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Operation: Cobra Is Back novel Chapter 35

Within a very short moment, he had made his way to Duncan. He raised his fist high and smashed on Duncan's forehead.

Duncan was standing there as if he had been frozen. The reflection of the fist in his eyes is getting bigger and closer.

Those onlookers knew Nelson's strength more or less. They shook their heads and thought that Duncan would be screwed.

However, just as the idea came to their mind, a shocking thing happened.

When Nelson's fist was just five inches from Duncan's face, Duncan, who froze there, finally made his move. He reached out his thick palm in a flash and easily prevented Nelson's strong attack from hitting him.

"That's what you've got? Haven't you eaten?"

Duncan's lips moved and uttered those provocative words.

Nelson was surprised, he couldn't believe that the punch he waved out with full strength had been taken by Duncan so easily!


Unfortunately, Duncan didn't give Nelson any chance to finish that sentence. He raised his left hand and slapped heavily on Nelson's face.


The clear slapping sound was a warning to Nelson and all other onlookers.

Nelson was from the Wright family. He found it so hard to live with the shame.

"Damn you! I'll kill you!"

The burning pain on his face took Nelson back from the brief loss of consciousness. He rushed to Duncan again with a fierce look.


Duncan paused. He raised his hand and slapped the other side of Nelson's face suddenly and swiftly.

"Do that again and I'll rip your head off!"

Before Nelson groaned, Duncan squeezed those words out of his gritted teeth.

He grabbed Nelson with one hand and repeatedly slapped his face with the other hand.

The place was so quiet at that moment, and the sound of slapping echoed in the hall.

The onlookers were dumbfounded. They stared at the two people in the middle of the place. Never had they thought that things would turn out to be like this.

Despite Nelson's family background, he's also a Third Dan Black Belt!

He was famous for being good at combating before, but he turned out to be so weak when faced with Duncan today. He hadn't even found an opportunity to fight back.

Soon Nelson's cheeks were slapped swollen.

He kept spitting blood and mumbling, which made her look totally different from the smug man he had been just now.

He could've fallen to the ground if Duncan wasn't grabbing him,

Nelson's subordinates were shocked the most. They had been kicked and punched, feeling painful and sore all over their bodies, but that was way better than what Nelson was going through.

Nelson was angry when he was slapped at first. He still had the energy to curse.

But after Duncan slapped his face rapidly, he gave up on thinking about that because he just wanted Duncan could let him go as soon as possible.

This miserable scene stimulated some of the onlookers. A girl covered her eyes with her hands, trying not to watch the bloody scene.

"He's dead! Call the police, now!"

After a brief silence, they burst into an uproar.

A few rational people took out their phones and called the police. They were afraid that Nelson would really die here.

Just by then, Duncan unclenched his hand.


Nelson could no longer stand without support. He slumped on the cold ground, gasping.

Duncan grinned a shiny smile and uttered word by word coldly:


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