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Operation: Cobra Is Back novel Chapter 79

After returning to the company, Vivian refused the offer of having lunch with Duncan and went to do her own work.

Duncan returned to the security department with the expensive ingredients such as crabs, fish sauce, and two bottles of valuable Romanée-Conti.

This made the security guards very excited. They were a group of salary earners. They had never eaten such expensive things before, and their impression of Duncan increased rapidly.

Only Payne and some others in the corner were in a bad mood and looked at Duncan with unfriendly eyes.

Duncan noticed that and wondered if he had offended them.

But soon, he didn't take it to heart and started to busy with his own work.

When it was time to get off work, Duncan suddenly received a call from Alyssa Kent.

"Take me home today. Go to the parking lot to get the car. I'll come to you after I'm done."

Hearing this, Duncan thought of something, he smiled and said. "Okay!"

Then he took the car key and walked toward the parking lot.

As soon as he walked out of the office, Payne behind him sneered and dialed a number.

"Marvin, that guy seems to have gone to the parking lot... Okay, Marvin, stop him first. We'll go there now!"

With a crack,

Payne hung up the phone and looked at the five people around him.


The six of them left the office silently and chased after Duncan.

"Boy, don't you expect that we would meet so soon?"

As soon as Duncan arrived at the entrance of the parking lot, Marvin swaggered and stared at Duncan unkindly, blocking his way.

Not until he saw Marvin did Duncan know why those people in the security room had evil intentions toward him.

However, he was not anxious. He had a thought of teasing them. He said with an affected smile. "Isn't this Marvin? What are you coming for?"

Marvin stopped at a distance of Duncan and sneered. "You little bastard. How dare you ruin my plan? Now you even want to ask me the reason."

Duncan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked knowingly, "Marvin, what are you talking about? When did I ruin your plan?"

Marvin sneered and said, "Boy, do you think you can just pretend to be stupid and muddle through?"

"Marvin, don't misunderstand me."

Duncan acted like an Oscar winner that he looked so sincerely and said. "I don't understand at all."

"Bastard, let's see how long you can pretend!"

Duncan's continuous pretending to be stupid made Marvin a little annoyed. He clapped his hands with a gloomy face.

Crack, Crack, Crack!

As the applause sound, several strong men in security uniforms rushed out from the hidden place.

After a while, six security guards quickly stood behind Marvin.

"Marvin, what do you want to do?"

Duncan glanced at the surveillance camera not far away from him from the corner of his eye and pretended to be frightened. "There are still cameras here. Don't mess around!"


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