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Operation: Cobra Is Back novel Chapter 11

Duncan suddenly struck, which no one could have expected.

Bella looked at Duncan incredulously.

From her angle, she could see Duncan's profile with an innocent smile, but how could he be so ruthless when he fight against someone?

Dan also looked dumbfounded. It was only after the sharp pain in his head came that he suddenly came back to his senses.

While covering his head, he snarled with resentment, "Bastard, I... I'll kill you! Do you know who I am! How dare you hit me on the head! I'm going to rip you apart and throw you into the river ..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Duncan immediately raised his hand and slapped him directly on the face.


Accompanied by a scream of pain, a crunching sound broke forth and half of Dan's face puffed up, which was visible to the naked eye.

"Keep talking. I'll see what else you will talk next."

Looking at Dan, who was badly battered on the head and face, Duncan still kept a smile on his face.

After all, he had been in the mercenary world for many years in his previous life and had always acted decisively. How could he be a soft-hearted person?

Since he dared mess with him, he would have to pay some price.

But after all, he was in the H country where the rule of law prevailed, so he couldn't kill him directly and could only use some softer methods to punish him.

Indeed. From Duncan's point of view, breaking Dan's head and slapping him in the face was quite merciful.

It was then that Bella suddenly reacted and walked over quickly, "Duncan, forget it. Don't kill him."

"Bella, you slut. You always pretend to be dignified, but secretly, you've been fooling around. And now you abet your lover to beat me! I will avenge!"

Dan snapped fiercely. He couldn't defeat Duncan and could only vent his anger by harsh words.

Bella's face instantly turned livid for his slander.

Duncan didn't say a word and suddenly slapped him across the face again.


"Ow ..."

Dan howled again, and the other side of his face swelled up.

"How dare you say that?"

Duncan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Kill me if you've got the fucking balls!"

Being slapped twice, Dan's face was fully swollen like a balloon and a few teeth lost as a result. Probably his mother wouldn't recognize him if he walked out.

But he was still glaring at Duncan because he didn't believe he would dare kill him.

As long as he could get out of here today, he would come right back to get even with him.

"It looks like you are really not afraid of death!"

Duncan shook his head and suddenly kicked him off a distance.


Dan flew backward and smashed into the table behind him with a rumbling thud.

It was just a small commotion just now that attracted some watchers from the neighboring table.

But Duncan's kick had alerted everyone in the bar.

Everyone looked over here, and even the DJ stopped the beat.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Huh, isn't that Mr. Sharp? Who has the nerve to beat him up like that?"

"He's always on the rampage because of his friendship with the Triangle Gang. It seems like he's run into a tough guy today!"

"A good show is on the way!"

Nonstop whispers echoed in the bar, but still several guys who were friends to Dan ran up to help him up.

Bella's brow furrowed as she saw herself in the spotlight. She came over to Duncan, clench his arm, and said, "Duncan, forget it. He's got what he deserves. Stop fighting, okay?"


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