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One Night With My Alpha Professor novel Chapter 65

Chapter 65
My breath caught in my throat as I slowly approached the chair. Set up at a table beside it was a large lie detector machine, where a man in a suit was sitting. In front of the chair was a camera on a tripod.
“What… What is this?” I asked softly, hesitant to sit.
Mr. Lewis cleared his throat. “It’s alright, Miss Thatcher. If you may…
I sat down slowly, my eyes darting between Edwin, Mr. Lewis, and Ms. Morric. Edwin’s face was unreadable, but there was a hint of something in his eyes-concern, maybe? Or understanding? I couldn’t quite tell.
“I’m sure you saw the statements that came out this morning.” Ms. Morrie began.
I nodded stiffly, my eyes darting over to Edwin once more. “I… I have.”
“In light of that, we have come to a compromise regarding your situation. Mr. Lewis stated, gesturing to the man sitting behind the lie detector machine. “If you pass a lie detector test proving that you did not have any nefarious intent with the fashion show, you will be allowed to keep your internship.”
I blinked, processing his words. “Is that really necessary?”
Ms. Morrie stepped forward. “Given the circumstances, we believe it’s the fairest way to resolve this situation.”
“But doesn’t this feel a bit extreme?” I protested. “I’ve already explained everything. Professor Brooks and Claudia Klein have both advocated for me.”
Mr. Lewis sighed and looked over at Edwin. “Indeed they have. But Miss Thatcher, you must understand the position we’re in. The integrity of our institution is at stake. We need all the proof we can get if the school isn’t going to wind up in hot
“You do not need to consent, Miss Thatcher,” the lie detector technician stated in a gravelly voice. “The choice is yours.” Choice. This didn’t feel like much of a choice. I looked at Edwin, searching for some sort of guidance or any indication that he was on board with this. He remained silent but gave me an encouraging nod, his eyes softening slightly.
“Alright,” I finally said, taking a deep breath. “I’ll do it.
With that, the technician stepped forward to attach the sensors to me. As he worked, Mr. Lewis explained the process. “We will start with some basic questions to establish a baseline for your heart and breathing. Then we’ll move on to more specific questions about the fashion show and recent events.”
“Just breathe as you normally would, Miss Thatcher,” the technician stated.
I nodded, trying to remain calm despite the wires that were now attached to my chest, palms, and wrists. “And if I pass?” I asked. “What happens then?
“If you pass,” Ms. Morrie interjected, “all accusations will be dropped, and you will retain your internship.” She paused then, looking over at Edwin, who clenched his jaw tightly. “And Linda O’Malley will be investigated.”
“And if I don’t?” I asked, dreading the answer.
Chapter 65
Mr. Lewis’s expression hardened. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, Miss Thatcher. If you have been telling the truth along, then you have nothing to worry about.”
The technician finished setting up and gave Mr. Lewis a thumbs up as he took his seat again. The dean nodded and pulle seat up across from me, meanwhile, Ms. Morrie turned on the camera, the little red light flashing.
“Let’s begin,” Mr. Lewis said. “Please state your full name.”
“Audrey Marie Thatcher.”
“And your date of birth?”
“December 29th, 2004
I noticed Edwin’s eyebrows raise slightly at this in my periphery, but I didn’t have time to dwell on it as Mr. Lewis contin with more baseline questions.
“Are you currently a student at Grayspring Academy?”
“Do you understand why you’re here today?”
“Yes, because of the controversy surrounding the fashion show.
Mr. Lewis nodded, seemingly satisfied with the baseline. He leaned back, flipping to the next page in his notebook. “Now, let’s move on to more specific questions,” he said. I felt my heart rate s**e ever so slightly, but if it showed on the test, the technician didn’t react. “How did Professor Brooks come to be your model for the fashion show?”
I took a deep breath. “My original models canceled at the last minute due to strep throat. I was putting up flyers looking for a replacement, and Professor Brooks saw them and offered to help.”
“And you accepted his offer without hesitation?” Ms. Morrie asked.
I shook my head. “Not exactly. I was surprised and a bit hesitant at first. But I was desperate, and he fit the clothes, so I agreed.”
“Did you intend to rig the results of the fashion show by having Professor Brooks as your model?” Mr. Lewis asked.
“No, absolutely not,” I said firmly. “I even told him that I didn’t think we should do it since he owns Brooks Designs, and he assured me that he wasn’t one of the judges.
Mr. Lewis raised an eyebrow as waited for the technician’s response. The technician paused for a moment, reading the results, then stated, “She’s telling the truth”
“Very well. Was the cheerleading uniform design that won the previous competition truly your own work?” Mr. Lewis continued.
“Yes, it was,” I said, remembering Linda’s attempt to steal it with disdain I can show you my original sketches i
Mr. Lewis waved his hand. “That won’t be necessary. The machine indicates you’re telling the truth.”
I felt a wave of relief wash over nie. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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Chapter 65
But then Mr. Lewis cleared his throat, and I saw Edwin tense up slightly.
“There is one final question, Miss Thatcher,” Mr. Lewis said, his tone serious. “Are you having, or have you ever had, a romantic entanglement with Edwin Brooks?”
The question hit me like a punch to the gut. I froze, my heart racing. How could I answer this? If I told the truth, Edwin could lose his job. But if I lied….
“Miss Thatcher,” the technician prompted. “Please answer the question.”
“L… I don’t understand,” I stammered, my eyes darting to and from each individual in the room. “What does this have to do with the fashion show?”
Ms. Morrie leaned forward. “It’s relevant to establishing whether there was any impropriety in Professor Brooks” involvement with your project. Given the rumors, we felt it necessary to ask.”
I glanced at Edwin, expecting to see panic in his eyes. But to my surprise, he looked completely calm as he leaned against the dean’s desk with his arms folded across his chest. His composure somehow steadied me, and I took a deep breath.

