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Operation: Cobra Is Back novel Chapter 75

Just as Duncan finished speaking, Vivian's heart was in turmoil and she looked at Duncan with mixed emotions.

‘It's really true!’

Bonnie Morgan, on the other hand, smiled smugly and looked at Vivian with contempt. She only thought that Vivian was unwilling to admit to having such a vulgar boyfriend.

"Vivian, what’s wrong? It seems you are not unwilling to admit that, aren’t you?"

"No ... I ..."

Vivian was so distraught that she didn't know Duncan would talk nonsense, and for a moment, she didn't know how to explain.


Duncan let out a long sigh and said, "To be honest, Vivian actually is breaking up with me. You're her best friend, so help me persuade her. After all, a boyfriend as handsome and capable as me is not something you can find anywhere."

Duncan bragged, not blushing, and even complimented himself. 

"Handsome? Capable?"

Bonnie disdained in her heart. As far as Duncan was concerned, he was wearing cheap clothes, which were worth forty dollars at most. If he had the ability, how could he be dressed like this?

Of course, when she saw how poorly Vivian was doing, she felt even smugger, but still said enthusiastically, "Why did you break up? Tell me what's wrong, and I'll help you persuade Vivian!"

"Hey, it's hard to say."

Duncan pretended to sigh bitterly.

"That's okay. Let's go inside and talk while we eat. I'm having a meal with my boyfriend, and there's no one else!"

Without any further ado, Bonnie enthusiastically pulled Vivian inside and didn’t give her a chance to refuse.

"Really? That's really appreciated!"

Duncan said with a happy face, "I've heard that eating here is very expensive, so I can save a meal today and raise the money to play games!"

When she heard Duncan's words, Bonnie sneered in her heart and labeled Duncan as a "nerd" and "stingy".

"It's okay. My boyfriend won't care about this small amount of money."

Bonnie responded with a smile and quickly walked into a private room.

In Vivian’s heart, she didn't want to have any contact with Bonnie and wanted to leave before she even walked in.

At the critical moment, it was Duncan who came up to her and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "This woman has a problem with you, right? How dare she despise me? Wait and see how I'll rip them off!"

Hearing this, Vivian froze for a moment, then reacted and could not help but burst into laughter. She smiled so charmingly that it made people feel so pleasant in their hearts.

This caused Bonnie to turn her head and look at her like this, feeling a little jealous.

She was also a woman, but why did Vivian look so pretty, and outshine her?

"Okay, I know I'm wrong. Just forgive me this time, okay?"

Duncan, on the other hand, made a show of being obsequious, as if he was really apologizing to his angry girlfriend.

Vivian also came back to her senses and grunt lightly, acting as if she didn't want to talk to Duncan and walked to the private room angrily.

"Bonnie, what took you so long? Huh, these two are ..."

Inside the private room, there was a fat, bald man in his 30s or 40s sitting on a chair. As soon as he saw Duncan and the others come in, especially after seeing Vivian, his eyes immediately lit up.

He was really like a hungry wolf who saw meat and stared straight at Vivian fiercely.

"Honey, let me introduce you. This is my college classmate and best friend, Vivian. And this is her boyfriend, called Duncan."

Bonnie greeted the bald man and introduced him.


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