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Operation: Cobra Is Back novel Chapter 82

When Duncan arrived at home, the manor of Whitehill Villa Village was in a mess.

This was because this afternoon, Edward had suddenly passed out while exercising!

At this moment, a group of people have gathered around the bedside. Edward is lying on the bed. His old face is very pale and his breathing is very weak. He is likely to die at any time!

"Aren't you known as the masters of the Doctors? Why can't you do anything at this time?"

A furious roar came out. It was Bruno in a military uniform!

"Mr. Brown, you should know that Edward's illness is very complicated. In fact, it is beyond the scope of medicine!"

"Yes, Edward suddenly fell ill. We really can't do anything about it."

"In my opinion, in this case, we can only send him to the hospital. Maybe they can cure Edward."

The three doctors stood in front of Bruno with full of guilt.

They were all the leading figures in the field. But at the critical moment, they had to ask for help. This was really a great shame for them!


Bruno couldn't help cursing and he was so angry.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?"

Gladys, who had received the news, hurried over and strode to the bedside. When she saw Edward's pale face, she suddenly looked worried on the spot!

Soon Gladys immediately turned around and said anxiously, "Why are you still standing there? Think of a way!"

She was so anxious.

Tab gave a wry smile. "Miss Brown, Edward's spirit is very weak now, and his blood is flowing backward. We can't do anything about it..."

"Aren't there any ways?"

Bruno's eyes were full of tears. Seeing that his father was seriously ill, he instantly aged a few years.

"Yes, I still have this!"

At the critical moment, Gladys suddenly thought of the elixir that Duncan gave her. She hurriedly took it out and was about to give it to Edward.

"What is this?"

Tab frowned and stepped forward to ask.

"This is the elixir that Duncan gave me. He said it could save my grandfather's life at a critical moment!"

"That young man gave it to you?"

Tab frowned and said, "No, Edward's condition is very serious now. He can't eat randomly. If his condition worsens, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Do you have any better ideas now?"

Gladys was angry and she asked loudly.

When these words came out, the three doctors, including Tab, were speechless.

Bruno's eyes turned cold. Thinking of the background of Duncan that he investigated, he made a prompt decision and said, "Gladys, give it to your grandfather! We have no other choice but to give it a try now."

"No, Mr. Brown, if something goes wrong..."

There were others who came forward to stop him.

"If there's something wrong, I'll take responsibility. You don't have to take the blame!"

Bruno's eyes turned cold, saying with the power of a military major general.

The crowd didn't dare to say anything else and could only stand aside with their mouths shut.

Gladys was trembling and taking out the elixir. Suddenly, a strong smell of medicine spread out, which shocked the people around.

"Grandpa, you must be fine!"


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