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One Night With My Alpha Professor novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70
I could hardly move, I just stood there, stunned, as I watched the convertible disappear down the coastal road. Was that really Edwin in that car with a beautiful woman beside him? It couldn’t be… could it?
“Audrey?” The sound of Tina’s voice snapped me out of my trance, and I turned to see her and the others all staring at me with concerned expressions on their faces. “What’s wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost or something.”
I shook my head as if to dispel my thoughts and forced a smile, returning to my friends. “It’s nothing.” I lied. “I just thought I saw. never mind. I must be seeing things.”
“Are you sure?” Betty asked, leaning forward to get a better look at me. “You’ve gone a bit pale.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I insisted as I sat back down on the blanket. “Must be the beer playing tricks on me.”
As I settled back around the warmth of the bonfire’s flames, Gavin eyed me suspiciously. “You know, if you’re not feeling well, we can call it a night.”
“No, really, I’m fine.” I said, perhaps a bit too forcefully. I picked up a piece of driftwood and tossed it into the fire, watching as the flames licked it up hungrily. My friends, somewhat unsatisfied, returned to their conversation.
For the rest of the night, though, I couldn’t get that convertible out of my mind. That familiar side profile, that shock of dark hair, those large arms.. Beside a beautiful woman with blonde hair poking out from beneath a silk scarf.
Edwin, on a vacation with his new girlfriend
What were the odds?
The next evening, we decided to hit up the local club for some drinks and dancing after another afternoon of laying on the beach. It was just Tina and I who were going out; the others decided to hang back and watch a movie. As we got ready in the cottage, Tina cornered me in the bathroom.
*So, are you going to talk to any guys tonight?” she asked as she applied her lipstick in the mirror.
I sighed as I poked at my sunburnt shoulder. “Tina, I told you-
“I know, I know,” she interrupted. “But hear me out. You don’t have to sleep with anyone. Just… flirt a little. Meet some new people. It might help take your mind off of you-know-who.”
I considered her words as I applied my own makeup. Maybe she was right. After all, Edwin had taken up so much space in my mind that I had actually imagined seeing him driving down the road yesterday,
Still, my gaze wandered to Gavin, who was sitting on the couch in the other room. Tina caught my gaze and nudged me with
her elbow.
“Or.. You could get drunk and come back here to Cavin
I winced visibly. “I think that ship has sailed.”
Tina huffed and returned her attention to the mirror. “You’re probably right. Still, don’t hold yourself back. Just try to be open to new experiences, you know?
Rapid VPN
Chapter 70
“Okay, okay.” I conceded. “I’ll try to be more… open.”
Tina beamed, meeting my gaze in the mirror. “That’s my girl! Now, let’s find you something hot to wear…”
An hour later, we were all dressed and ready. I had to admit, the tight black dress that Tina had lent me did look good, and the sunkissed glow across my nose and checks made me feel more confident.
The club was packed when Tina and arrived, the bass thumping so loud I could feel it in my chest. After getting our drinks, we made our way to the dance floor.
“Remember, Tina shouted over the music, “you’re just here to have fun! No overthinking!”
I nodded, taking a large sip of my c**il. The alcohol burned going down, but it helped calm my nerves.
After a few songs-and a couple more drinks-I found myself loosening up, swaying my hips to the beat. Tina excused herself to get another drink at the bar, and I stayed on the dancefloor, dancing alone. That was when I felt hands on my lower back. I turned to see a tall, muscular guy smiling down at me.
“Want to dance?” he shouted over the music
I hesitated for a moment, biting my lip, but then nodded and let him pull me closer. Was this what Tina was talking about when she told me to be more open? It was just a dance, right?
As we moved together, though, I couldn’t help but imagine Edwin in his place. Every time I closed my eyes, it was Edwin’s hands on me, Edwin’s body pressed against mine.
D**t, Audrey, I thought to myself despite my tipsy state. Pull it together!
I tried to push the thoughts of Edwin away, focusing instead on the present moment. The guy was attractive, with bright green eyes and a charming smile. Maybe this was what I needed to move on; a night dancing with a handsome guy who was actually my age and not my d**n professor.
I’m Jake,” he said, leaning down so I could hear him over the pounding music.
Audrey,” I replied.
We danced like that for a while, not speaking, just our bodies moving in sync. It felt good to be desired, to let go of my worries for a moment. But then Jake leaned down, his lips brushing my ear.
You know, I’ve always wanted to sleep with a human,” he whispered.
froze at his words, my stomach churning. Of course. He didn’t actually like me. I was just some exotic… conquest to him.
I… I need some air,” I stammered, pulling away from him and pushing through the crowd toward the exit.
Jutside, the cool night air hit my face, but it did little to calm the way that his words burned at the inside of my skull. Tears ricked at my eyes as I leaned against the wall of the club, taking deep breaths to steady myself.
I’ve always wanted to sleep with a human.”
ly hand went to my hair, where the silver streak would normally be. I hated this. Hated being human in a world of erewolves. When men seemed interested in me, it was only out of a fetish for seeing what humans were like in bed. And if didn’ dye my silver hair black, they’d probably just hate me outright.
ut not Edwin. He wasn’t like that. He liked me for, well.. me. Or so I thought.
Mon, Sep 15
Chapter 70
I wasn’t sure how long I stayed there, leaning against the wall, but eventually Tina found me. “Hey, what happened in there?”
asked, her heels clicking as she strode up to me
I shook my head, wiping away a stray tear in the hopes that she wouldn’t notice-she always did, though. “Nothing. Just… the
She sighed and pressed her drink into my hand. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
I shook my head and took a sip of the drink to steady myself. “No, it’s really fine. I think I’m going to go back inside and just dance. No more trying to meet guys tonight.”
Tina nodded. “Okay. But I’m keeping an eye on you, alright? And if anyone bothers you, just give me the signal and I’ll swoop in with a fake emergency.”
“Deal.” I said, handing her glass back to her,
Back inside, I made my way to the bar and ordered a shot. Then another. The alcohol burned going down, but it helped numb the n
I threw myself onto the dance floor after that, determined to just lose myself in the music. No more thinking about Edwin. no more worrying about being human. Just movement and sweat and alcohol numbing my senses.
As I danced. I felt hands on my hips again. Part of me wanted to pull away, assuming that it was that guy again, but the alcohol had dulled my inhibitions. Instead, I leaned back into the touch, grinding sensually against the stranger behind me.
His hands were strong confident. They moved over my body in a way that sent shivers down my spine. I found myself getting turned on, curiosity building about who this mystery man was. The scent of his cologne was familiar, stirring something in my memory. But I couldn’t quite place it in my current state.
Finally, when his hands dug into my waist, I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to see his face. I turned in his arms, squinting hrough the flashing lights to make out his features.
My heart stopped, and both of our eyes widened in unison.
t was Edwin


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