“L”I began, choosing my words carefully. “I find Professor Brooks attractive, and I am attracted to him. If he weren’t my professor. I paused, glancing up at him and feeling my cheeks redden beneath his gaze. Then maybe I would be interested in pursuing something. But I have not acted on these feelings.”
I saw Edwin’s eyes widen slightly, but I pressed on, hoping my half-truth would be enough.
“Professor Brooks has always maintained a professional relationship with me,” I continued. “Any attraction I feel has remained one-sided and unexpressed.”
“So you’re saying that there has been no romantic involvement whatsoever other than a one-sided crush?” Mr. Lewis pressed.
I swallowed hard. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Edwin shift slightly on the corner of Mr. Lewis’s desk, his eyes boring holes into the side of my head. But somehow, despite myself, I maintained my composure. “That’s correct. Our relationship has been strictly professional.”
There was a long, tense silence as the machine processed my answer. I held my breath, acutely aware of every eye in the room on me-especially Edwin’s.
“Miss Thatcher,” the technician said, his voice neutral. “I need you to clarify something. When you say you are attracted to Alpha Brooks, can you elaborate on what you mean by that?”
I felt my face grow hot. “L… I mean, he’s an attractive man. I’m sure many female students find him appealing. But I’ve never acted on those feelings or let them interfere with our professional relationship.”
Liar, a little voice in the back of my mind hissed. But I had no choice. It was either this half-truth, or both of us could lose our positions here. I couldn’t risk that.
Mr. Lewis leaned back in his chair and regarded me down the length of his narrow nose. “And you’re certain there has been no inappropriate contact between you and Professor Brooks?” he asked.
I shook my head firmly, my breathing surprisingly calm. “No, sir. Nothing inappropriate has happened.”
There was another lengthy pause as the machine whirred, I felt like I might be sick, but I somehow managed to keep those feelings down. I was almost over… Just a little bit more…
Finally, the technician spoke. “The test indicates that Miss Thatcher…” He paused, checking his notes, and I felt like all the air
from my lungs.
“…s telling the truth.”


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