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Operation: Cobra Is Back novel Chapter 4

"You ... you ... yuk!"

Buck's face was at once blanched and livid and tears were streaming down it.

There was no way. It was just too stinky. He was crying from the fart he had let out.

His stomach roiled with nausea as if he was going to throw up at any moment.

"Mr. Clinton, please just go away. We're all going to die from your farts ..."

Someone shouted out loud.

Buck didn't expect that he would suddenly be like this. He tried to say something but a few loud farts followed, which made him sick to his stomach, and almost vomited.

He was going to be the first guy in the world to throw up from his own farts.

This made Buck afraid to stay any longer and he turned to rush out the door to find a toilet.

But he didn't know what was happening. It was like bad luck was stalking him. No sooner had he taken two steps than he fell and smashed his head against the wall with much blood on his face.

Buck almost wailed to the sky. What the fuck was going on!

Yet he farted two more times. The feeling of shitting got stronger and he was too scared to stay, so he climbed up and got out of there in a hurry, despite the pain.

Duncan's lips curled up in an odd smile as he watched Buck run out the door in a state of distress.

"This is just the beginning," He thought to himself. ‘We have plenty of time to play slowly!’

Yes, he was the one who played the trick.

The human body was very subtle, with hundreds of acupuncture points. The slightest tap on these points could produce all kinds of effects.

He had tapped Buck's acupuncture point and that was what caused him to fart constantly.

The others hurriedly opened the windows of the ward and managed to disperse the stench.

Alyssa was the only one in the room who noticed the odd smile on Duncan's face. Although she didn't know what was going on, her instincts told her that he had a lot to do with Buck being like that!

Perhaps seeing Duncan's oddity, Alyssa spoke up spontaneously.

"Duncan, you just said you could cure Grandpa's heart disease, didn't you?"

Duncan nodded instantly, "Yes, I do have a way. And I can make grandpa completely cured!"

When he finished, the crowd was stunned, and then everyone was pointing at Duncan.

"Duncan, how dare you brag like that? Even Mr. Hall found no methods, do you think you're a highly-skilled doctor?"

"That's right, even if there is magic, it's not as exaggerated as you say!"

"If you can cure grandpa, I'll be at your service all my life!"

The crowd mocked him wantonly. Obviously, they didn’t believe Duncan's words.

Duncan knew they didn't believe him, but ignored them. After all, his image as a loser was so deeply rooted that he could hardly change anyone's opinion of him in a short time.

But Duncan had no intention of changing. What did it matter to him what other people thought of him?

It was just that now it was about Grandpa's condition and Duncan didn't want to delay. Murderous intent surged out of him and pressed down on everyone's hearts like a mountain.

"I don't care if you believe me or not, but I'm going to cure grandpa today!"

"You're sick, aren't you? Is this a place where you can mess around? It's a great honor for you to come in. You really think you're a ..."

Corin Kent couldn't help but stand out and yell at Duncan.

Duncan suddenly gave him a stern look that made him stiffen.

What was with that look in his eyes? Why did he feel as if he was being watched by a fierce tiger? It was so terrifying!

Corin was so frightened that the words stuck in his throat.

"Duncan, I'll let you try, but don't blame me for disrespecting you if you mess up!"

At the critical moment, Donald stepped forward, while he looked at Duncan with mixed emotions in his eyes.


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