That’s perfectly normal, Audrey. What you went through was traumatic.”
We sat in silence for a moment after that, the only sound that of the gentle lapping of the river against the docks. I didn’t know what to say, or where to even start. But apparently I didn’t need to.
“I have something for you,” Edwin said suddenly, reaching for a bag at his feet. He handed it to me.
Curious, I peeked inside. My eyes widened as I realized what it was. Pulling out the soft white blouse, black skirt, and red cardigan, I breathed, “Edwin, this is…”
“The same outfit you were wearing today,” he finished for me. “I remembered exactly what it looked like, so I went and got you a new one to replace what was ruined. I hope it’s the right size.”
I stared first at the outfit and then at him, stunned by his thoughtfulness. “I… I don’t know what to say. Thank you. But how did you…?”
“I may have called in a few favors to get some stores to open late Edwin admitted with a small smile. “It was the least I could do.
I ran my hand over the soft fabric of the new blouse. “This is incredibly kind of you, Edwin. But you didn’t have to do this.”
“I wanted to,” he said firmly. “And I promise you, Audrey, Linda and her friends will receive the utmost punishment for their crimes. What she did was not only cruel but a violation of the law. She won’t get away with this.”
Despite my best efforts, a few tears escaped and rolled down my cheeks. Edwin noticed immediately and slipped a handkerchief out of his pocket, handing it to me. I took it gratefully and dabbed at my tears, although it did little to stop them from coming.
“Come here,” he murmured, closing the distance between us and pulling me close. For a moment, I stiffened-but then I couldn’t help myself. I ressed my head on his shoulder, allowing myself to be comforted by his arms, even if for only a few
“I feel so weak as a human,” I whispered. “They were so strong, and I couldn’t do anything to stop them. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened.”
Edwin’s arm tightened around me, and I thought I heard a low growl rumble in his chest. “Well… You’re safe now. And I swear to you, nothing like this will ever happen again”
21:11 Mon, Sep 16 B
Chapter 63
We stayed like that for a while, neither of us speaking. Finally, I pulled away, wiping my eyes. “Thank you, Edwin. For everything.”
“You don’t need to thank me
“What about the fashion show?” I asked, suddenly remembering that whole debacle. “What’s going to happen now?”
Edwin’s expression hardened at the mention of it. “I’m handling it. We’re reviewing all the scoring criteria and the judges” notes. Your win was fair and square, Audrey. We’ll prove that.”
I nodded, relief washing over me. But then I noticed a flicker of something in Edwin’s eyes. “There’s something else, isn’t there?” I murmured.
He hesitated before speaking, “We… we need to be careful from now on, Audrey. There are rumors circulating about us. About our… involvement.”
My stomach dropped. “You mean about New Year’s Eve
“Yes,” Edwin said quietly. “For both our sakes, we need to distance ourselves.”
I understood, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. Still, there was no arguing his logic. “Right,” I muttered, sitting up a bit straighter. Of course.”
“It’s for the best,” Edwin added. “We can’t give anyone any more reasons to question the legitimacy of your win.”
His words stung, even if they were true. I stood up, clutching the bag with my new clothes. “I should go. This was… Thank you, Edwin”
Edwin nodded. I turned to leave, seeing that Charles was still idling in the parking lot, likely waiting for me.
I only got a few steps away, though, before the sound of the midnight bells chiming through down suddenly pierced the silence. I froze, and a thought flashed through my mind-a brief image of our night together.
His warm hands roaming my body, his lips on mine… Our kiss just as the clock struck midnight and the new year came
I looked back at Edwin then, still sitting on the bench with his red scarf wrapped around his neck, and my heart pounded harder than ever in my chest.
“Edwin,” I said softly. “Do you… do you view what happened between us as a mistake?”
Edwin was silent for what felt like an eternity. I held my breath, waiting for his answer. He turned slowly, his eyes meeting mine, and I saw a surprising swirl of emotions in them-regret, longing, and something else I couldn’t quite put my finger
Finally, he spoke, and his voice was barely more than a whisper.



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