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Operation: Cobra Is Back novel Chapter 17

Having said that, the security guard simply ignored Duncan.

He turned around and said impatiently, "What are you still waiting for? Hurry up and take the patient to the hospital. If something happens, you'll be responsible!"

As he finished, the security guards didn't dare to delay, and they were about to help the old man who was lying on the ground.

Duncan watched with a frown on his face. He was not a doctor, but having practiced The Eternity Scroll, he was very sensitive to the scent of life.

Standing at a distance, he could already tell that the old man's breath was weak and that he would die at the slightest mistake. How dare these people to act recklessly!

Duncan didn't want to talk to them, so he punched the security chief in the face with a single blow.

Before the other men could react, Duncan had already moved again. He was as quick as a cheetah, and with a punch to his left and a kick to his side, he knocked the two men over.

The remaining man was dumbfounded and looked at Duncan, who was aggressive, stood still, and didn’t know what to do.

"If you don't want that old man to die here, don't cause me any trouble!"

Duncan gave him a cold stare, while the guard's body jolted with a penetrating chill.

How could this guy's eyes be so terrifying!

The scene changed in an instant, leaving everyone unable to react for a moment.

The girl who was still clinging to the old man's large hand noticed the movement and immediately turned her head with alert eyes.

"You, what are you trying to do!"

"Don't be afraid. I'm here to heal your grandfather!"

Duncan said to her with a smile.

"To heal my grandfather?"

The girl froze. She had just heard the conversation between the security chief and Duncan.

This guy had clearly said he wasn't a doctor. What would he do to heal Grandpa?

"Your grandfather is in shock and in a very dangerous condition. He won't make it to the hospital. If you don't believe me, I can turn around and leave right now."

Duncan sensed her wariness and couldn't help but speak up.

At these words, the girl became nervous and tears slipped down her cheeks again.

At this point, she had no choice but to ask Duncan for help, "If you can save my grandfather, the Brown family will reward you well!"

"The Brown family of JN City?"

Duncan's eyes twinkled as if he had thought of something.

But he didn't bother to say more now, and immediately went to the old man and knelt down in front of him, then helped him up carefully.

Having just stood far away, he could not see too clearly. After walking in at this point and taking a look, Duncan's brow couldn't help but furrow.

"How is my grandfather?"

The girl who called herself Gladys came forward and looked at Duncan with bewilderment.

"He's fine."

Duncan replied casually. Then, he reached out, gathered a trace of Spirit in his palm, and tapped it towards the old man's chest.


The old man spat out a mouthful of phlegm and coughed violently, and was on the verge of waking up.

The crowd was wide-eyed at the sight and exclaimed their disbelief.

"That young man's medical skills are amazing!"

"No. He saved this old man's life so easily. If my child was half as good as him, I would be gratified!"

"Did he just use Chinese medicine? Is Chinese medicine so miraculous?"


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